Ugggh! My new counselor recommended that I apply to a certain McDonald’s for a job. This particular McDonald’s hires older people…..just like me. Yadda yadda. I snarled at her: I graduated Summa Cum Laude…….with a 4.0 GPA why would I work in McDonalds?
Then she insisted on slamming the “codependent” crap down my throat AFTER I told her……I abhor the word and want no parts of that backward, misleading label!
She’s severely overweight….married to a man twice her age……Liberty University graduate. She talks about herself much of the time during our sessions. Two words for Miss Liberty University: YOU’RE FIRED!
WTF is wrong with people? If this is what we call a “counselor” we are in deep shit!!!!!!
Do I look like some old bag that should be working at McDonald’s?