Home discussions Moving Day for Ex-SAH

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    So, after living in a hotel for the last year and a half, ex has finally purchased a place to live (and in true SA style, a half-million dollar condo on the lake–perfect for putting up the “I’m a successful, good guy front”). He has known a move was coming for the last year and a half. His closing date was initially to be this Thursday. Didn’t call a mover until last Friday. Closing got bumped to Friday, changed the movers until Monday. He hasn’t packed one fucking box!!!

    I am so tired of his disordered brain. I can’t stand it. He is a pack-rat. He has shit everywhere in the house that we still own together. He keeps saying, “Well, whatever I don’t get packed, I can just move myself. How long is this motherfucker going to prolong this!?! Pack your fucking stuff and move the hell on… I just don’t know how this guy even gets dressed in the morning without putting his pants on backwards. He struggles to get anything accomplished. It’s painful, was painful to watch for 27 years. I would just sit back and watch the shit-show and laugh to myself if it weren’t for the fact that, until he gets his belongings out of here, I cannot get this house ready and up for sale. There is so much to be done, because I guess when you’re busy hitting up bar whores, prostitutes, strippers and having a 3 1/2 year affair with a morbidly obese woman, you don’t really think about all that needs to be done to keep up a household. Asshole…

    The good news is, few weeks ago, I found a perfect little condo and decided to go ahead and put an offer in. The offer was accepted and I am due to close at the end of February. I just got tired of looking at everything that needed to be done and having ex say that he would have it taken care of and turn around and do nothing for the last year and a half. I just can’t look at it any longer. I just want him to get all of his shit out, fix the house, sell it and move on. These fuckers find glory in prolonging everything…

    I can’t stand the way they operate. They are so stuck in their own disordered brain they are incapable of understanding how their actions affect others.

    Sorry for all of the f-bombs 😉

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