What is this? Counselor Melissa Wood married a man my age! It’s ok to fuck and marry men twice your age……but when it comes to women the same exact age- they get treated like social discards? Doddering old fools that should work at McDonald’s? Is Melissa Wood just another useful idiot for the misogyny that runs through society?
I see it all the time in Walmart…. an old fuck with a young tootsie on his arm. So it’s ok for men get old…….but not women? Who made that rule up?
The stereotype of the old cougar will not work for me. I do not want to be with someone half my age. That would be embarrassing and humiliating.
Why would a young woman want to be hooked up with an old geezer? When I was a young woman….older men were not at all attractive to me. Biology dictates that his dick is heading south and he probably has a string of adult kids who will not have much respect for a young tootsie. The only logical reasons I can come up with is that the young tootsie has daddy issues and she’s after his resources.
My son and I had a discussion on the fact that someday I would like to date. He asked me not to be a “cougar”- that would embarrass him. I asked him why it was ok for his father (Dancing Dick) to be a cougar…..but not me? He replied: Because he’s a fuck up with no dignity……you’re not!