Home discussions Triangulation with my son,,,HELP

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    Dancing Dick is paying for my son to visit him and his new janitor bride in Indiana …in March. My son asked me “What do I tell the janitor if she asks me about what happened in the marriage?” I was horrified. I told my son -NOTHING! You tell the janitor nothing about me or my life. She has no right to know anything about my life!!!

    I shouted at my son: You can tell the janitor that my father jacked off at a 15 year old girl when my mother was 7 months pregnant. My father beat my mother black and blue when she confronted him about the hundreds of dollars worth of dial – a- porn bills my father was racking up….when there wasn’t enough money to buy me diapers when I was a toddler. You can tell the janitor that my father lied to, deceived and cheated on my mother. You can tell the janitor that my father sent the neighbor 42 unwanted, lewd texts, and plastered dick pics all over hook up sites. My father jerked off at porn/webcam hoes every chance he got….for years….behind my mother’s back. You can tell the janitor that my father gave my mother chlamydia and venereal warts! My mother had enough and threw him out. That’s what you tell the fucking janitor!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I’m sick in my stomach that the Dancing Dick is going to host a “happy family” time with MY kids….and his janitor wife. I don’t want to know anything about his life….all I care about is my fucking alimony.

    My son is the only link I have to DD. He’s 30 years old. He’s not a child so I do not have to “co parent” with the pervert or his janitor. I feel like asking my son to leave- to go back to IN and live with his father and the janitor. I do not get a sense of loyalty from my son. I do not get a sense of support from my son. I don’t want to lose him….but I cannot and will not tolerate triangulation or betrayal of my privacy.

    I don’t know if I can deal with him going to IN- then coming back here. Please help. I am sick in my stomach- for the ten thousandth time. When will this end….I can’t deal with anymore pain or betrayal. Especially not from my son. My daughter has already taken Dancing Dick’s side.

    I got into a fight with my son tonight….warning him that if he discusses anything about my life to DD or the janitor…I will ask him to leave. I do not want this triangulation in my life.

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