Home discussions I was stressed????

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    OMG! My son Richard just returned from his trip from Indianapolis to meet his new stepmother- Janitor woman. He told me Dancing Dick (his father- the SA) half halfheartedly apologized to him. DD said “I did some bad things…..because I was stressed.” OMG!

    Anyway, my son Richard told me that Janitor bride seemed “slow”….kind of dull witted and plain. Same for her 20 year old daughter. WTF? So DD found himself a pair of “slow, “plain women (both mother and daughter). And the house they live in (her home)….is dumpier than my little beach condo! WTF? In a bad neighborhood……loaded with crime and traffic. WTF?????? My son says “Dad’s life is pitiful.”

    My daughter Kate in Montana…refused to fly out to meet her new Janitor stepmother for the “new family get together.” She thinks the whole thing ( lightening fast wedding to a barely known janitor woman)….is bizarre and she wants no part of it.

    My son was able to hit DD up for $4,000 toward a new car and DD is taking out a life insurance policy …with me as beneficiary. What’s going on here? DD is behaving in an “almost human” fashion.

    Is this the justice I cried out for after d-day? A perverted, deceptive poorly aged man with a slow, plain wife….living in a dump in a crime infested neighborhood in downtown Indianapolis….unbelievable! Nothing to be envious of there. In fact, I feel sorry for the Janitor and her daughter. They have no idea who they invited into their lives.

    Meh is on the doorstep knocking for me! Karma took care of the justice. Thank you all for standing by me through this horrible journey.

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