Home discussions Double betrayal!

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    Evening sisters

    I have been trying so hard to recover from the maggot and the skank. A double betrayal is some days just so difficult to deal with.

    My situation is so much harder because we live in the same town and the skank works in the same place as me.

    Anyway I have been thinking all day about how to look at this situation differently so that I can get on with my life and be happy.

    So what im thinking is that it is better that they are together because they are both shits. If the maggot got together with a partner who was totally naïve I would be concerned for the woman because he would have found another victim to terrorise! They can now terrorise each other

    The maggot and skank deserve each other. From what I know about the pair of them they are as awful as each other!

    House prices in the UK have slumped badly because of Brexit. We had to drop our house price a lot to be able to sell it. I know that before I found out about the skank she was thinking of moving. I know how much she bought her house for 5 years ago so if she tries to sell it now she will not make a profit and may in fact make a loss. That really does cheer up and put a big smile on my face.

    I have also been trying to think about how I can stop bumping into her. I normally see her in the car park at work. It pisses me off that I have to think about parking somewhere else so that I dont see her. Anyway I have found a road to park in outside the hospital so that I dont keep seeing her. This makes me laugh because the road ive found parking spaces in is the road where the maggot was going to buy his new house. Apparently he cant afford the house anymore so he isn’t buying it. It has now been sold to someone else!

    Seriously trying to deal with this shit and get over it is so difficult. I just think that I cant recover properly because I keep bumping into the pair of them.

    Anyway thanks for reading my ramblings and if anyone has any ideas about how I can recover I would be happy to hear it!

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