Home discussions Dallas SA bust

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    My heart hurts for the victims and also for the wives of these men.

    The trail of destruction these men leave behind is appalling. Recently I started chatting with a man – testing the waters of the dating game…. Well tonight I found out that he co-teaches Sunday school with one of the men arrested. In our back and forth text conversation about the arrest my skin just crawled. It triggered me and I got very passionate very quickly about how his church intends to respond.

    Church planned response: sweep it under the rug and make an elder available in a separate room if anyone wants to discuss. What the actual fuck. Condemn the mans actions! Distance your church body from his behavior, evaluate current practices to ensure safety of children and reassure parishioners safety of kids is top priority, offer to support the wife and his grown children as they grapple with the discovery of truth about their husband/father.

    I told the fella I’m chatting with I don’t agree with his churches response. He changed the subject. Can we say RED flag alert?!? I won’t be continuing any conversation with this man.

    I literally want to go find this poor wife and scoop her up off the floor and bring her into our circle. I do not know her but tonight my heart is heavy and sad for her.

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