I’ve already contacted a lawyer and I was waiting to get my ducks in a row and after the holidays to serve him the papers. Today when I came home he kept asking me if I miss him. He told me he feels like I’ve been avoiding him. Now he’s been sleeping in the basement for the last 6 weeks. 6 weeks ago I decided to end our physical relationship. I’ve been dropping hints to him like he should go do what makes him happy and be with whoever he wants , which he turned around and said I was telling him that because I want to be with other people which is not true at all.
Anyways I finally told him that I just can’t keep doing this , I cannot be with someone who keeps cheating on me and I’m just supposed to pretend like everything is fine. He told me he loves me more than anything and would die for me . Well if that was the case then why do you keep doing it, I asked. I asked him how many times did he think we could just hit the reset button and start over? I told him he already gave me an std , do I want to be sitting here in the exact same spot in 5 years with an std that cannot be cured , no I think not. Anyways around and around we went as he continued to lie. I asked him to come clean and tell me how long he’s been seeing the prostitute thats been messaging him since Jan and he says for the past 7 years !!! Wtf !! He claims he hasn’t seen her in 7 years . I said yea ok so you haven’t seen her in 7 years and she just keeps randomly messaging you? He says he wanted to see her over the summer but she declined. I’ve heard it all before. Now he’s sobbing in our basement . I honestly feel relieved that it’s out there now. I told him the last time that I would leave him, guess he thought I wouldn’t really do it.