Home discussions Stories Laya’s Story–Should I Force Him To Deal With His Past Trauma?

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    Here’s a story from our newest member, Laya:

    Dear JoAnn and Friends

    Thank you for being my daily dose of anti-crazy for the past 2 weeks. You have helped me to maintain my sanity, and for that, I am hugely grateful. I feel so lucky to have found this group of phenomenal ladies – you have all given me the strength to cope with this.

    Please forgive the length of my story – it’s just a wonderful feeling to be able to share this with (sadly) so many people who’ve been through various versions of the same thing. And I would like to tell you as much as I can, to get your advice on something (which I will ask at the end).

    The history:
    My husband and I have been together for 5 years and married for just under a year, and I love him very, very much. In addition to a potential sex addiction, our relationship hasn’t been easy. We live in a fairly traditional country with a history of racial inequalities, and with him and I coming from different racial, cultural and religious backgrounds, my extended family did not initially accept him. (I call it my Romeo and Juliette story – because I have the naivety of a 13 year old and his emotional maturity is nothing over 15 .) However, with the support of my parents and sister, things have gotten better. With regards to the addiction, over the past 18 months I have found many unsettling things on his computer (which I will describe a bit later). He has never actively disclosed any of these activities, and only admits to some of them after I have found evidence. During our first and only joint therapy session, the therapist alluded to him having a sex addiction / dependency, but he refuses to agree with that – he feels that he just has an increased libido.

    The things I know he’s done:

    It all started when I found sexually explicit conversations with an ex-girlfriend (- who was initially described by him to me as the love of his life). Following that, I had seen sexual conversations and naked pictures exchanged with a female friend (- who subsequently attended out wedding). I have also found evidence of cybersex and the exchange of explicit pictures with strangers; and some e-mail contact with a prostitute. And most recently, I found out that he has had “actual” sex with a 19 year old (- he’s 37).

    The things I suspect he’s done:

    I’ve found out that he’s lied to me a few times, mainly through omission, and I suspect that he’s lied to me / avoided the truth many, many more times. I do suspect “actual” sex with many women / prostitutes – and have no idea whether he used protection or not. A few weeks ago, I found my fairly unique name-surname combination being linked to an adult site, after he used my computer, (which is registered to my name) – it seems too connected for it to just be a co-incidence. I am starting my career in research and everything thus far linked to my name (through Google search), had been my publications. His response to this was: “It’s not such a big deal”. I’ve belabored this last point because, strangely, it pisses me off the most.

    The reasons why it took me so long to react – i.e. in my defense:

    My fragile self-esteem and need to rescue people makes me the perfect target / play-dough for any cluster B personality. I was convinced in our relationship that I really was very sensitive, did over-react and was somewhat paranoid. Also, with the guilt of my family situation, I allowed many criticisms, bad moods and temper tantrums. (I’m working on all my issues in therapy.) And the other factor was, whenever I confronted him with some evidence, he would do the whole shameful-injured-puppy routine, and I would fall for it / be irritated by it enough to do what I could to make it stop. For a few months, I even took on the classic co-dependent role, which included: sexy lingerie, increased sexual activities and even some involvement in the cybersex – though I did protect my identity.

    Please forgive my following judgmental rant and inexpert opinion: The good thing with being part of the cybersex stuff is that I got to see how sad and superficial the whole thing is, which makes me feel so much better about myself. It seems tragic that so many people around the world feel that they are “connecting” with each other through internet sex, when (in my opinion,) they’re just desperately trying to feel / experience something, which they probably never will.

    Where we are now:

    He says that he only had sex because I was distant and a “paranoid emotional vampire”. He’s promised to never have “actual” sex with anyone else (- he refuses to call it an affair -) but says that he might still have cybersex intermittently. He’s been for 4 sessions of therapy, but said it was too expensive and a waste of his time. He has very little family support, (as they live over-seas,) and feels that he doesn’t have many close friends. Therefore, I am his only support / available family / close friend. I have wonderful friends and family – I just don’t tell them the full story because they would never forgive him. I have been attending therapy for a year now with a somewhat over-protective, but nevertheless amazing psychologist. My STD tests thus far have been negative and I am awaiting the final results. Through much persistence, I have finally removed the smut associated with my name on the internet. I am (fortunately) financially independent and we (very fortunately) have no children. I have moved out into a place of my own and will probably, within the next year, file for a divorce.

    The good things that have come out from this:
    I am far stronger and more confident that I have ever been. My extended family has accepted someone into their lives, whom they normally would never have, because of their prejudices. Once the pain subsides, I will have wonderful memories or our times together. And I am just a spring-chicken, turning 30 this year – I know that I still have the best years of my life ahead.

    My question:

    After my very extensive reading (- books, articles and most of this site), I feel that I have a better insight into sex addiction than my husband does. I don’t know what childhood trauma caused him to develop these maladaptive coping skills, but I imagine it must have been significant. And so my question is: Should I try to force him to deal with all that past trauma in order to heal and live a fulfilling life, or should I just give up on this man, whom I truly love?

    Please help me answer that question, with the following in mind.

    He bought me a print a few months ago. It reads: “I wish my heart was bigger, so I could love you even more”.

    Thank you for listening,


    Hi laya,

    I’m so sorry that you have to endure the pain of loving a Sex Addict, but, from reading your story I can tell that you are very strong and well on your way toward healing.

    Unfortunately your husband does not seem ready to even admit his problem, let alone work on recovery. His print shows such a tiny bit of remorse, certainly not enough to be encouraged about. I know it touches your heart, but that tiny bit is no where near enough to carry him through the difficult tasks of recovery. Hoping that it will will only break your heart even more.

    As for your question, the answer is really quite simple. YOU cannot force, coerce or in any way direct him toward change. Only he can do that. I know your heart is in the right place, but trying to convince someone, especially an addict, to do something that is in their best interest when they are not ready is an exercise in futility.

    He will not make any effort to get better until and unless HE is ready. Don’t waste your precious energy and hope on that. Keep that energy and hope for yourself.

    You are in my thoughts and I will be sending you all of my best energy. Thanks for sharing your story.


    If I was making decisions based on if the SA made my heart go pitter pat or not…I would not be getting divorced. /but hence the pain and never ending pain in sight, I have decided to split.

    they all have this capability to hook us and some how keep us strung along with crumbs, how ever little or much they give us to string us along, its not enough. not that this print does not mean anything. but so many SA’s profess their love, and he does love you, but only the best he is able to. Which may include continued affaris and hook-ups with random women, continued omissions and deceptive behavior. Many find that this is not enough. Also the past is the best predictor of the future. Do you feel confident that he really has your best interest at heart? Because you are in his hands.

    If I were in your shoes, i would not be in a relationship with this man until he can prove to you he is a safe haven, in that he is in recovery and takes this addiction seriously. If he does not there is no stable ground for you with him. he has told you that he does not think he has a problem, that he will not sleep with anyone esle…but this would not be the first time an SA professed this. Also I am also worried that he has only admitted to what you know after prodding etc.

    And I posed this question to my SA. If he does not have an addiction then is he just a selfish jerk? think of it that way. You instead have someone who does not think of anyone else but himself. But my sa quickly jumped onboard then with the SA. But really i think he is a selfish jerk, unalbe to ever get past himself, and always plays the helpless victim.

    Glad that you have shared your story. We will help the best we can. Your sister for support. Hugs.


    Welcome Laya! I am so glad you found this site and it can be a lifeline for you as it had been with me! Thank you for sharing your story and my heart breaks for you. I congratulate You for having the courage to remove yourself from the household and take the time to figure out what’s best for YOU. It can be a really difficult decision to make, even with all the obvious evidence in your face. It doesn’t change the fact that he is your husband and you love him very much. Many of us do. I’m sure you want to fix this but it is simply something we cannot fix. That is up to them. Good luck with your situation and remain strong! In some ways you are way ahead of some of us in the progress you are making and for that, I admire you!


    Thank you all for your warmth, welcome, and again, support. I live in South Africa and have not been able to find any groups around here. It’s ironic that the main tool for my husband’s acting out (- the internet -) is now my main source of strength and comfort. I have accepted the intellectual reality of the situation, but am still struggling to deal with the emotional side. It helps to be part of The Sisterhood.


    Hi Laya,

    Thank you for sharing your story and welcome to S.O.S. Im sorry for all the pain you have recieved from your SA husband. Being married to an active (not in recovery) SA is painful and traumatizing over and over again. Its a painful life and really so not nescessary. I know you love him. Love has nothing to do with accepting his abusive and destructive behavior. Love wont save him only he can save himself and hes not even close. Please take time to think of you and what you need…that is what gets lost in all of this unfortunately and we can lose ourselves if we arent aware and protect ourselves. An active addict can destroy many aspects of their life…please dont let him distroy you and you security, finances, health ect…because they will. All the best and here for you, NAP


    Hi Laya,
    I understand what you’re saying about there not being groups around where you live. I am in England and SA does not seem to be as recognised and supported here as in the US. This site is a life-saver!
    Sorry for all the pain your SA has caused you. As you say, you are very young and have your whole life ahead of you. If he’s not serious about recovery nothing you do will make any difference. It has to come from him. If he doesn’t want to change, he won’t. You don’t want to look back in 20 years and feel you’ve wasted the best years of your life on someone who doesn’t put you first. You deserve better.

    Lots of love and hugs

    Busy bee


    Hi Laya,
    I understand what you’re saying about there not being groups around where you live. I am in England and SA does not seem to be as recognised and supported here as in the US. This site is a life-saver!
    Sorry for all the pain your SA has caused you. As you say, you are very young and have your whole life ahead of you. If he’s not serious about recovery nothing you do will make any difference. It has to come from him. If he doesn’t want to change, he won’t. You don’t want to look back in 20 years and feel you’ve wasted the best years of your life on someone who doesn’t put you first. You deserve better.

    Lots of love and hugs

    Busy bee


    Hi Busy bee,

    Just in response to there being very little support – it’s not just that there are no groups, but there also seems to be very little awareness about sex addiction. But what I have found helpful is that sex addiction is in some ways similar to other addictions. My therapist (purely coincidentally) had previously suffered from a drug addiction herself, and she therefore had a personal understanding of the addiction process. She was able to help me to understand and predict some of my husband’s behaviours, and helped me come to terms with the fact that there’s a lot more going on than I know about, but that it all has very little to do with me and our relationship.

    I don’t know much about your story, but I have read that you are in the early stages of counselling. So if you can’t find someone with a specific interest in sex addiction, some understanding of general addictions would be better than nothing.

    Thank you for your support. I hate that we all have to go through this, but the experiences that you and other amazing sisters on this site have gone through, give me the encouragement I need to get out of my destructive relationship, ASAP.

    Much love,

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