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    SA showed me a text from someone he said he didn’t know. It was a man named Robert. It started out as a ‘hi, how are you’. Red flag immediately because SA brought it to my attention the moment he received it. The long and short of it was Robert was telling him he had met him around May 21st (the weekend of my stepdaughters wedding…how and where I can’t imagine cause SA and I were attached at the hip all weekend) and that SA had told him he liked his smile and wanted him to talk dirty to him for masturbation and possibly more if Robert wanted.

    Upon my request, SA called him back on the speakerphone and told him he didn’t know him. Robert said ok no problem. I pursued it in the next few days by way of a phone call and texting back and forth with Robert. Robert eventually asked me if I wanted to know if SA was gay (I never asked that question) and he told me that he obviously was and that it’s really hard to find out that someone you care about is leading a life about which I know nothing about.

    SA claims (sounds like Congressman Weiner) that someone was playing a cruel joke on him and provided his name and number to this guy. I questioned that because this guy knew the correct spelling of SAs name and his cell # which SA changed about a year ago and supposedly only gives out to his circle of friends and business associates. SA said he was willing to take a lie detector test on this one, so I told him to go ahead and set one up. I don’t expect he will.

    I gave SA the benefit of doubt at first by asking Robert to describe him and where they supposedly met. Robert wouldn’t answer either question. Just apologized to me saying he didn’t want to hurt people, he was not gay and loved women, but he was not above accepting money for talking dirty to someone. I asked just how and when he was supposed to be paid for this and of course again he didn’t say.

    SA crossed all the boundaries I have set for myself. What this means for me is that I am leaving. BUT…I don’t want to…I can’t deal with it right now…and I’m doubting this guys story because he won’t identify and verify that this was really SA. Am I grasping at straws in the hope that what SA says is true. Am I being hoodwinked once again? Probably so. So Sisters…help me name it for what it is. I feel manipulated, weak and yes embarrased for even asking when I guess I probably already know the answer. I confided in my daughters about this one. They also question the validity of this Robert guy’s information.

    My Wyoming kids have been here all week, and I’ve been trying to push this to the background until they leave, but it’s getting to be too much. I told SA that I can’t be around him right now except that we have to work together. He is out of town this weekend pursuing his hobby of speedboat racing. He races high-performance boats – speeds up to 140mph – dangerous and adrenaline producing. I am crew chief, helping change out powerheads on the motors, making sure the boat is set up right, and I’m on the two-way radio with him whilst he is driving, coaching and making him aware of the other drivers and whats going on during a race. This info really has nothing to do with the matter at hand, but just illustrates that part of our life together, and I’m rambling because he hasn’t made a point of his usual calls to update me on the events. Arrgggh as if that really matters right now.

    My question I guess is, do I continue to pursue the truth of the matter, or accept it at face value.

    I’m seeing a new therapist for the first time this week, so hoping I can work through this with her.

    My brain is so rattled right now I need help trying to make sense out of this. Thanks.



    It is called deceit, betrayal, violation, dishonesty, vague, heartbreaking, mind boggling, despair, empty, re-interpertation, withholding, and derailing.

    I can only imagine what you are feeling, are your inners shaking, do you have a heavy sour pit in your stomach. The level of teamwork and trust that you function with him when you are helping with the speedboating. It defies everything that in the next instant he can be so betraying and cunning. I wish things were different for you.

    Regarding the homosexuality, all I can say is don’t be surprised. Everything in you wants to reject it, but it is a possibility, maybe even a probability. Unfortunately we cannot rule out anything with a SA – even defying gravity.


    Oh Lindy, I know exactly what you are going through. Seems like things go along great for a while then something like this makes us doubt them and us again. My SA got a phone call a little while back and answered it in front of me and told the guy No continuously to his requests and he actually told me about it when he got off the phone. Like you I was impressed that he discussed it but that starts all the emotions and second guessing going. I have no idea if he ever called that guy back and I’ve since forgotten about it until I read your post. Now there’s other boundary violations going on and it’s got me worked up. I hate this for you and for me. Especially after I had such a nice day yesterday with my new grandson. It’s like is this the price I pay for having one nice day to myself. hate it hate it hate it

    I think maybe you should ask him to leave for a little while and corespond with him through phone or email and tell him how you are feeling and that you may very well be calling it quits because you can’t stand the possibility of incidents like this happening over and over. I’m thinking of doing the same.

    Keep us posted. Love you …. (((HUGS)))


    Hi ms-lindy,
    I think the answer as to what to do is whatever allows you to respect yourself and feel true to your values, and that might be different for each one of us. If it were me in that scenario, the issue is “Is my husband telling the truth?” I wouldn’t care about anything that Robert guy said, he doesn’t owe you anything, he didn’t make a commitment to you. To find out if my husband was telling the truth, I would set up the lie detector test myself and tell him what time to be there, and go with him and sit in the waiting room. And then, if you determine that he is lying, follow through with whatever boundaries you have set. Of course, you know him, and if you are sure that he is lying without the benefit of a test, skip it, and go with your gut.
    Thinking of you and hoping for the best,


    Jeanette, you are exactly right about the trust when SA is racing. He puts his life in my hands every time, and trusts me to do the right thing. Flip side…I can’t do the same.
    cbs – I’m sorry, I get it when you have those good moments and then this frickin sexual addiction relationship takes away our joy. It SUCKS big time. SA and I run a business together so we have to interact with each other. It’s really difficult during times like this. I told him I needed distance, but realized we would have to conduct business. Hard separation there.

    Marie – I thought of doing that, but should I really be the one responsible seeking the truth? On one hand I want to know the absolute truth, but I feel as if I’m playing the game by seeking it out while he sits back and waits…I want responsibility from SA.
    I wish I could just turn off the feelings I have for him and get it over with. Keep telling myself daily I don’t care anymore. Just hoping my feelings catch up with my thoughts real soon.
    Thanks ladies.


    cbs, I read your post again, sorry I was so self- absorbed. Sounds like you’ve got more on your plate too. Thinking about you too.
    Love and hugs, Lindy


    Hi Ms Lindy,
    So sorry for your situation and the pain you are feeling. I have to agree with Jeannette’s post. I also agree your husband needs to leave as cbs suggests. If you want him to do a lie detector test, he can do it while he’s out, however, I know you work with him, so this makes things very complicated for you. I think this adds to your despair, plus, is he the kind of man who would leave if you asked? Mine wouldn’t and mine could get very scary so I don’t know if your h has any history of violence or aggressive behavior.

    I am no longer with my SA, its been 3 months today, and I can tell you in hindsight, I would leave. This is my opinion based on what I feel now and I tell you, after I am away from all that it entails, its so sick and distorted, it never ends, and all the lies and manipulation. Looking at it all now, it just seems like a huge ball of wax and I don’t miss it one bit. I wouldn’t give your h the benefit of the doubt based on past history.

    It’s always easier said than done. It’s a very sad and painful place to be and I hope you are doing okay. Please try to think clearly if you can because we start to minimize and rationalize what we know. The initial feeling you felt and the instinct response to leave are your true feelings and truth. Anything after that is rationalization and that’s a part of what keeps us hooked. This is your life Ms lindy, I can tell you are a very sweet and kind person and only you can decide. Please take good care and know I’m thinking of you.

    Love, napxxoo



    I didn’t think you were self absorbed at all. i feel for you too my sister. HUGS. cb



    The thing that has been nagging at me all night, is what keeps us or kept us connected to the hope.

    I think it is in your explanation of the speedboat experience. “He races high-performance boats – speeds up to 140mph – dangerous and adrenaline producing. I am crew chief, helping change out powerheads on the motors, making sure the boat is set up right, and I’m on the two-way radio with him whilst he is driving, coaching and making him aware of the other drivers and whats going on during a race.”

    You and even him, for a brief period of time, are functioning together as a team. Yes, he may have skill at driving, but if you did not do the things you do behind the scene, where would he be? Just a boat going fast in the water. You are watching out for him, you have his back, you are giving him the best information you have, you are helping him navigate his way through the race, you are changing out parts, there is not one area that you are not on his side. Every move you make is to help him be successful and he needs you, for him to succeed and be the best he can be. Rooting him on!

    If this was how our marriages functioned, imagine the love, kindness, fruitful, caring persons and worthwhile life we would be living. Being able to step out into the wonderful persons we are and have the knowledge that our spouses have our back and want us to succeed. To me, those brief but fleeting moments are the things we hang onto. Thinking, how could it be so good, (speedboat senerio) which culminates what we want – how do we reconcile that the commitment ends at the finish of the race? How do we understand and believe that it was only in the race that they are interested in? It is always about them.

    How do we understand that when we are running our race, they are not watching out for us, or have our backs, or giving us the best information they have. They do not help us navigate our way through the race, do they root us on, shore us up, are they are on our side?

    With a SA we are really running our race alone. That is a cold hard reality and saddens me to the core. Not what I thought marriage was about.

    I can imagine how torn up you must be. What is true, why doesn’t the pain and suspicion go away? Can we ever let our guard down, or is our guard up because we know it must be? How can I be in this mess, I never betrayed him or deceived him. Where did this come from?

    Fortunately, it has nothing to do with you – unfortunately, it has everything to do with him and his moral code, sense of fair play, commitment and character.

    Know this, each of us are rooting you on. We know the difficult, heartbreaking things you are going through. Remember you are a good, kind, wonderful person and you deserve to be happy, whatever way you go.


    Hi ms-lindy,
    I look at the lie detector test differently….I have asked my husband to take one annually as long as we are together and as long as I need him to. If he had refused, that would have been his choice, but I wouldn’t stay with him. I want the burden of truth and transparency to be on him, and for me, that puts it squarely where it belongs. Addicts lie, that’s what they do.
    If you ask him to leave for a few days or weeks, and then he comes back and the issue of transparency and truth re this issue isn’t resolved, the situation still isn’t really resolved, and life will go on as before. I would look for a way to be more definitive. And by all means, if you need space in the meantime, get it.


    Hi NAP and Jeannette,
    NAP yes he will leave when I ask him to. He’s been sleeping in the other bedroom now, but he has left before when I’ve asked, and he leaves quietly without becoming angry or abusive. When he leaves he lives at the business in the office. And, you’re so right about the first gut reaction and then rationalizing it away.

    Jeannette your race to marriage analogy is so right on the money! Im going to use that same analogy with SA. I try and paint word pictures when I’m trying to explain to him what his actions do to me, and perhaps he will get it when it hits him where he ‘lives’. It is the perfect Aha! and I can’t believe this one hasn’t hit me square in the face too. Just goes to show when your’re embroiled in the mess you can’t step back long enough or far enough to see it clearly.

    I knew I could count on all of you once again to help with perspective. Love you all soooo much.


    Marie, I was thinking about what you said re the lie detector tests. That is probably the only way to really know the truth, so perhaps I WILL ask him to do that. This morning when I’m feeling rested and fresh it does look like a very good option.


    Hi there,
    I wanted to note sometime that came up in cbslife’s post and may be more revelent that we have thought–

    “it’s like this is the price I pay to have one nice day to myself”

    When I read that I freaked! Because one of the patterns that became really clear after d-day, was that every time something good happened to me or for me, My SA would do something to ruin it in the days afterward. I didn’t know how he was doing it because I didn’t know about the SA, but it is absolutely consistent and it is one of the things that he has actually admitted to. So, every occasion that he knew meant something to me, or even celebrated me (eg. graduation with academic prizes) he would be acting out—-so he would be late, would forget about the event, on one occasion the police were at our house for what I later learned was him masturbating in his car! And d-day came when I returned from a 4 month sabbatical that was wonderful. I was in the house under 24 hours when I found the computer porn. He had set it up so I would.

    What I’m trying to say here is that what I thought was just my SA’s cruelty may be a another trait they share. They ruin important occasions because they aren’t the centre of attention anymore, or because they are jealous of our happiness. I’m serious about his. I know it sounds infantile, but this is what I dealt with and he actually admitted it.
    So cbslife, does this have a sick ring of truth in it? And ms-lindy—weren’t you at a stepchild’s wedding when this happened. And now this how you get to remember it?

    I don’t know whether it’s their profound insecurity or their profound narcissism, but I think they like to make us “pay” for those occasions when we are actually happy for a change.



    I never posted about this because even though he admitted doing it, I thought everyone would think I was “over-analyzing” or something.
    I wasn’t. It’s exactly what he doing. Making me pay. Ruining the memory or the actual event.


    You got my vote on that. I can not tell you how many times I have experienced that. It is as if they hate you for being who you are. When they can’t steal the character, the integrity, the selfless love you show, they want to destroy you and make you pay.


    Hi Diane,
    That is classic for intimacy anorexia that we have all been talking about. It only sounds crazy when we can’t put a name to it and can’t get anyone to understand it. We understand it and someone wrote a book about it.And the making us think we are the ones with the “over-analyzing” problem is classic, too. You might consider reading that book, just for further validation. Reading it, whether or not I was still with my husband, was tremendously healing for me.


    That rings so true with me too! I does seem that they make us pay for the happy days. It seems if SAs not the center of attention, he will find a way to put himself there. All the holidays, and important family events…I can’t think of any where sorrow, pain and anger doesn’t cast it’s shadow. And YES, my stepdaughters wedding, his own daughter. And, this whole past week when my kids have been here on vacation (although this latest thing just sort of spilled over into the week) but now again that awful shadow.

    This weekend I know I’m being chastised for not attending the race because I chose to go to Duluth to watch my kids run Grandmas Marathon. And, I also stopped in to visit my former mother-in-law whom I miss and love dearly. (We cried when we embraced – the love is still there). But anyway, the updates are few and far between, and when he did call and ask how my weekend was going, he didn’t really even listen to what I was telling him. Ordinarily I get updates immediately after he races…but not this weekend. He actually left me a VM last night on his way back to the hotel telling what a great time he had with our friends, and a special point was made regarding my women friends whose spouses/partners race. So pathetic…and I’m ANGRY.

    So yes Ladies, we are not over-analyzing, we just recognize it. Marie, what is the name of the book you read?


    Yes, Marie,
    I know you’ve mentioned it, but I’ve lost track of the title.
    and thanks everyone for letting me know I’m not nuts—well, I may be nuts, but for other reasons!


    Hey gals,
    Maybe I should start a new post…but can anyone tell me more about lie detector tests? Where are they administered, who administers it. Who determines what questions to ask? Who interprets the answers? Are they expensive? Marie, you really got me thinking with your suggestion.
    Love, Lindy


    Hi ms-lindy,
    When we were at Heart2Heart in Colorado, my husband asked Dr. Weiss about them “in terms of accuracy” ( my husband had already agreed to my request to do one annually) and Dr. Weiss told him that in his opinion the ones they administered were about 98 % accurate and missed( false negative) about 2% of the time, and didn’t have trouble with false positives ( ie: test says he lied when he actually told the truth). He smiled and told my husband that the test would be much more accurate and accountable than he has ever been with me on his own.My husband looked chagrined, but nodded his head in agreement. He said we could do one locally and recommended asking a local certified sex therapist who they use when they request a test.He said there are standard questions that sex therapists use and rattled off several of them. A tech administers the test and interprets the results. We will just go back to Colorado, because there isn’t anyone in the area we live in. I don’t know how much they cost…I figured whatever it is, it is worth it to me and less expensive than a divorce:) He said that often men will fess up just prior to the test, or some will take the test thinking they can beat it, and 98 out of 100 don’t, and many in recovery take the test and pass.
    I am sure you will find many differing opinions and statistics, but the research I had already done was similar to what he told us. I had decided that I do not ever want to be in a position again to try and determine if he is telling the truth, I want the burden of truth to be his. And if I want one at any time, he has agreed to do one and also one annually in addition as a scheduled test.
    Your friend,


    Thanks so much for the information Marie. I’ll do some research here in my area, as well as talk to the therapist this week.


    I agree with Marie. Lie detector test seem like a very good thing.

    I need to get the courage to have my h do one, at least annually. He lied for 20 years, then again about 6 weeks ago, and continues to lie to himself about his life. I need the courage to request this. I know I deserve to have him do this. We all deserve the truth to be told to us. I think it can also give them a reality test, as an outsider questions them, knowing they have been chronically dishonest in the past. Some men need that dose of reality; some don’t get it with just their wives telling them the truth. B. Trayed


    Hi all,
    If you know they are lying, why would you do a lie detector test? And if you did do one, found out they lied about something, what would happen?

    PS. would anything really change???


    Hi All,
    I reserached them in my area. It was about $700+/- for the test. I also asked my h’s therapist and he said that lie detector tests are only good for gunshot questions as he called them which are very specific. So instead of asking have you ever had an affair…it would do you have sex with my sister in March 2010? (just an example). He said broad questions will not give reliable answers because he could think well no affairs before i met you, or he may not consider soemthing and affair; and therefore in his head would not be lieing.

    After doing research I think the best option is to do an intensive which includes a lie detector test. These people know what they are doing; whereas the outside world you would have to prepare the questions…and I am not sure how helpfull it would be; becaue you may get a false negative. Because sometimes these guys actually beleive the lies they tell themselves and the rationale that goes along with it. I would say leave it to the experts. I decided to not go forth and my SA did not want to do an intensive.

    But my SA’s initial reaction was a freak out and no. Saying that he heard those things gave false postitives and are about 50% reliable. But that was my answer was it not? He later changed his mind, but that point I already know what I needed to know. That he was not completely willing to go along with what I wished to feel secure and he was most likely hiding something. But after some time he did change his mind, i am sure after research to find out about how easy it was to pass and after he had talked with his therapist and his 12 step group. At which time I knew i had no gunshot questions, only broad questions, which would not work.


    Excellent questions, NAP:) and how great to think about what we would do ahead of time. I have that outlined with my boundaries and my husband knows them.

    If I KNEW my husband was lying, I would not do ask him to do a lie detector test, and if he didn’t tell me that he had lied within 24 hours of the lie, our relationship would be over.

    If I did not know that he was lying and a lie detector test showed that he was, our relationship would be over at that time.

    Interesting info Flora, my husband’s therapist and SA group were very opposed to the idea of a lie detector test when I first asked him about it, and I told him I didn’t want one for his sake or his therapists or his fellow SA men. I wanted one for me. I am comfortable with the idea of anyone administering one who does this on a regular basis with sex addicts, and works with a certified sex therapist, we just don’t have certified sex therapists where I live, so if we are going to travel, would rather travel to colorado. I would not be comfortable calling a place that doesn’t do them on sex addicts with the guidance of a therapist.

    Flora, I also think some broad questions are valid based on the research I did, such as “Have you had a sexual relationship outside the marriage since you have been married?” Have you masturbated since you have been in recovery on ____?” “Have you had communication or contact with sex workers since____?”
    I would agree that asking if he had ever had an affair is probably not going to be helpful.
    And my husband is a physician, he is a brilliant guy, knows how to do the research, does research as a part of his work, knows which meds to take to try to pass a test, etc. …..and I do not believe that he could pass the test unless he was telling the truth. And, more importantly, neither does he.

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