Home discussions Light Beams ZumbaGirl’s 15K Run Photos

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    Love the picks ZG! Looks like it was quite a run and very popular. Like your tatoo too. I was kinda hoping to get a glimpse of your SAH, however I understand. It wasn’t his day!!!
    Love, nap


    great pictures, what a great day for you to remember,to know you can do anything you put your mind to. you are a inspiration for many,keep on running………………….katt


    awesome pics! thanks for sharing!


    Thanks for posting, JoAnn. Now that you’ve all seen my sweaty messy self, I hope some of you amazing ladies will post pics of yourselves doing what you love! 🙂 NAP, funny you should mention SA. I didn’t even ask anyone to take a picture of us together–I don’t know why. I think I just felt like I wanted to keep it my day. I’m weird about pictures with him now. I have so many pictures where I look back and think, oh wow, here we are in a happy couple picture, and meanwhile he was acting out. So I feel like those pictures are ruined to me. Make sense? And Katt, it really made me feel just the way you said…I know we can ALL do anything we put our minds to, especially with the support of each other! Love you all! ZG


    Hi ZG yeay…looks like a great day of fun!!!
    Are you in the new england area?


    Flora, I live in Central NY…about an hour east of Syracuse. The race, which is called the Boilermaker, is one of the biggest 15k’s in the country. It’s a lot of fun, and it draws in a lot of elite runners, as well as people from all over the country.
    BTW, that is the cutest avatar EVER!!!!


    Love the photos!!! You are amazing!!! Keep up the running!!!

    Hey, why does your he hate your tatoo???

    I get the pic thing…my h ruined so many of my pics too.
    He acted out on almost ALL our vacations, and those are where one usually takes a pic, right? He was acting out in our engagement, so that kinda ruins the wedding pics. He acted out (the height of his immorality/addiction) while we renewed our wedding vows and took classes at a church prior to the renewal service. Those pics are only sorry memories and reminders of his sociopathic ways. (Though he calls himself a family MAN.) Wouldn’t he be a home-wrecker???

    Anyway, like Katt said, you are an inspiration!!! I remember watching Rocky. After watching it, I drank some raw eggs like he did, and ran up and down my high school stadium stairs, with the theme song ringing in my ears. I need some inspiration again-thanks and great job!!!!
    B. Trayed


    Oh b., he just “isn’t a tatoo person”. Whatever! Who cares?!

    Your picture story reminds me of the fact that I had mentioned this past winter (ummm…mid-ongoing-addiction-that-I-wasn’t-aware-of) getting our vows renewed this September for our 20th wedding anniversary. He thought it was a good idea. Ugh. 🙁 I’m sure I’ll be feeling a bit more down come autumn; more forums to come, no doubt!

    You crack me up with your Rocky story. I love your humor; I can completely picture your story!! Thank you for the smile!! Watch those eggs though; we don’t want any salmonella! 🙂
    xoxo ZG


    My workout was awesome. I put on my tight workout clothes, revealing, and I actually looked pretty good. (I try to dress modestly in public, because I don’t want to tempt other men, since it bothers me when other women tempt my man.) Anyway, I felt strong and trimmer. I ran on the treadmill for a while…really walked mostly. I had my tunes on and I was sweatin’ up a storm! Felt awesome! Watch out Rocky, here I come! B.


    Okay, time for my soap box.

    We don’t ‘tempt’ other men and other women do not ‘tempt’ our men by the way we dress or act unless someone makes an outright proposition. That’s a lame excuse that men use to throw the blame for their actions on us women.

    Men may be attracted to or aroused by a provocatively dressed woman, but it is up to them to deal with it in a mature manner. They are civilized beings. After all, they don’t stop and urinate in the middle of the mall just because the ‘urge’ hits them. As they passed childhood they have learned to interact appropriately and obey the laws that our culture imposes. Why should sex be any different? Would they blame that ‘tempting’ flower display at the mall for their public urination?

    I want to spit fire every time I hear anything that smacks of that ‘Eve’ temptation complex where women are to blame for all the sins of men. Give me a break.

    Read my blog post about an article I read on the web that demonstrates this cave man mentality that women ‘ask’ to be raped. Here is the link:


    So you go girl, you dress any way you please that makes you feel comfortable and pretty AND attractive.

    We all need to stop living our lives based on the framework of someone else.

    Okay, done preaching now. 😉


    Well said, Pastor JoAnn. 🙂

    And B., You go girl!! Motivating tunes are half the fun too, don’t you think? Especially at this time in my life, I really use a lot of music with themes of empowerment…nothing too serious, even Lady Gaga for example. When I started running a few years ago, I was good for about a half a mile before I had to go to a walk. That’s what I love about it; there is always progress, and it’s thrilling. 🙂

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