Home discussions Sex Addiction End of Therapist #2

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    Sent my counselor/friend the E-mail telling her that my altering my behavior to assist Steve in his anger problem, p/a behavior, problems dealing with conflict etc. is not acceptable and not my issue. Told her it is his problem – not mine. He needs to work on conflict resolution. Told her that telling me I am sabatoging the relationship is not acceptable, and that it is Steve who is sabatoging by lieing/deception, and I felt totally unsupported in the session. Also, told her that by having me alter my behavior to accomodate Steve is simply re-enforing to him that I am the cause of his lieing. (She had told me I make him lie more). Can you believe?? Told her I AM HER CLIENT, and for her to talk differently with Steve present than with me privately should not have happened. Said she is not a sexual addiction counselor and does not understand nor have the expertise to be giving advice on the subject. It is up to the SA to disclose openly, and with love, quit lieing, etc.
    Added, I was thrown for a loop that she would tell me to get off s.o.s. for a few weeks-that this is a place to get love and support from those who have walked in eachother’s shoes. Also, professionals do not deal adequately with spousal trauma secondary to what our husband’s do to us on an emotional level.
    The final comment to her was it is unethical for a counselor to tell a client he will recover because an SA can only learn to manage they’re behavior and will most likely have urge control, triggers, slips,and relapses down the road – it is a life long process for them.
    Keep in mind this is also my friend. She E-mailed me back within 5″ and told me she felt she was doing what I wanted in an attempt to save the marriage. (Obviously, she did not know how to proceed in that direction.) Last time we talked, her counseling was going to involve either dealing with staying, or dealing with getting out.
    Bottom line, she said I will cancel any future appointments. NO response – nothing! I guess she had no defense.
    My concern now is that, because she and Steve’s counselor are tight as a tic, he will also have the same mindset as she does. We will see.


    Hi Sharron,
    I have a statement that i use in situations like this….
    I think of whatever it is…for instance your last sentence…and i send it out the world, or the universe, and i let it go. I do not dwell on what others think or feel, expecially if they are now out of my loop. You are going to exhaust yourself, and shorten your life, dwelling on so many things some of which do not even matter.

    Who cares what steve does, who cares what steves therapist thinks, who cares what your therapist says. It really does not matter anymore. In the end, no matter what his therapist says, his recovery is is based on what he wants to do and what he is capable of doing…does not matter what the therapist does. Yes the therapist is his guide, but ultimately it is up to steve. Its very scarry to put your life and future into someone elses hands, but there is no choice. With a sex addict all of this is just a bet. There are no certain odds. Just send it out to the universe, what happens…happens. And let it go.


    Thanks Flora – just had to get that final piece of frustration out!! It never ceases to amaze me how some of these therapist’s think, and I just had to work through it.
    I had a talk with Steve last night and pretty much told him the reality of what he can expect-he has a mental illness and he probably won’t totally recover because of his age and years with the addicted brain. I told him the best he can expect is to learn to manage the addiction and probably be on medication for life, but he will always have to deal with his issues. He totally agreed with me. I felt bad for him, because he is so embarrassed that he has this affliction. I told him to look at it like a medical problem such as being an amputee – he would do the best he could to walk – prostheseis, etc., but would always have that affliction. I re-inforced once again that lieing is a conscious choice, and if he can learn to get that under control and be able to peel away the layers of “himself,” he can progress and function relatively well.
    Thanks for the advice. You know how I am – have to work through everything in my head, but I am letting it go.


    Hi Sharon,

    I find your experience with the therapist so unsettling. How can she on one hand tell you not to be involved with a group like SOS and than on the other hand say that she is not a SA specialist so can’t give advice in that area? I hate being in this circumstance. I feel like we are already in a “crazy making” situation only to be pulled further into this abiss. It scares me so much to feel so mis-understood by so many people who are not familiar with what a spouse of an SA goes through. I am so happy to be here on this site and have contact with all of the ladies here, but out in the “face to face” world, I feel alone and somehow judged.

    My husband and I have been through two counselors that just did not seem to fit. One of them was an SA counselor and although she helped, she was not able to help the both of us together. It is only human nature to bring your own experience in to play when counseling others. I believe that this is what was happening with us. Her husband was also a SA but how it manifested itself in him was different than how it was in our relationship. Her husband was very attentive and gentle with her. Understood the nature of his addiction and although he had slips, was very nurturing to her. Mine on the other hand has to much shame and pride to be able to show compassion for what I am going through. What was happening is that while we were in her office for one and a half hours, once a week, he was able to shed a tear and talk the talk of someone who appeared to be in recovery. I was very encouraged at first thinking that she was getting through to him and that perhaps he was really trying to change and overcome the barrier that was getting in the way of his recovery. After several visits however, I realized that there was not a change in him at all once we were outside of her office. I brought this to both of their attention. I told them that something was really off because the person that is sitting here in her office with me and the person that I speak to at home are two different people. I said that the person that I see here in the office is someone that I see as making progress, but the person I see at home is still blame shifting, minimizing, and deflecting the SA. Her response to that was that he feels safe in her office and does not feel safe at home to reveal the true person that he is. I wanted to believe that she was correct so I gave it several more weeks to see if in fact that was the case. I also did not quite understand why my husband of 27 years would not feel safe with me in expressing his compassion especially based on the fact that I was feeling so sad about the disclosure of SA. I was actually shocked at how he was somehow turning the situation around into looking like I was the person that was the problem in the relationship. He was telling her that he was afraid of me and that I have anger management issues. After hearing these kinds of things I am going further into shock and trauma because this does not reflect me or our relationship. I am spiraling further into a situation where I am questioning reality because I am looking at SA for the first time in my life and also being criticized for being hurt and angry about it. I have not been an angry spouse or a spouse that has been difficult or high maintenance throughout our marriage. If anything, I have been more of a push over. Was I angry and hurt, am I still angry and hurt over the discovery of my husband using woman on craigslist etc……, you bet I am. I don’t know any normal person that would not have been affected by this discovery. I am holding him accountable at a higher level than I ever have in the marriage, but he has never hurt me to this level either. When he continued to be a different person during our sessions than who he presented at home, I put a stop to going to the therapist. I indicated that I needed him to be the person he was during our visits with her all the time, not just for one hour a week. So that was the end of that therapist.

    The next therapist I had very high hopes for. She had written a book about emotionally unavailable men. After reading the book, I learned more about narcissistic personality disorder. I asked my SA to call her to see if she might be able to help us. My SA believed that he suffered from emotional unavailability and was also hopeful that she could help. I was so disappointed to learn that this woman did not believe in SA. She had also just finished her Masters in Business Administration and was over joyed that my husband was a successful business man on the heels of beginning his own business. I found out that the therapy sessions consisted of them talking about business and her encouraging him to form his own company. I could not believe my ears. I am still in the depths of heartache and trying to wrap my mind around this whole SA thing, only to find out that he has spent several weeks not even talking about emotionally unavailability or SA, but has been having his ego stroked and his brain picked by this counselor who is taping into his business knowledge. After finding this out I ask if I can attend a session with both of them to see if any of my input could help in bringing our relationship closer together. After going with him for a couple sessions I learned that she does not believe in SA. She does not think that my husband is emotionally unavailable. She believes that he only had a couple of inappropriate sexual encounters with woman and that most men have strayed at some point. She believed that if I want the relationship to continue that I need to believe that he is sorry and that he will never do this again. Her exact words were that I needed to jump off the cliff and trust him. That it was all up to me. I needed to jump off the cliff and believe that he would throw out a net to save our relationship. I told her that was an interesting analogy because I have trusted him our whole marriage. I had not idea that he was doing these things. Now that I have discovered his actions, I told her that I need him to build a bridge over to the cliff that I am standing on. Once I see that he has built the bridge and if I think that it is steady enough, I gladly walk over it back to our relationship. I told my husband that I did not see it necessary for me to go back to her and that if he wanted to continue to pay someone to be his cheerleader for starting a business that was his decision.

    I am happy to say that our third therapist was very helpful. Both my husband and I thought that he could guide us towards a healthy relationship. He was not specifically trained in SA, but understood the dynamics involved with both the person with the addiction as well as their spouse. Unfortunately, we ultimately stopped going to him as well due to the fact that he was actually trying to help us look at the addiction, which my husband was not willing or able to do. So now we are where we are which is going through the steps toward divorce.

    What I am trying to say throughout this whole writing is that it makes me nervous that the two therapist we went to at first were not able to see what was happening. I wonder if someone would ask them what their thoughts were on our relationship what they would say. I feel like the first one would say that while he was in her office he appeared to be in recovery. The second one would say that he was delightful. If you talk business with my husband, he could talk your ear off. Unfortunately she was blind-sighted with his business sense and impressed with his arrogance. He pulled the wool right over her eyes and she sat and listened to how wonderful he thinks he is. The reason I know this is because this is exactly what I have done for years. I understand how someone can be charmed by his confidence.

    These situations just add to the pain that we are already going through. What ever progress was being made by me to help him see his addiction was plowed over by these two therapist. He uses these experiences to justify his behavior and prove that he does not have SA.

    So frustrating and so sad at the same time. I was just really hoping that our marriage could be saved. I was really hoping that he could look at his actions and understand the impact that it has on our family. Again, I was just asking him to be accountable. He just is not able to.

    Thank you for sharing the “send it to the universe” I love that and will use it.


    Hi Cindy1111-Sounds like your experience with therapist’s have been incredible failures. Being in the field, I can say that it is very difficult to find a good counselor for any mental health issues, but to find one with expertise in SA seems next to impossible.
    I am the one who told my therapist she does not have expertise in SA and should not be giving advice based on how she handled our joint session. Told her he played her like a violin. He got big “crocodile” tears during the session and was definitely playing the victim. SO, I said no more for this one. Now I have to find another therapist and start all over. Am not sure I am going to do it. My anti-depressants have really kicked in, and I feel I will be able to look at things more objectively.
    Thanks for telling your’e story – what a nightmare. So sorry you were exposed to such incompetence, but unfortunately there are many of them out there. So much of your story rings true for me, as well- especially the fascade Steve has put on in front of the counselor. I don’t think he fooled the 1st one, but she just was not an SA therapist-dealt more in family therapy. He is now being more up front with his new one, but has a long way to go.
    Hope you are doing okay now. When will your divorce be final, and are you coping okay?


    Hi Cindy1111-Sounds like your experience with therapist’s have been incredible failures. Being in the field, I can say that it is very difficult to find a good counselor for any mental health issues, but to find one with expertise in SA seems next to impossible.
    I am the one who told my therapist she does not have expertise in SA and should not be giving advice based on how she handled our joint session. Told her he played her like a violin. He got big “crocodile” tears during the session and was definitely playing the victim. SO, I said no more for this one. Now I have to find another therapist and start all over. Am not sure I am going to do it. My anti-depressants have really kicked in, and I feel I will be able to look at things more objectively.
    Thanks for telling your’e story – what a nightmare. So sorry you were exposed to such incompetence, but unfortunately there are many of them out there. So much of your story rings true for me, as well- especially the fascade Steve has put on in front of the counselor. I don’t think he fooled the 1st one, but she just was not an SA therapist-dealt more in family therapy. He is now being more up front with his new one, but has a long way to go.
    Hope you are doing okay now. When will your divorce be final, and are you coping okay?


    Hi Cindy1111-Sounds like your experience with therapist’s have been incredible failures. Being in the field, I can say that it is very difficult to find a good counselor for any mental health issues, but to find one with expertise in SA seems next to impossible.
    I am the one who told my therapist she does not have expertise in SA and should not be giving advice based on how she handled our joint session. Told her he played her like a violin. He got big “crocodile” tears during the session and was definitely playing the victim. SO, I said no more for this one. Now I have to find another therapist and start all over. Am not sure I am going to do it. My anti-depressants have really kicked in, and I feel I will be able to look at things more objectively.
    Thanks for telling your’e story – what a nightmare. So sorry you were exposed to such incompetence, but unfortunately there are many of them out there. So much of your story rings true for me, as well- especially the fascade Steve has put on in front of the counselor. I don’t think he fooled the 1st one, but she just was not an SA therapist-dealt more in family therapy. He is now being more up front with his new one, but has a long way to go.
    Hope you are doing okay now. When will your divorce be final, and are you coping okay?


    Hi Cindy1111-Sounds like your experience with therapist’s have been incredible failures. Being in the field, I can say that it is very difficult to find a good counselor for any mental health issues, but to find one with expertise in SA seems next to impossible.
    I am the one who told my therapist she does not have expertise in SA and should not be giving advice based on how she handled our joint session. Told her he played her like a violin. He got big “crocodile” tears during the session and was definitely playing the victim. SO, I said no more for this one. Now I have to find another therapist and start all over. Am not sure I am going to do it. My anti-depressants have really kicked in, and I feel I will be able to look at things more objectively.
    Thanks for telling your’e story – what a nightmare. So sorry you were exposed to such incompetence, but unfortunately there are many of them out there. So much of your story rings true for me, as well- especially the fascade Steve has put on in front of the counselor. I don’t think he fooled the 1st one, but she just was not an SA therapist-dealt more in family therapy. He is now being more up front with his new one, but has a long way to go.
    Hope you are doing okay now. When will your divorce be final, and are you coping okay?


    Hi Cindy1111-Sounds like your experience with therapist’s have been incredible failures. Being in the field, I can say that it is very difficult to find a good counselor for any mental health issues, but to find one with expertise in SA seems next to impossible.
    I am the one who told my therapist she does not have expertise in SA and should not be giving advice based on how she handled our joint session. Told her he played her like a violin. He got big “crocodile” tears during the session and was definitely playing the victim. SO, I said no more for this one. Now I have to find another therapist and start all over. Am not sure I am going to do it. My anti-depressants have really kicked in, and I feel I will be able to look at things more objectively.
    Thanks for telling your’e story – what a nightmare. So sorry you were exposed to such incompetence, but unfortunately there are many of them out there. So much of your story rings true for me, as well- especially the fascade Steve has put on in front of the counselor. I don’t think he fooled the 1st one, but she just was not an SA therapist-dealt more in family therapy. He is now being more up front with his new one, but has a long way to go.
    Hope you are doing okay now. When will your divorce be final, and are you coping okay?


    Hi Cindy1111-Sounds like your experience with therapist’s have been incredible failures. Being in the field, I can say that it is very difficult to find a good counselor for any mental health issues, but to find one with expertise in SA seems next to impossible.
    I am the one who told my therapist she does not have expertise in SA and should not be giving advice based on how she handled our joint session. Told her he played her like a violin. He got big “crocodile” tears during the session and was definitely playing the victim. SO, I said no more for this one. Now I have to find another therapist and start all over. Am not sure I am going to do it. My anti-depressants have really kicked in, and I feel I will be able to look at things more objectively.
    Thanks for telling your’e story – what a nightmare. So sorry you were exposed to such incompetence, but unfortunately there are many of them out there. So much of your story rings true for me, as well- especially the fascade Steve has put on in front of the counselor. I don’t think he fooled the 1st one, but she just was not an SA therapist-dealt more in family therapy. He is now being more up front with his new one, but has a long way to go.
    Hope you are doing okay now. When will your divorce be final, and are you coping okay?


    Hi Cindy,
    First (((Hugs)))
    Second. I have read lots of books, on all types of disorders. Probably even the book on emotional unavailability. I read and read and read. My h went to two therapists, we went together we went seperate. And in all this time I have had a major revelation that i cannot make sense of the unimaginable. I cannot wrap my head around how this happened or why. I cannot wrap my head around how someone can lead a second life so to speak, lie about, and then come home and play perfect husband. What I have realized is that our situation is just that, unimaginable. Once you realize that your situation is out of control, and a world of the unimaginable, you can see it for what it is…the world of impossiblity. Its purely impossible to make it work with some of these guys. I/we will never understand.

    The h’s snow their therapist, they snow their parents, they snow their friends, they snow the world. Often times we are the only squeeky wheel, and sometimes get a sense that we are the one with the problem or the crazy. But actually the crazy is staying in the situation which is distructive and then blaming oursleves. I am glad that you were wise enough to stick to your guns and believe in yourself.
    I am sorry you are at this point. But take a look and read back over what you wrote. That has been your life. I can gurantee there is a better life out there for you. Just minus the crazy of SA is a calmer and better place. I know I am here.

    But in perspecitve the amount of crap we tolerate…because we love them…is unreal and is the unimaginable. Someday it will get better. And I hope it is sooner rather than later. With any luck we will have learned from our mistakes and learn to make wiser ones in the future.

    Love to you,


    Amen Florentine!!!! 🙂

    Cindy….. Boo!!! That sucks!!! I mean, obviously and ultimately your husband is Still accountable, responsible for his own behavior – but it certainly doesn’t help to have the therapist creating two steps back!!! My SA has fooled the world, as well!! Businessman, charming, good time Charlie, smart, witty, the list goes on…. 
    Then, he comes home, puts on his grumpy face, gets “into position” in his recliner, goes into a trance, hides cell phone under his leg and pulls it out whenever I leave the room, etc….

    Um, no thanks……. Adios ASShole! 



    Just curious, if you knew and agree that your friend/therapist is not competent in SA, why are you wasting time and money and why would Steve have Even been there to begin with?


    So sorry for all of us that have had such a struggle to find competent help. We are on our third counselor and are sticking with their all important ‘program’ mostly because I am uncomfortable walking away once again. I did not manipulate, or intimidate, or accommodate, or close my eyes, or play a victim, or push him away, or put pressure on him to be something he wasn’t. And he has expressed that too, but they have to stick to the exercises in the ‘program’.

    Cindy, your letter should be broadcast to the therapy community. All of these posts should.

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