Home discussions Sex Addiction The Saga Of JoAnn And Larry

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    My Dear Sisters,

    Sometimes I am embarrassed when one of you tells me how much I have helped you, but I am also satisfied that the work I set out to do is having even just a small impact.

    But, what each of you may not realize is that each and every one of you are as much of a lifeline to me as I am to you. You give me that soft place to land when I face a crisis.

    And that’s just what you have done for me now. Your warm words, your empathy and love, all make me realize how special and important we all are to each other.

    Your words have both lifted me and humbled me. I cannot express how much it means to be able to just reach out to you when I am hurting. What a comforting thought to know that there will always be someone there when I need them.

    So, let me tell you how it is if you choose to stay with a SA. Even if you are with someone who is as committed to recovery as Larry is, they can still ‘fall off the wagon’ occasionally. I knew that, I thought I was prepared, but let me tell you, when it happens it hurts like hell.

    I was only two days into my vacation when I checked the eBlaster reports. I was certain that I wouldn’t find anything–I just needed reassurance. Larry and I had discussed his feelings and frame of mind the very morning I flew out. I only checked to kind of boost my slight fear that something could be amiss.

    Well, when I saw what he was doing–hours and hours of searching and viewing movie star’s photos, bios and movie reviews, searching for the ‘Top 100 sexiest movies’ and then searching for video stores in the area, my heart just dropped.

    That’s his M.O. That’s how he always starts down the path toward acting out. And there I was, 8,000 miles away watching a train wreck about to happen with no way to stop it.

    It all comes back when this happens. The pounding heart, the nausea, the rage, the disbelief, the sense of helplessness and the sleeplessness.

    But, it is quite different from the initial discovery and the subsequent disclosures. Slips affect me differently. It’s like you kind of expect them, but really don’t ever want them to happen. The blow is not as hard, there doesn’t seem to be that intense anger that doesn’t go away, and the emotions settle down fairly quickly.

    Anyway, I immediately sent him an e-mail with one line. ‘If you are heading down a dangerous path you need to stop right now.’

    No response. Then I sent this e-mail: ‘I expect an explanation and a plan.’

    From then on there were e-mails of him saying he had scheduled an appointment with his counselor, that he would talk with his psychiatrist, that he would review his Recovery Plan–but never really talking about the issue.

    By that time I was not sleeping at all, but was able to totally forget the issues during the day so that I could embrace the joys of my vacation with my children. If a stray thought would pop into my mind during the day I just dismissed it without another thought. I am quite proud of myself for being able to do that.

    Then, when I got back to Germany from Switzerland and was able to call Larry, things did not go well. He was totally in ‘addict’ mode, telling me that I was making something out of nothing. He said that he didn’t think he had done anything wrong because ‘searching for movies’ was not a part of his Recovery Plan. (this was before I knew that he had actually rented the movies–he knew he had violated his own Recovery Plan). So, I then sent him this e-mail, which seemed to kick him out of his addict mode:

    Here are a few other insights that I have on this latest incident

    Last night when we talked it seemed as though you were upset by all these restrictions on your computer use, which you seem to see as unfair or unrealistic. You sounded like a little kid that got caught and you seemed angry. I felt that you thought I was trying to control you and you don’t like it.

    That is not what this is all about. I thought this was about us fighting to save our relationship and keeping you sober from Sex Addiction.

    This is what I mean about you being in ‘addict’ mode.

    Think about it. That Recovery Plan is YOURS. YOU made that plan to help prevent YOU from going back to a life YOU say YOU do not want. YOU asked me to monitor your computer to help you (in fact, last year, in your addict mode, you actually said that those incidents would not have happened if I had been monitoring your computer.)

    YOUR Recovery Plan is not for me–it’s for YOU.

    YOU made the parameters, and they were simply YOUR idea of guidelines to prevent YOU from slipping. Just because YOU did not include searches for movie stars and sexy movies in the plan does not mean that those are things you should be doing. A Recovery Plan is simply a guide and cannot include every weasel detail–that’s where common sense comes into play.

    YOU asked me to help you by monitoring your computer activity. Yet, when I saw what you were doing and pointed it out, you were in complete denial that you are headed down a bad path.After all we have been through over the past seven years of your recovery you should at least be able to recognize that.

    So, while monitoring your computer, as you asked me to do, was I supposed to just allow you to continue sinking deeper and deeper into the addict mode–which, by the way, happens very swiftly? Did you expect me to just sit by and watch without stepping in and doing something? Would that have given you another ‘out’ by being able to blame me?

    So, what do you want? Do you want my help or not? Do you think you have the ability to handle this yourself? Is that what you would like to do? Seriously. You just need to decide how you want to handle your recovery and tell me. If you see this as interference rather than support, then just tell me and I’ll deactivate the monitoring software and let you handle it yourself.

    There is only one bottom line boundary for me–which has nothing at all to do with how YOU handle YOUR recovery. I have told you this before, but, let me make it very clear, in writing.

    You must make a choice between me or the addiction. You cannot have both. If you choose the addiction you will not have me.You may be able to conceal it for a while, but you must know by now that I will know if you start acting out with prostitutes.

    If you do not continue to do everything in your power to remain sober and if you do not or cannot recognize when you are heading down a slippery path and take serious steps to stop that process, then we both know how it will end.

    I was talking with him on the phone the next day as he read this e-mail and his entire demeanor changed. He quietly said, ‘You are right, JoAnn, you are absolutely right.’

    So, things were just left at that until I got home. My sleep amounted to about zero and my stress level was ultra high. It has not been a good time.

    When I got ready for bed my first night home I simply told him that I needed to have some alone time. He has been sleeping downstairs in the theater room. (I don’t know why–we do have a spare bedroom). I have not decided what to do about the sleeping arrangements, all I know, and what I have told him is that I do not feel safe, emotionally or physically (due to the possibility of STD’s) with him.

    So that’s where I am right now. I did not sleep much last night, my stomach is on fire and I feel physically wrecked.

    On the plus side, I have found some great new information online that I will share with all of you soon that really sheds a lot of light on addiction in general and is very appropriate for understanding Sex Addicts.

    Thank you to all of you for being there for me. Loving a Sex Addict can be pure hell. Right now I just want to play Scarlett O’Hara and ‘think about it tomorrow’.


    I have been thinking about you, and want you to know we probably all felt a collective gasp and sick feeling in our stomachs when you wrote about what happened, I know I did. I really liked the email that you wrote to him….. it’s his move now and you can see where he goes with it as long as you are still inclined to do that. I can really relate, because that is exactly how my husband would start back down that path if he did….actress bios, ” mainstream” movies that are okay for someone who isn’t a sex addict. Sending moral support your way, JoAnne.


    That is a truly powerful testimony to the work you have been doing JoAnn, I doubt I could so eloquently confront with such dignity and compassion.
    For me this demonstrates why I had to leave… I could not handle a slip in this way. I am too damn argumentative and still get sucked into the drama triangle and things would escalate way out of all control.
    I am sure it doesnt make you feel any better in yourself and you probably feel sick to the core, but I am sending you virtual hugs. It is an absolute shit though that the one person you want comfort from is the one person who causes so much anguish. Much love to you from me and I am holding you in my prayers tonight that you can find rest and peace to get on with the getting on you do so well x God Bless x



    You are handling his slip with such calm, grace and patience. It’s something that I have had to learn myself and I’m still in a constant state of learning that patience because I don’t always find myself talking to my husband with such calm as you did with Larry. I have much to learn from you.

    My husband also used movie stars bios as a way to objectify women just a few weeks ago – it gave me quite a scare and instead of stepping in and saying anything right away I sat back to play the role of observer instead because I thought that’s what I was supposed to do and because I thought I may have been “overreacting” to what I felt what may become a slippery slope. Instead, while I played observer, I saw my husband’s behavior change. He began objectifying me, then women on TV and finally I spoke up. I don’t know what I was thinking by not verbalizing my concerns immediately??!! Lesson learned. When I told him, he was shocked and mortified by his behavior and asked me to speak up sooner if it ever happened again.

    Now, hearing it from you, I see that I’m not alone. This is a constant battle for them. Forever. You’re right, being married to a sex addict can be hell.

    I wish you the best, and I’ll hold you in my thoughts and prayers.

    Much love,



    JoAnn-Thank you so much for sharing with all of us. I am so sorry for what you are going through, and even though we know in our heart’s that there will be slip/relapses, as you said, it certainly does not take the pain away when it happens.
    It really threw me for a tail-spin when I read your post, because it truly brought home to me that I can expect the same thing, and am experiencing a lot of it right now. The sister’s have been there for me, and I don’t know what I would do if we didn’t have eachother-it has gotten me through some really tough times.
    It was interesting in reading the E-mail you sent to Larry – I have said almost the identical words to Steve.
    I am just so glad we can be there for you, as you have for us over and over! You are truly a wonderful woman, and to reveal all the personal details of your life is so courageous of you.
    Love and hugs coming your way.


    Hi JoAnn,
    Thank you for sharing your personal life with us. I really like the email you sent Larry because it was clear and honest. Im sorry for the pain this has caused you and we are here as your sisters of support. None of us would be here if it wasn’t for you JoAnn, you have touched and helped so many. I hope you know how much we appreciate you!

    I hope Larry will work back to recovery. I agree with you, they can not have us and their addiction. Its just not fair and downright miserable. I wish you all the best now and always!

    Love, Nap



    Thanks so much for sharing; it means so much to me that you are open about your life. I am sorry you have experienced pain, sleeplessness nights, and all the other emotions connected with this. Much love, B. Trayed


    Dear JoAnn,

    You are VERY grown up and mature in your approach to dealing with the reality of your husband’s addiction. I know how difficult that is when their behavior rips a hole inside you and I can say with absolute honesty that I do NOT have your grace or your patience.I hope you can maintain your calm so you can make clear headed decisions about how you want to proceed in light of this new information. Please take care of YOU. Karen


    Thank you for sharing JoAnn. There really isn’t ever going to be a point at which these poor tortured souls are completely free of it and the ones who love them most have to keep it real. Love and comfort to you, Lylo


    JoAnn, I admire you more and more every day, however, I also do not have your grace or patience. Not even close… But if nothing else, this is simply driving home for me, more and more why I cannot stay in my situation, (although I’m shit scared and am asking myself what the hell am I doing? and how the hell is this all supposed to work out?)

    There are always going to be TV, computers, a hot girl walking down the street, falling outta her barely there, top. I can’t. I can’t leave my home thinking that my dear husband is laying in wait… counting the seconds until I go out and he is FREE to hump some woman online… and I also can’t bear the thought of him ever touching me again, although a part of me still loves him deeply. I think I just realized that recently.

    I think that some people don’t truly understand what love really is. For me, Love isn’t that rush of oxytocin that we feel in the early stages of romance. Love is the 25 years of struggles, triumphs, problem solving, parenting two very difficult children (who tonight, almost got me committed to a psych ward— and I am NOT exaggerating). Love is the building of an entire life together and growing old together and taking care of the other…

    ahhh… taking care of the other…


    Oh JoAnn, I’m so sorry to hear this news. I feel physically sick just reading your post – please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Take good care of yourself! Liza


    joann im sorry this is so much a part of your life. how do you keep going. so much of the time i feel like im in a holding pattern. does this ever really end. i read rn posts time and time again after a year or so, of recovery the addict again and again emerges. do any of these addicts maintain true recovery. i know of many drug/alcohol addicts who are in recovery for 5,10,20 years or more, yet i have not read of any sa who achieve more than a few years before its back.


    Hi JoAnn,
    YOu just blow me away. I don’t know how you can think straight in this situation, but you do. Your email to Larry really helped me understand more about boundaries and the role of a spouse, as well as how to name what they do. Sharing that personal piece was a real gift to the rest of us, and I hope you will receive everything you need in return.

    Maybe Larry doesn’t feel “worthy” of the guest room now. If it’s a really nice room, with good energy, he may think he needs a doghouse where he can stay with his best friend the dog. Who knows.

    We all wish you well as the days unfold. Maybe he will have a good turn around on this one.



    I agree with your definition of Love.


    Hi JoAnn,
    My heart did drop and i did have that sick feeling. funny we all know what that feeling is, but not funny why we know. I am so sorry this has happened. I hope that you can find whatever it is that you need. We are here for you and support you. But this i think is the true reality of what living with a sex addict is like. It really ticks me off that he was at it, two days after you left. He was probably ramping up before you left, counting the days. So he did rent those videos? Does he have a stash in the movie room? Those are my thoughts as to why he may be chhosing the downsaits, although i truely hope that is not the case.

    Sending love and hugs your way ((((JoAnn)))), Love, Flora

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