Hi all,
Does anyone know “the official” answer to this question?
After being exposed to HIV, how long does it take to show up that one may be HIV positive. How often should one get tested and for how long to know you are in the clear
Need accurate info please standard protocol if there is one.
I looked it up on several reports and most people, if they have the infection will test pos. within the first three months, but occasionally it can take UP to six months. So, if you haven’t had sex in 6 months and you test neg., you don’t have to worry any longer.
I have the same info as Lexie. When my Dr. tested me, he told me it can take up to 6 months to show up. So I will be retested 6 months from my test date this past spring.
The only possibility would be a false negative, which is very, very rare… and at 3 months. the results are 99% accurate, and at 6 months… higher than that.
Hi JoAnn,
thank you for the info. I just need to know the longest length of time before the HIV shows up positive for legal reasons. JoAnn do you know how long that is?
Hi all just to add some FYI. It depends too on the test they use. A PCR is super accurate can find out the earliest the ELISA up to 6 mo but a year is good just to make sure.