Hi Sisters,
Just wanted to share this story. Last night a girlfriend and I went out for dinner. We used to know each other and do alot together about 10 yrs ago and lost touch.
She is a CPA and I needed tax work done for my divorce, we have been back in touch with each other for about 3 months. She got divorced 2 yrs ago and was is a really bad 20 yr marriage. A yr ago she started to date this man, he’s 66, shes 51 and when I would go see her about my taxes shed say how happy they were and what a nice guy he was and although I’m happy for her, never gave it much thought because I have a REALLY bad taste in my mouth about men. I also thought he sounded kinda old for her, but overall didn’t give it much thought.
Anyway, I picked her up to go each and when we were driving off she says ” there’s Virgil!” his office building is close to hers and he was driving out of the parking Lot. Out jumps this adorable and handsome man with the e
energy of a 40 year old. He was so nice and just a joy to talk to. He adores my friend and she says he’s ways been a complete gentleman to her. He’s weathy, is a successful attny, and they are so happy. I found it inspirational that maybe good relationships can be found and true happiness.