Home discussions Divorce Just When you Think it Can’t Get Any Worse

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    Today, in church, I look across the sanctuary and lo and behold there is Steve. I think OMG what is he doing here – plus some unhealthy words going through my head. Thought I might get struck by lightening! After church, I took my time leaving, and his car was gone from the parking lot. I thought, “This is good.”
    I get home, having a smoke on the patio, and he shows up asking for a camera and CD disc I still have of his. He was very matter of fact and left.
    Two minutes later he is at the door again. He asks if we can talk. Being the nice person I am, (To a fault) I told him okay but everything has been said. He begged, begged, begged for me to change my mind. I told him, “No” and he left again.
    I thought all is good.
    An hour later, he shows up again. Against my better judgement, I let him in. He begged me for at least 45″ to give him another chance-even got down on his knees. He re-hashed our discussion of the other night, and continued to lie and dance around his admissions. You all know, the trying to make you think you are crazy thing. The begging continued for another chance saying, “I didn’t fight for you before, but I am fighting for you now. Professed how he has made that paridigm shift, etc. Told him he has made the shift, in that he is motivated for change, but he has years to go to change it. Told him for the 100th time the lieing is still the tie- breaker and he hasn’t been able to change that. His reply was I have done much better than you think. NO- THAT’s NOT GOOD ENOUGH. I used to just tell him he was deluional, but after the denial continued, I told him he is nuts.
    Long story short – same song second verse. Kept up the begging. Finally, told him I was getting angry so he said he would leave.
    We discussed the settlement. I told him instead of giving me a cash pay out per post nump, maybe he would prefer to add another $200./mo to the monthly allotment via life-time annuity, whatever he chooses to do. He said, “oh, so now, you want more.” Calmly, explained am only asking for what he has signed off on.
    He finally left, but with a military stance of a Green Beret. He appeared angry.
    Before leaving, he had told me he was reading a self-help book last night, became very angry, and started throwing and breaking things. That kinda worried me. He has never done more than crush a coke can and punch a cigarette retainer. Hope he is not becoming violent-kinda scary. Of course, I have to consider it may have been a manipulative ploy.
    Oh well, vented to for-now on the phone, as she does me, but just had to write it out to relieve my anxiety. Fixed a Margarita and was on my second at 4pm Have never had a drink in the afternoon in my life. But— I am calm now.
    Don’t know what to expect next, but maybe, just maybe he will believe it when called in to sign papers next week.
    Thanks for listening all. Venting is SO soothing.


    I told you Sharron, any drink before 5pm and after 3 is an appetizer and it is not bad…….I just got an earful, I’m so sorry, I was a jackass, I acted like a child saying something mean because I was lashing out (ya think???)……I told him “You know this new XXXXX (him) you say you are going to be if I were to let you come home? Well, there’s a new XXXXXXX (me) and she ain’t taking your shit and manipulation and bullying anymore and I’m not even living with you and I’ve decided that!!!!!!”

    He finally confessed some things to me, watered down of course. It was only two things and then he said what else do you want to know?

    I started crying and said I’ve been playing cop for 3 yrs and I’m fucking exhausted. How about you do the damn thinking here for once without me having to ask and just tell me something that you know that you’ve kept from me for fear I will be upset or might not understand. I don’t have it in me to ask anymore damn questions!”

    He threw down with a couple more plain jane generic “revelations’ that were a 1 on a scale of 10……..

    He swears he will take a polygraph and I just have nothing to say much. His battery was dying and he said he loved me then sat there for a second. I told him, don’t even go there. I filed for divorce and that’s not in my vocabulary post filing.


    For-now: Ya, well – I ended up drinking 3. Feel real good now. Remember we talked about you not being in the same place I am. Beware of Greeks bearing gifts. Steve always told me just enough to make me think I could trust him-they always do when held to the fire. Be careful. You are so smart- don’t let him snow you. Emotions so get in the way, and we want so much to believe them, but logic says if they have lied for so many years, why would we think they would be honest now when we are demanding it.
    Keep your strength.
    Love ya


    Sharron: good job!!!

    For now: glad you have your power back. It must feel so good!



    You did great Sharron and nothing wrong with a couple of margaritas!!

    He`s gaslighting For Now 🙂


    Thanks Bev and Deb You guys are always so supportive-what would we do without eachother.
    He called back again last night and was an entirely different mood than when he left.Friendly, happy, etc. Tells me his “Begging” was just a ploy. Said he tried to get into E-Blaster to put it back on because he wants to prove to me he has nothing to hide. Ya – right. I told him it was turned off from my computer. He goes, “okay, goodbye.” I saw it as strictly manipulative, but for-now thinks it is because he just wants to make sure it is off so he can do what he wants without being detected. Good point, but I always thought he had a way around it anyway.
    Amazing how these guys show one persona and an hour later are a different person.
    I have so enjoyed getting to know for-now. It is so amazing how the SA’s all have the same mo when they lie and manipulate.
    I would love to get to know some of the rest of you. If anyone needs to talk, feel free to call me at 913-766-0961 or cell – 913-832-2370.


    Thanks Bev and Deb You guys are always so supportive-what would we do without eachother.
    He called back again last night and was an entirely different mood than when he left.Friendly, happy, etc. Tells me his “Begging” was just a ploy. Said he tried to get into E-Blaster to put it back on because he wants to prove to me he has nothing to hide. Ya – right. I told him it was turned off from my computer. He goes, “okay, goodbye.” I saw it as strictly manipulative, but for-now thinks it is because he just wants to make sure it is off so he can do what he wants without being detected. Good point, but I always thought he had a way around it anyway.
    Amazing how these guys show one persona and an hour later are a different person.
    I have so enjoyed getting to know for-now. It is so amazing how the SA’s all have the same mo when they lie and manipulate.
    I would love to get to know some of the rest of you. If anyone needs to talk, feel free to call me at 913-766-0961 or cell – 913-832-2370.


    Same here Sharron!! My number is posted on my profile…

    I hate talking about this crap to people that do not understand. It`s hard enough for me to tell it , much less have to try to explain it!!


    Sharon. Amazing.
    I cannot get over the change in you in such a short time. U r very inspiring!!!

    Ur story is making me nervous though. My gut says to be concerned for safety. Please stay safe and strong.

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