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    I am in the height of depression! Steve was supposed to meet with my attorney today. She was supposed to call after the meeting and tell me if he is meeting my demands. The meeting was at 2:30 and it is now 5:15. I have been a nervous wreck all day. I called her, and she did not return my call. This woman is going to cause me a nervous breakdown. I check Steve’s call log, and it looks like he received a call from her at 11:00. I am guessing she probably cancelled on him.
    If I ever get this divorce filed and granted, it will be one hell of a miracle. I know I am putting pressure on myself, but I actually had to take a xanax to get through the day with the wondering what was discussed. I am about ready to report her to the bar association. I want this divorce now!! She doesn’t seem to be in any hurry.
    Now, I think I will fix mysel a vodka tonic and chill out more, before I go over the edge.
    Have any of you had this kind of experience?


    I am so sorry Sharron. I know you have been thru so much and are so ready to be done. Try to use the xanax and the vodka tonic and relax… easier said than done. It will work out!!! Have faith and breathe deep. You can do this, look how much you have already done !!



    It’s awful when we are at the mercy of whether other people can keep their commitments. It’s no wonder you are stressed—it’s all part of that wonderful PTSD legacy.

    I’m sorry Sharron. Please don’t give up.



    Getting my daughter and then I will call you by 930….



    How awful to be put on hold like that. Professionals can be so insensitive in these situations. It’s all day every day to them, and it’s a lifewreck to us.

    They don’t get it and they think we’re whiners if we push at all.

    Take care of yourself as best you can. It will be a tough night, but we are here, and you can make it. You’ve made it this far, and now you are calling the shots so you’re on the downhill stretch.


    Unfortunately, slowing the process down works for the SA and for most attorneys….who would rather drag business out and bill more hours. We were supposed to have a Temporary Hearing in 2 weeks, but my DASA didn’t want to use an Associate at the Firm he hired to represent him so now we have to wait for his attorney to come back from surgery….hopefully my SAH will spin out of control and do a few more self incriminating things that will work in my favor. If these attorneys were living with SA’s, they’d understand why we are in such a hurry!


    Patience is not one of my virtues-maybe I need to develop a little. I get so fed up with these attorney’s. My attorney just goes with the flo and tries to tell me it is going to take some time. TIME- she promised she would file my signed petition with the court on the 20th. Doesn’t look like that is going to happen.
    You are right Lyngg2 – They just don’t get what we are going through-I am sure she thinks I am a whiner, and I am! She even apologized last week for not answering my calls-apparently she is repeating her behavior this week.
    HelenReddy – Sorry you are having to wait so long too. Your h sounds like he is calling the shots if he is refusing to use an Associate in the firm. If you are filing, why can’t you insist on the hearing with or without the original attorney? Now you have to wait until the attorney comes back from surgery?? 6-8 weeks maybe. Life isn’t fair. I hope your h does spin out of control, but unfortunately he is probably on good behavior with a divorce coming down – that is if he can control his compulsions.
    Guess we are stuck until whoever decides it is time to get this things on the road.


    Really sorry your lawyer is f-kking around. She should KNOW that the sooner she wraps tis up the more likely you are to get what you need. All she is doing is giving hom more time to figure out ways to NOT pay up. She is NOT a good advocate for you. Karen xx


    My attorney just called back. She had to cancel with Steve yesterday, but is meeting with him at 11:30 on Friday. She is getting the vibes he is angry. He told her this is costing more money by filing again. Touch shit- he should only blame himself. She is trying to leave a glimmer of hope in his mind, at this point in time, so he will be more cooperative. Once the divorce is filed she doesn’t care what he thinks. Probably a good strategy.
    She is going with my one and only plan, and if he turns it down and wants to pay monthly, instead of turning over the annuity, then she has my instructions to go ahead and go for everything as outlined in the post nump and the notarized document. If he wants to play dirty, I can definitely do that!! My attorney says he can fight it, but it will cost him money, and he will most likely lose-not much to stand on with his signiture on two documents.
    Well, Friday will be another nailbiter (sp?) I just want this to be done.


    Sharron, I know how you feel. the attorneys in my case (both mine and DAH’s) are often unresponsive, unavailable, everything gets scheduled and rescheduled. It is so infuriating and anxiety-provoking. But I tell myself that if I can’t control it, I have to just let it go.

    The legal system doesn’t really care about the hell we are going through.

    And dragging it out in some way has it’s advantages for me as I still have support and nothing is set in stone at this point. Helen, keep an eye on things because stalling definitely gives you times to catch him slipping up or to dig up more dirt.

    But Sharron, you aren’t in the same boat on that I don’t think. It will be over soon. Just try to relax and hang in there.

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