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    Hi All -My attorney called back today, (I am in shock ) and Steve is not the least bit cooperative t with my settlement terms. She presented him with turning over the annuity and explained to him if he pays me the monthly allotment it is only good for 10 yrs. and if he dies, it goes away.
    He threw up smoke screens and cried the poor me story – like: “She broke her promise to me – told me she would give me a year before making a decision.” (That was a long time ago before the lieing and deception continued). I can’t turn over the annuity. My financial advisor advised me I need to keep it so it will grow.” I still have taxes to pay next year on an annuity I took out.” I can’t afford to turn it over.”
    Okay – I told her to call him back in the a.m. and tell him I agreed to forgo the cash settlement if he would turn over the annuity to me as he agreed to do. Now, I am filing with the expectations of the cash settlement and the $600./mo.
    She said he kept saying things like – well, if she waits a year, then maybe we can start seeing eachother again and go back to joint counseling. Talk about denial!!
    My attorney kept trying to get me to take my time on this decision, because I have more to gain in the long run. She said I am every Lawyer’s nightmare, because we have the mindset it has to be done now. Your damn right it has to be done now – told her I should have gone through with it last February when I filed.
    Attorney told me Steve may not sign off on the property settlement, and she does not like to go to court without it. I told her if he doesn’t sign off on it, then go to court anyway – not my problem. I said, “Just do what I am asking you to do.” She agreed, and is calling him in the morning. She told me she will call me back when she reaches him.
    He is going to go into orbit. He asked for it by not abiding by our verbal agreement. So now, he is going to have to pay both, (monthly payment and cash settlement) and attorney says it will stand up in court. She expects Steve to seek his own attorney. I say fucking go for it – just will cost him more money. I always told him he doesn’t know what he is dealing with!
    Oh, forgot. I left my Condo open when I went to church yesterday, and I think he came in. Don’t know what he was after, but left his calling card. He left the cabinent door open to where I keep my Vodka. Talk about p/a. Also, I called my son and told him I want to wipe my hard drive clean on my computer, because he may have installed spyware on it. So, he instructed me on how to do it, and it is done. I reset pw’s on everything.
    That’s my up to date story. If I get a call from him tomorrow, I do not plan to answer the phone. All things need to go through the attorney now.


    I’m so sorry Sharron.
    Stay firm, including with your lawyer. I’m glad your son was helpful and I agree, be very careful. I would look for anything out of the ordinary. These guys have no boundaries. Stay steady, he will move to another stage.
    warm hug


    Hang tight Sharron,

    Alot of what steve agreed to was just to get you to not divorce him. Now that he sees he is going to have to pay for the pleasure of NOT being able to drive you crazy…. he isn’t so keen?? 😉 You are doing great.


    Does any SA man up, EVER???


    They do when you shoot them:)


    Since most have the emotional age of a 10-12 year old, I would say they don’t know what man up is. Thats why it was so easy for them to screw around behind our backs for so long. A real man would never have done this, they would have cherished us instead they shit on us.


    They think playing with their pee-pees is “manning up”.


    No kidding, Teri.

    Nap said: “A real man would never have done this, they would have cherished us”

    Or at least ‘fessed up at some point, instead of wasting years of our lives by PRETENDING to cherish us.


    Sharron, I agree you’re doing a great job. Big hugs to you!


    At least the Cheaters from decades past left with The OW and gave their wife EVERYTHING. I hope these SA’s burn in hell. They are not marriage worthy. They are not worthy of us. Keep your eye on the prize which is the exit. Get to the exit, keep making your way to the exit and then RUN FOR YOU LIFE!!!!! :)))

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