Home discussions New Members Please Welcome Our Newest Sister, wjs

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    Please welcome our newest Sister, wjs.

    wjs wrote in her profile:

    My husband is a 20+ year sex addict. We’ve been married for 19 years. I am in the early phase of recovery and need support of others in my situation. Only my parents and therapist know about this dark secret. I need help.

    Welcome wjs, you can share his darkness here, and please know, it’s not YOUR dark secret and you have nothing to feel ashamed of. But, we have all felt that way. Hopefully we will help you come to that realization.

    You are safe here. Everything is strictly confidential and private. We all share the same hopes and dreams, fears and tears.

    Let us know what you need. We are all here for you.

    Love and light ~ JoAnn


    Welcome. Sorry you have to be here.


    Yes, as Joann said, It’s not YOUR dark secret and you have nothing to be ashamed of. Nothing we did caused them to act out this way. This place is a lifesaver. Welcome, I’m sorry for your pain.



    This is a safe place to share and learn. I am sorry your circumstances led you here, but being here does help make it a little more sane. At least it has for me.


    Hello WJS and Welcome to the Sisterhood. Make yourself at home, dear. Love, Liza


    Hi WJS,
    I’m so glad you reached through your shock and heartache and let us take your hand for a while. It’s a first step to making yourself a priority for recovering. Lots of info and sharing here, along with questions and debates, rants and laughs, too. REally hope it helps,
    light for your journey,


    WJS – we all know what you are going through – we all have our stories. When you feel safe, share yours. We are here to help each other through this nightmare.



    WJS, welcome. I understand your pain and loss. I haven’t been here long but have found this place to bee a safe harbor in the storm with women who truly understand what it’s like to be in a relationship with a sex addict. I’m glad you have a therapist to help you sort things out, and we’ll be here to lend support and understanding.

    You’re not the problem, and you’re not alone.


    It just breaks my heart to have to welcome another wonderful woman to this site… WJS, if I could stop these insane men from hurting one more woman I would but I can`t. You are no longer alone and it is not your dark secret. Welcome and I am glad you found us.


    Hi WJS and a warm welcome. I hope you find some comfort and guidance here. Karen xx


    Hi WJS,
    someone asked me recently why I hadn’t told them about my ex’s addiction. I told them “…because it wasn’t my secret to tell.” I was referring to the AA step where you have to come clean and “confess” to as many people as possible. As soon as I had said it I realized it wasn’t my secret to keep either.

    I try to be open about it but it is the very next question that people ask that keep me from talking about it with others: “Well, you did take care of his needs, didn’t you?”

    Here we all know there is nothing you could have done differently to keep him from SA. To me it is such a relief to talk to others who know that.

    Nice to meet you!


    Welcome, wjs. So glad you found us, but so sorry for the pain and trauma you are going through. You will find so much understanding and support here. Love, Annie xoxo


    Glad you found us but so sorry you had to come. XOXO Barbra


    Hi, wjs. Welcome to SOS. This place has been a life-saver for me. I hope you find support and comfort here.


    Welcome wjs.

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