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    I have gotten quite a bit of mail from men who are in a relationship with a Sex Addict, asking where they can go for help.

    So, I created a website just for them, based on the same features as the Sisterhood.

    This is NOT a site for Sex Addicts (that’s in the works too), but for men who are suffering the same type of trauma as we are.

    If you would like to take a look at it just go here:


    I have a 3 month free trial to encourage membership.

    I am wondering about something. Should I allow women (you Sisters) to join and add your comments, encouragement, wisdom, etc?

    I think it would get it off to a good start, and, when we have enough men we can all bow out.

    What do you think?


    No I think it should just be men because men and wan are so different. Just my opinion.


    I wouldn’t mind helping them off to a good start, if the men were okay with it.


    I understand the concept and have that tendency to want to help. And I am excited about the possibility to have a greater cross gender understanding and conversation about this partner of SA experience.

    I am a bit conflicted, though. Probably because this is still pretty new to me, and because of the level of violence in the porn I’ve seen, all men against women. Being here on SOS feels safer to me because men aren’t here. That is probably very discriminatory, but the fact is, it’s a man who put this pain in my life, and I do not expect any man to understand it. I wonder if the men might feel the same about women when their partner is an SA? Would it dilute the intimacy and safety of their experience?

    Is it possible to have a few protected forums where women can chime in? Or have a forum here where questions from them are posted for response?

    That is asking a LOT of you, JoAnn.

    Just my thoughts.

    So, having said that, did I say you are so generous for reaching out to them, too? Beautiful


    yes, of course men suffer this too. and perhaps more than we know, because imagine how terribly ashamed they must feel in our culture, and how hard it would be for them to admit it. not harder than for women, but incredibly hard, in different ways.

    SA is SA regardless of gender. of course we can talk about a patriarchal society and the power inequity of the genders.. and how men see sex and how women see sex.

    but betrayal and lies aren’t gender specific. my heart goes out to the men.

    however, that said, i would think they might feel safer if it was just men. as i feel safer that this site is just women.


    I would love to help. They must feel even more alone that we do considering they are in the minority, and there’s barely any support resources out there at all. I truly feel for them.

    I have never met a male partner, but I have always thought that men partner of sex addicts would be the only men out there who probably can understand us. I think it would be helpful to be able to interact with men who have been through such similar deep pain and betrayal. For me, it may open the door for me to understand all men aren’t evil addicts, they do indeed have hearts, they love, they feel, they are human.

    I agree that men and woman are different, and it’s probably best for them that they have a private safe area like we have, but if there were some joint sections where we could share interaction I believe it would be mutually helpful for both groups of partners’ healing.

    I think it’s awesome you are doing this for them, JoAnn.


    I say no women… That is just asking for trouble. IF the men wanted a female perspective on things ( which I can understand) then maybe JoAnn could just phrase the general topic question to us and relay our input??

    just my 2 cents…


    Or, I could just write some of the general words of wisdom from this site anonymously. I will write blog articles and give them resources, but I am hoping that they will use the forums as readily as we do. ~ JoAnn


    I think what would be ideal is for them to be able to submit questions to us if they like then maybe on this site you could have a flashing icon of sorts that we could click on to read and respond to their question. In those replies that we submit, it should show us as member user and not show our pics or actual usernames that we use here. That way we don’t invade their space and they don’t invade ours.


    Is it possible to have a “3rd space”, not an entirely new website or anything major, but kind of like situated in between SOS and BOS so there’s no direct invading of either. If that makes sense. So if some of them or us did want to have discussions it’s available to whichever members would like to be involved, and those who don’t will still feel protected.


    I’m not serious, but one site SOS and BOS and then it could also be a DATING SITE (or hook ups for those inclined to do those sorts of things like showing their ta tas!). Just kidding, however would be interesting and fun.


    Damaged people of the opposite sex do NOT need to be advising /consoling each other. Recipe for total disaster. I am SAFE on this site and that`s how I need it. The men may or may not know it but they need to feel safe also…

    And certainly NO pics or privaye info!!

    Let`s keep in mind how vulnerable and shattered even the strongest are….


    I was just kidding sorry….


    I know you were Nap.. But what you said was true..


    I asked a friend who is a male ex-spouse of an SA and his concern was the boundary issues as well.

    I do like the idea of a co-ed spot, though, for the very same reason pink square said (sorry, but user name isn’t showing and I can’t remember through the fog). It has been really helpful to me to know a man going through this.


    I think that if women were on the BOS site that it would be inevitable that a male of an SA and a female of an SA would likely hook up. I mean they already have one BIG HUGE thing in common.

    Maybe then the female SA’s and the male SA’s can hook up and eventually the world will be a better place!



    I don’t know how I feel about this. My first gut instinct was OMG JoAnn has crossed to the other side!!! Sorry JoAnn!!!!

    I feel caution. But than, I don’t trust any male right now. And I sure don’t like the idea of hosting a site for SA’s. We need all the energy going to this side right now. If there is more energy to be given I hope it would go towards addressing laws that currently support SA behavior and its effect on marriage and woman.
    I am really not sympathetic nor am I interested right now in the pathetic bastards!
    Just sayin!!!!


    In an ideal world all of us wounded would come together and heal; however, I am afraid of predators. We all know how deviant the SA’s can be. They will come and post on a site like this (if we were co-ed) just to get a piece of the action. (YES I KNOW I AM PARANOID!! The anonymity would be gone. I am afraid of the dating websites because people may actually want to contact me…)

    On the same token, my heart yearns for someone of the opposite sex, and a differing point of view, on this matter. Us women are objectified left and right in the media, yet I cannot help but think about men who have to deal with the “love addicts”, “gold diggers” or what ever you want to call them. Town whores. Floozies. We all know them.

    Well, think about the other side of the coin. Men who want a human, a woman, with whom they can talk, and they meet “the superwoman” who promises everything (even more that the ol’ Scarlett could). Not only are they going to get the trophy wife, the sex slave, but a brilliant career woman too!! And what do they end up with? A floozy, a druggie, a cheater, a flunkie, an actual hardcore junkie… I know it’s not common occurrence, but I have seen it too. Long distance relationships in the military…. need I say more…

    I remember dating boys, and having friends in college, who wanted to talk to me because of things I had to say. Because I had an opposing point of view. Or maybe just a DIFFERENT point of view. I remember opposing to things just for the sake of argument… (some of my fondest memories of my short life of 40 years 😉 ) I remember being “equal” with someone, albeit very different, opposing as sexes can be, whilst still… well equal.

    At what point did we begin to argue over the illusion of “woman’s place”, or “man’s duties” (I am not even going with the role playing in bed) when we should have looked at the real human beings behind the “roles” we are supposed to play in this society? Who are the people supporting this [your] community? Mothers? Fathers? SA’s? Floozies? Junkies? Jerry Sandusky…?

    Who is going to have the guts to say to someone: “You’re so f**d up, man/woman!”? Who is going to point out the delusion of/by marketing the botox, boy-shorts, or perfect complexion? Or Audi A4 (5 or whatever the decade may be by now)?

    As you can see I am sick and tired of gender roles we are supposed to fill. And how marketing feeds on these illusions of how men or women should be. At what point can we call SA a cultural disease, or a personality disorder? Can a personality disorder really depend on a culture? What about heart disease? I know I am getting theoretical here, but if we are looking for a diagnosis for SA these are the questions we should be asking ourselves.


    Great post Hanna…you are going to be just fine!!


    Thanks, Bev. We all will be fine in the end. We all will be FANTASTIC!!! 🙂


    I vote for no women. I feel so safe here and can really say how I feel. Wouldn’t feel that way if men were on here too. I think the men need a man only site. So they can feel safe and heard and not feel like they can’t really say what they need too…
    Just my two cents.


    When I see SOS and BOS I don’t know, it makes me giggle to think it really should be SOB, not BOS….

    I’m sorry. It just made me giggle a bit.


    Dear Sisters,

    I hope no one thinks that any man would have any access to us or this site. It seems as though there is some confusion here.

    I was thinking that if anyone was interested in helping get the site off the ground, they could sign on (under a different name) to the male partner’s site and offer some input until it got going and had enough members to support the forums. No deception, they would know we were women (after all, I am a woman) and we are just there to share resources, answer questions or give them some support.

    I certainly hope that none of us are so bitter that we don’t have any compassion for a man whose wife is fucking around on him. Remember, our SA’s are fucking somebody(s) and a large proportion of those women are probably married.

    I have allowed male partners on the married site and all has been well. I still keep the SA’s from posting, and I am able to monitor that just fine.

    Isn’t it important that we get the message of the trauma model for partners out to as many people as possible? Shouldn’t that include male partners of Sex Addicts also?

    This men are even more isolated and without help, support or resources than we are.

    Not all men are Sex Addicts.

    Sorry if I stirred up a hornet’s nest. ~ JoAnn


    I think your suggestion was very sensible, JoAnn. I trust in your moderation and I feel comfortable with my boundaries, so I have no problem with helping the brothers get started, if they are comfortable with it, too.

    I mean, if it starts out with just a few guys who are all new to this, they might be a bit lost while they find their way. Which is fine if that is their preference. But having some experienced people to help guide them isn’t a bad idea.


    Jo Ann,
    you did not stir up hornets nest here. Not at all. You are welcome to use any of my posts/comments if you think they are helpful. IF YOU THINK THEY REALLY WOULD BE HELPFUL. Which I doubt.

    Once again I have an image in my head of men talking to women at a mosque, or a confessional through “an invisible wall”. People of opposing sex having a conversation about real issues (sans sex).

    Talking about what is really important.

    It is really hard to imagine a man being interested to hear anything I have to say about anything. And I know I am smart. And I I know I and 40D size 10/12.

    It is your call JoAnn. You let us respond to some of the comments they have.

    It is just really hard to imagine… being a man in a woman’s world.

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