Home discussions Divorce It’s All Coming Together

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    Yesterday, I was going through post nump and divorce filing papers. I found a document I signed back in February when I was filing the first time around. It is a “Waiver of Conflict of Interests and Consent to Representation of Opposing Party.” That was when things were amiable between Steve and I, so my attorney agreed, with this signed document, to represent us both. OMG – Since I have known her for years, didn’t pay much attention to it. I just signed.
    Now it all makes sense as to why she does not proceed with filing for divorce and return any of my calls. Steve just paid her another $1200. It is clear she is representing both of us, but I will just bet she goes with whomever pays the bill. And, I think she is stalling it out to get as much out of him as she can.
    I E-mailed her last night and told her she has until the end of the day to return my phone call. I also told her, once again, not returning phone calls is not ethical. Went on to say that I feel now, since Steve is resistent in being cooperative with a settlement, it is also not ethical for her to be representing both of us. I said I want the divorce petition filed by today, and if she wants to keep me as her client she will need to tell Steve to find another attorney. It is now almost 3pm and I have not heard a word.
    In the meantime, have talked on the phone 3X’s to the attorney who represented my son in his custody suit. He sounds very good, and I am meeting with him on Monday.
    He tells me he will have the petition filed by Tuesday. Then, he will notify my attorney, as well as Steve that I have retained him to represent me. I had to cash in $1200. of my annuity to pay him the retainer. He sounds like a go getter, and he will get this done asap. Unfortunately, I have to pay, and then if judge upholds postnump I can recover the charges from Steve, as it states he is responsible for up to $7500. attorney fees.
    Anyway, now that I see clearly what my attorney is pulling, getting another Attorney is my only choice. Now, maybe I can finally GET A DIVORCE!


    I hope this works. And what happened to you isn’t uncommon; we all need our own advocate.


    Motherfucking lawyer!


    hang in there Sharron!! Get the new attorney and go for it!


    So glad you found that. Congrats on turning it around. Good job!


    There is no such thing as an amicable divorce IMO. If you’re amicable, work on the marriage! 🙂


    Dear Sharron, you just leave me shaking my head. You go get him girl. He has NO IDEA who he is dealing with.;) Karen xx


    I love you Sharron. You are a total inspiration about getting out of the big black hole and taking your life back.
    big hug and kiss.


    WOMAN POWER!!!! You rock sister!!! Don’t take shit from anybody!

    Love, Nap


    GO FOR THE GOLD!!!!!!!

    (trying to keep in theme with the Olympics)

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