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    Just a quick question. I have a potential new member who wants to know EXACTLY what her PayPal account receipt will say. She does not want her husband to know she is joining.

    Can anyone who pays through PayPal tell me exactly what that receipt says. It should mention JoAnn’s Place, but I’m not sure how the membership terms read.

    Any help is really appreciated. Thanks ~ JoAnn


    Wish I could help. I used our Joint Visa. I wanted a paper trail so my attorney would be able to argue that I’m in a support group to deal with the trauma of being married to a Sex Addict. I will look to see what my charge line read. How private and password protected is this site JoAnn? Have you ever been subpoena’ed for files/records of members???


    I just looked at mine and it says 2checkout.com



    the customer service address says 2cosupport@2co.com


    It doesn’t even mention JoAnn’s place either.


    I pay with my Visa…I am not sure how it reads. I think it does say ” JoAnn`s Place” ?? Tell her to go buy a prepaid visa at Target with cash and use that.


    Mine says the same thing as Jules’.

    Helen wrote, “I wanted a paper trail so my attorney would be able to argue that Iā€™m in a support group to deal with the trauma of being married to a Sex Addict.”

    Good point! But for now, I don’t want mine to know I’m here. Unfortunately, when I go to the main page, my login is autofilled. Even though you can’t see the password, he could get in immediately. I think the only way to eliminate the autofill is to do it on ALL of my websites that require passwords, and I’m reluctant to do that.


    Janet.. You have to fix that quick!! I am on my own laptop or phone which is password locked so I am lazy about logging in and out because NO ONE can get in my laptop or phone. You cannot risk him getting on this site!!


    Janet, what browser are you using? Chrome? Internet Explorer? etc.

    Let me know and I’ll tell you how to just eliminate the auto fill for The Sisterhood. ~ JoAnn


    You’re so right, Bev.

    That would be great, JoAnn! I’m on Safari — I hope you can help.


    Okay Janet. If you used Safari to remember your user names and passwords here is how you remove just one of those sites.

    In Safari on the upper right corner, just below the X there is a little ‘cog wheel’. Click that and go down the menu and click ‘preferences’.

    A box will pop up. Click the tab that says ‘autofill’. You will have three choices. Put a checkmark in the one that says ‘user names and passwords’ and then click the ‘edit’ box.

    A box will come up with all of your saved user names and passwords. Scroll down and find the sisterhood website.

    Highlight that line and click remove and it should be gone.

    Restart your machine and test it.

    If you saved the password by clicking the tiny box next to your password when you signed into the sisterhood I will have to do some research on how to remove that.

    Just let me know if that works.

    Hugs ~ JoAnn


    It worked — yay!!!

    I don’t recall ever checking the little box, so I’m not sure how the autofill happened, but I’m glad it’s gone. I don’t have an X in the upper right corner so I went to Safari > Preferences in the upper left. Once I saw the Autofill preference, I remembered seeing it a while back.

    I found a few other sites that I needed to remove autofill on as well — such as my Facebook! Which, of course, he never looks at. Yeah right. I have nothing to hide on my wall, but I don’t want him accessing my private messages there. So your advice was VERY helpful in several ways.

    Thank you soooooo much, JoAnn. Love and a big hug to you!


    Janet…now change your password just to be safe in case he did follow your first tracks. If he’s reading this I want him to know his empty pathetic Nar self doesn’t scare me and neither does his tiny peewee. Grow up and deal with life as an adult instead of as a wittle boy!! šŸ™‚


    Jules, Your picture is beautiful.


    Helen, he’s actually quite well endowed, but you crack me up! They’re ALL pathetic little boys, aren’t they? Yet I’ve been labeled as “emotionally immature.” WHATEVER!!!


    Thanks everyone for your answers and suggestions. The woman who wrote the question decided to send me a money order. I’ll post her welcome as soon as she e-mails me her user name and password. ~ JoAnn

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