I knew that would get everyone`s attention!!
I have a pond in my backyard. I instigated getting it put in and I take care of it..etc.. I hang bird feeders in the crepe myrtles above it. It is a small pond ( about 5′ x7′ with 3 foot waterfall..) I have been thru hell with it… I killed the first set of koi ( fertilizer run off). Herons and raccoons picked off the second set.. I gave up for awhile and my son and I finally decided to just go with goldfish. They have flourished. We have about 25. Anyway, thru years of the pond experiences there has always been a bullfrog that hangs out ( we named him snoop frog). I have looked every year for tadpoles from the bullfrog. Bullfrog eggs look like beads and lay across the water..really pretty. BUT, the fish will eat them ( nature). I found the tadpoles several weeks back and tried to give them enough plants to hide and several actually made it. I have little tiny baby bullfrogs! I am sure Snoop is a proud daddy 🙂
My happy story for the day!