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    I have reached the point of no return, I am done,

    I am going to meet my lawyer next week and I will be filing for divorce


    Harmony, you’ll be in my prayers as you go through this difficult next step. Love and hugs to you.



    I’m glad to hear that you have made a decision….that’s half the battle. Figuring out what you want, and why – and then moving on it.



    Thank YOU janet, yes i need a lot of support, as this very sick narcissistic man and his family will not let me go easily,,,,

    Since d-date 20 months ago, the DA had played the role that he wants to do anything and everything to restore our marriage, acted that he loved me and will do anything to keep our home, and I for a while would want to believe him and want to work on the marriage, and I asked him to go for counseling but he refused, he refused to admit that he has any problem and he would keep repeating that it takes two to tango and that I have as much problems and responsibilities toward the break of marriage,,,etc.

    Well there were clearly some emotional bonds that I had with this man that I had to work on and dissolve, it took me a long time, as I was still holding on to the idea that I could do something for the sake of my small kids, that I should do something for them, I wanted them to have the best possible chance of having an intact home, so I tried and tried and tried,,,,

    but on Wednesday it was my last straw on that evening I had that show off with his bitch sister it became clear to me that this man is damaged beyond any repair, and I saw that last bond to him getting severed, on that night I got to the point of no return, his bitch sister helped me to get there and I guess should be thankful to her for showing her true ugly sickening colors in very clear descriptive ways that I could not deny anymore,

    if it was not for her he would have continued to play me and manipulate me to continue to believe that he loves me and his family and that we could be together and I would have stayed longer trying to figure it out,,,,

    But what I saw that night was horrifying, I saw a very cold blooded controlling sister who has no ability to recognize the extent of the damage that man, her brother had caused she had no empathy what so ever and not only that but even she got it into his head that as a man he can do whatever he wishes to do,,,,

    she went as far as blaming me for his adultery, I almost threw up when she said look at yourself and see what you did that caused your husband to go and cheat on you, he was silent through this whole thing and if he tried to say anything she would yell at him and tell him to go and sit in the corner and say nothing, he looked like a little poppy with his tail tugged between his legs , I thought to myself this man endangered me by associating himself with whores and now he allows his sister and even his teenage daughter to attack me, how could I have any respect to him, how could I have any bond with him, he is not a man, and he does not deserve even a second thought from me.

    I am done, so much done and I just cannot do it anymore,


    When I read that story last night about his family and his sister and how they treated you and how they sided with him, I was so angry and felt so sad for you. They pushed you up against a wall. There was no call for their behavior and especially his behavior. Not one person in that scenario had one good thing to say about you. I’m glad that you’ve decided to free yourself from that very unhealthy family. They are the true definition of dysfunctional.

    I know you have a rough road ahead of you but I think the relief you will feel from dumping that load of a husband will give you the added strength you need to carry you forward.

    I’m sorry it had to end this way but I’m so very proud of you for seeing the situation for what it is and having the courage to do what’s right for you and your kids.

    Lean on us as hard as you want; we will be here for you and will help you when you feel weak.

    Much love, Claire


    Deb, yes I have crossed that line, but I know I have long way to go,,,

    CLaire, thank you for your tenderness and kindness,,oh how much I need all of you now, thank you sisters


    Dear Harmony,

    I think you are doing the right thing. Get away from them. They sound like they are ALL crazy! BIG HUG Karen xx


    Hello Harmony 1
    Thanks for letting us know about this new decision. I truly wish I could urge you to try again, but in all honesty I just think like Karen—-get away from them, all of them.

    We only have our life, and we can’t be giving it away to people who do not honour us in the most basic of ways.

    I’m sorry you’ve had such a difficult time, and I hope you are able to carry this decision with peace and dignity into the days ahead.

    D. hugs.


    Diane, do you really think that there will be any peace during such process especially that this man is very dark, evil and manipulative,,,,
    I am going to hope and work for that


    Dear Harmony,

    I am glad that you are moving forward in your life. And I am very sorry that your stbxh and his sister and his camp, are all surrounding you with lies. Please know, this is typical. The less you associate with him and his camp of tongue wagging trolls the better.

    Well, I don’t know if peace will increase at first, but I think it will eventually get there. You have been in pre-war stage. Divorce can sometimes spark war, or it can calm things down. because finally, there is a decision. i also think that divorce helps to protect our children legally. we get our stuff in the court system. it needs to be there.

    your posts, they remind me of my xsah in soooo many ways. cunning, manipulative, sways people with his lies, gets me on the defensive, when i have no reason to be, then uses it against me. they do that.

    the process so far me, has been some of the most stressful moments, and my life is more stressful in some ways– i work longer, days start earlier/end later. BUT–i have peace, Harmony. i am out of his control, for the most part. there’s some lingering areas he latches on to, but it has been surprising peaceful, at least right now.

    i hope you find the support you need to become strong, and see through his narc tactics. remember it’s all a game. even the kids, all part of the control to good extent. I think you have given your all, and chance after chance. it is more than fine, and even over due, to say ENOUGH.

    btw– that “two to tango” shit– is false. it only takes one to abuse and cheat. and that was him. hold your head high. you are an awesome mom. one day, they will thank you. get out of the enemy camp — they seek your soul.

    just to encourage you, even if divorce is not peaceful, what’s the alternative? i mean few couples divorce peacefully or civilly,–but you never know. but for sure, there’s no peace, EVER, by staying with a man who thinks he’s just fine and it’s your fault.

    while my legal situation is going at a snails pace, we are co-parenting fairly well. and i have not been this peaceful and relaxed, in long long time. my daughter echoes this as well. quality of life has gone up. not down.


    Good luck to you on the next part of your journey. I hope you can get some distance from him and his family. I think you need some peace, less drama in your life. It sounds like you are just so tired of it. Your kids need you, and with them being so young, you need all your emotional energy just for yourself and them.

    Take care.


    One time my dad told me “some people are just ruthless”. I’m so happy for your decision to end these relationships with ruthless people. Wishing you peace and love, Nap


    Just making the decision is a huge step Harmony. I believe you are doing the right thing. I believe a lot of us on this site think we have to make the decision and we spend huge amounts of time thinking about it. In the end, the SA`s usually make the decision for us in some way. Yours did. Keep strong!


    I do think you will have peace more often than you have with SAH once the divorce is drawn. Through the process they will try to make life hell, most likely. As much as possible just focus on you and the children. You have had enough pain and crazymaking. This seems like the hardest part, but looking back, it was actually a relief for me. Even all the logistical and financial struggles were not as bad as life with SAH.


    Hi harmony,
    the sisters all make great responses here.
    When I wrote that I was actually thinking about Didi, and the post she wrote about the phone call with her husband and the therapist and how she handled it and how she felt after. There was nothing easy about. But she was centred and standing in her own truth, and there was a peace and dignity that came from having not participated in something that was just wrong for her.

    When I was first ordained I worked in a church with another older minister from Scotland. And when he lead prayers he would pray for peace, and ask for the courage to persevere when we realized that “peace was not without trouble”. I have always cherished that wisdom as I faced hard things, like divorce. The peace you seek and will find is not without trouble, but you will be standing as Didi did, in the still place of your truth, speaking it, holding to it, and defending it. That kind of courage creates a dignity, harmony, that will also be yours.

    That’s what I believe, anyway. So no slipping back into their lies and bad behaviours and pointless arguments. Stand where you are true to yourself and what you know and what you have shared with us. Ground your feet and straighten your back. You are harmony, not discord. Sing your part, not the one they wrote for you.

    lots of love,


    Yes Diane, I was also inpsired by DiDi post about her call to the treatment center, I have been wanting to be grounded and more calm and to get over my anger before I file for divorce,,,but this last incidence was my last straw, I have to work on my self through the process,and I think i will get there, but I am ready so ready to get over all this manipulations that I had lived through for years,,,

    yes Pam I need to stay strong and see through the mad narc tactics,,,

    I agree with your dad Nap, some people are just ruthless,

    thank you sisters for all your support , I do need all your words, your love and your collective strength


    so the mad sociopathic man is preparing for the battle
    he sent an email to our mutual friends Maria and Elaine, asking them for support letter on how good of a father he is, he is going to meet with lawyers next week….

    below please see his email :

    (( Good morning to you guys , we are in SD and planning to spend the day here . I hope you both doing well . I would really appreciate if you would write me a statement to whom it may concern stating that you both know me since 1999 . And you have been a close personal friend for both my wife and me for the last 4 yeas , during this time you have never seen any abusive behavior from me toward my children or anyone else . And that I spend every effort to take care of my children in a very loving and well balance manner and that you have witnessed many time in my home as well as your home , how my children interact with me in a loving way ,free of fear . And you have witnessed how they love to come over my place and in many times in front of you they would ask me to take them over there repeatedly . You have witnessed that I spent every possible effort to have a clean , safe place ( physically , emotionally and morally ) for my children that is only full of love and fatherly care and that have never experienced and harsh treatment or discipline from me toward them and that I maintain an environment in my house that give them reassurance by maintaining their mother picture all over my house and by never mentioning their mother except in most respected way . I would appreciate if you have 2 separate litters from each of you , and of course you can add or subtract what you see appropriate and you feel comfortable with . This matter will remain highly confidential since I understand how sensitive you position is . I’m meeting with my lawyer ( JS) on Tuesday and also will meet with LS on 9/6 ( her first available ) and decide which way to go . I would appreciate if you have the statement ready to present it to them if you can and it would be better if they are not exactly the same wording . Thank you both many time for being the wonderful people that you are , I consider you both as my mother and I’m really sorry to drag you into this matter but I do need your help . God Bless. ))


    Harmony, stay in your truth. Do not be swept in his activities. Give him enough rope he will hang himself. Let these two women make up their own minds. Keep gathering any evidence you can to bring into court. Honestly if they do what he asks, they aren’t your friends, and they’re idiots.

    I do enjoy the part where he says “I would appreciate if you have 2 separate litters from each of you”. What are they? Cats?


    yes Diane I am trying to stay in my truth, I am trying to see the big picture that this man at the end is hurting no one more than himself,,

    I wrote this email to Maria and Elaine this morning, but i did not send it to them, I am posting it here to get it out of my system and to ask for wisdom in handeling this very difficult matter, I am sorry that it is too long, but it is what it is
    pleas let me know your thoughts

    ((Dear Maria and Elaine

    I again want to apologize that alex keeps dragging you into our problems and send you these emails purposefully, but I chose not to answer alex’s emails because it is all full of false accusations and I refuse to get involved with such derogatory comments as it does no good to any one,,,

    I in spite of pain he caused me with his betrayal from the beginning I refused to engage in any games to try to hurt him or depicte him in any bad ways, simply because he is my husband and the father of my children, and I would not want anything bad to happen to him so I kept everything to myself and I refused to share it with anyone, I did not even tell my closest friends, I did not share any details with my family, my parents only knew that there is another woman but did not share any other details with them, none of my brothers or sisters know anything about what happened, except that we are separated ,

    It hurts me to no end that he dragged both of you in the middle of all this , but he himself had shared all these details with you against my well,,,as I would have never wanted for the two of you to get into all of this and for you to know all the things you know about his affair with that woman he spent his energy on, his character, his many different issues, as I wanted to maintain his image in your heads of the friend you have known and if it was up to me I would never wanted for you to know anything about all of this,,,

    so I am really sorry that he dragged you into all of this but I am hoping that since you are in the middle of it now to be able to help him, as I really think what Aexi has very serious issues including issues with anger , I had experienced so much of his anger during our marriages many incidenes of anger and rage for really no good reasons, I was hurt by that as I expected a mature man would if has any issues with me to come and talk to me like adults and not resort to anger ,,cussing, calling names to vent his frustrations, ,,,even his cheating reflected how much anger he has against me

    But you know at the end his attitude with me only reflects how much anger he has against himself, as no man who respect him self enough would get involved with a very suspicious woman like NV who has a very shady reputation in the town, and her husband KV who is known for his conning other people out of their money,,,,

    What Alex has done reflect very serious and deep problems he has way from the beginning long before he has ever met me , yes he has cheated on me and he was trying to hurt me because he was angry with me and I did get hurt but he was hurting himself as well,

    he had damaged himself in the first place he had destroyed the beautiful gift that god had given him the gift of having a family, a decent moral wife and beautiful three children…I can not imagine how could a man compromise himself and his family by his association with such woman who could brought serious threats to his family,,,

    I tried so hard to get him to see all of that but I failed and I am stepping aside but after all there is a god and there is a judgment day and on that day alex will be asked about these very serious sins that he had committed,,,as adultery is a very serious crime in the eyes of god, as serious as committing murder, well alex with his acts had murdered his family, he murdered the dreams I had of being together forever, of raising our small children together , and seeing them go through the different stages in life, school, , soccer games, basketball games, dance performances, then colleges, graduations, ,,,,then to see our children getting married and having our grandchildren,

    I was hoping that I am building this kind of life with him, where we share all these memories in our old ages where we would recall all of this with warmth and love

    So after my discovery of his betrayal I held these kind of thoughts in my head, that I did not want alex reputation to be ruined and I wanted to do what I can do to restore these dreams, but at the same time I was facing the fact that I had lost any trust I had in this man, and trust is so essential for any relationship ,

    I found myself where I just did not recognize alex anymore, the man I thought I had was not the same man who cheated on me, I could never imagine that he was so capable of so much lying and deceiving, but I was willing to try to build our family together but on the right grounds, I needed to know who this man is, I needed to know what he had done behind my back for years, I needed to have a full disclosure about everything he has ever done, then I needed to see him becoming honest with me and never lie to me ever again, in April of this year after we had spent together a weekend out of town during which we talked so much about what we need to do to build our lives together and Alex promised me to be honest with me, when we came back I thought I got to that stage with him, during that trip he showed me how much he loved me and how much he is willing to do anything and everything in his power to gain my trust again, we wrote a long moral contract where I asked him to just be honest with me and never lie to me ever again under any circumstance,,,,and he promised me that and I believed him I truly believed him that he would never ever compromise that trust that is just started to be rebuild again , after all what do I want more than to have the father of my children in my life forever,

    But he lied to me again and lied in the worst possible ways, I remember very clearly that day in April it was Thursday evening, I had spent the Wednesday night with him alone, and woke up in the morning feeling happy full of hope of possibility of new life, over that Wednesday evening he promised me over and over again that he would always be sincere, kind, loyal and honest,,,and I chose to believe him because I wanted to keep my family together, ,,,,but then on Thursday night as I was coming back to see him again, I saw him pulling into NV subdivision which is very close to his current home, I could not believe my eyes, I was shocked, I was petrified to see that , I just did not know what happened to me, I felt a very painful stab in my back, I left with tears and fears all over my heart, I felt I was bleeding internally,,,,

    I waited for him to tell me what happen and why did he go there, I did not tell him that I had seen him I wanted to see if he would ever tell me what did happen, I wanted to hear the truth, but he never came forward and when I asked him what he did that evening he lied to where he was, ,,,,,,on that moment I saw my life, my future all falling apart,, I did not want to believe that this man who just the night before promised me to be there for me and to never lie to me again, would lie just like that after we had made love together the night before,,,,I was in shock, and even when I confronted him about it, he kept denying it and refusing to admit it until finally as you had heard him admitted that yes he went to her subdivision that night but he gave a very lame excuse that he was looking for a house there,,,really he could not even come up with a better excuse ,,,,,

    Alex had stabbed me in the back again and again, but in spite of all that I did not go out and share all this with anyone, in spite of him hurting me in such bad ways, I still wanted to protect him and protect his reputation in town,,,,,, as it is never in my nature to hurt anyone in any shape or form not alone the father of my children,,,,,
    But he is continuing to play games, he knows very well that he has very deep and serious issues, the most important of which his anger issues, Alex was very angry through our marriage, had on different occasions yelled at me, cussed at me and called me names, he even spit on me one day while we were coming back from a family vacation, I was in the back of the car sitting next to our children and he got angry with me for trivial reasons and started to cuss me telling me the f word and then start to spit on me ,,,his spit was all over the car seats and windows, that next day Youssef saw a spot on the window and remembered that was from his dad spitting, ,,,

    ,he never hesitated to throw these anger fits right in front of the children, and had even on different occasions yelled at the kids scaring the be gees out of them, different people in my house including our house keeper witnessed how mad he can become with even our little daughter, as one day when she was less than four years old during one of her tantrums he yelled at her so bad that other people run to take her out of his way,,,, he is a big man and his voice can be very loud and very scary for even me not alone a little child,,,,my daughter was crying for a long time after that,,,
    I really have very serious concerns about how can alex in the long run control him self and his anger especially around those kids, and it just does not take much to hurt those very fragile kids or scar them for life, he just can scream at them once or twice and create serious fears and anxiety in their little hearts,,,

    I had given up any hope that I can have alex change his ways ,or work on himself, as I truly believe he has serious issues with controlling his impulses including his anger impulses and sexual impulses, ,,,

    But I just cannot handle this anymore, he needs to go and seek counseling with experts like Dr Minwalla who can help him to learn ways to control his impulses but he has to see it and feel it that he needs to do that work,,,,I have to admit that I failed to make him see all of that’

    But I am hoping with you and your true interest in him and his wellbeing that you can influence him to go and seek the counseling that he needs,

    I need to step aside and work on my healing as in spite of all this pain and degradation that alex had put me through I managed to stay strong for my beautiful kids, I managed to give them the safe loving house they need and they are and continue to be very happy and very balanced children,,,
    But they still need that balanced father, they need a man who is happy with himself and proud of what he does in life in all aspects of life, in his work, in his relationships with people, but also in his own home,,, and alex is not happy with himself and what he has done, he is ashamed of himself, but his shame is long rooted it goes back to years of his life and previous relationships he has had during which he had also cheated,,,,

    He Has agreed to share all of these issues with you and sat in your home around the dinner table on different occasions sharing all of this with you , so he has a trust in your and your ability to help,,,So I hope you can continue to urge him to seek the counseling as there is nothing more in life I want to see more than he is reaching a place of happiness and balance as that will give my beautiful children a chance to grow and be proud of their dad,,,,

    I love you both and appreciate everything you have done


    Don’t send it. They will feel that have to defend him.


    How did you get the email? Did they send the email to you? Or did he?


    Harmony, I’m glad you shared your email to them here, with us, so you could get it out of your system. It was painful to read, my heart bleeds for you and your pain and anger. But Diane is right. Don’t send it. It will do you no good because you would be playing his game and putting them in the middle of your battle where they should not be. If they are really your friends, they will recognize his attempt to “win” them for what it is. If they don’t recognize this, they are not really your friends. You are clearly the superior person in every way and your friends should know this. Your refusal to play the “be MY friend” game and your allowing them to stay on the sideline where they belong will make this even more clear.



    How awful when all our relationships are put over this rock and crushed. He really has no boundaries at all, so, so, so NARC!

    If they are real friends, they see right through his BS. Just go to them and hug them and say “This is awful! I am so sorry you are even touched by this.” Do something nice with them FOR YOUR OWN SAKE, if they are even still important to you at all. Let them see you keeping on keeping on, even if they see a few tears in the mix. Makes you more human, not a witch bitch from hell. Take the higher ground. Don’t be a martyr. But don’t enlist outsiders for a personal war.

    If they are not real friends, they’ll take your email to H and it will be ammunition. They will take everything out of context and build it up into something it’s not. Absolute silence from your side leaves H with only his own input to manipulate, not enough material. He will hang himself.

    Hugs! I am proud of you. You’re doing great!


    I am so glad you posted here, and not to them. While everything in your words is true, I agree with Diane. Don’t send it. I truly believe it will make matters worse. but it actually may be good for you to save his email to the women, as he is practically coaching them what to say. so save it. and show the court– he fed them led them.

    as for you? it’s your team and battle time. your team only. post here. save emails. document document document. pain in the butt, but it’s what will save you.

    i know several months ago–wasn’t there an incident where he police were called? get a copy of that police report. right away. any witnesses? i don’t care how much he lies and says he wasn’t abusive. or that you are the abuser. when police are called because you were in danger, it does speak volumes to your credibility.

    also, protect your business. he’s likely coming for that too. it’s ugly, but one thing is for sure, all the accountability that has been lacking, will be knocking on his door. child support, alimony, assets, retirement, custody–

    can you possibly afford a PI?


    Thank you Lynn, you are so amazing, I think just posting this email here without sending it did help me greatly thank you for reading it,,I will not send it

    I had decided few days ago that I want absolutely nothing to do with him, nothing at all and I will keep my promise to my self so please if I slip again and get involved in any ways in his games remind me of this promise

    Thank to all of you for being there for me
    Love you all

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