Home discussions Mental Health Does anyone still have a bout of ptsd now and then – even after leaving?

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    I woke up in a cold sweat last night after a dream about Steve. We were in an office setting and there was a very attractive gal sitting across from us while conducting some kind of business. Steve was in a trance-like state and objectifying her.
    I would guess it was prompted by talking to the mf about the property settlement a few days ago. Since I have filed for divorce, I don’t remember having any bad experiences with trauma, so just goes to say how getting away from him, for the most part, solved the old ptsd.
    Just curious if any of you have experienced anything like this down the road.


    I have an odd assortment of little things that appear. I don’t know how long it will go on. I only know that I have to be very conscious of situations that might set off symptoms.


    Yes, I still do quite a bit but I try to just ride the waves and breath through it.




    I’ve been gone 11 months and I still have chronic PTSD daily. But I am still being traumatized. I’m doing a lot better with him being gone to inpatient treatment. Interestingly, the better I feel the more I realize how bad my PTSD actually is. Since I am no longer running around responding to the threat of him, I can focus on me and fully realize PTSD’s impact in my life.

    I’ve been told it takes about a year after everything is done (divorce, moving, starting a new life) before you can even hope to feel normal.


    Dear Sharron,

    Sorry for your dream/nightmare. I have them also. It’s awful. Funny, I too seem to have them before important legal decisions. but they happen at other times as well. hopefully, in time it will get less and less.


    Teri – I think getting the divorce over with and no more communication will take my ptsd away. Pam-C: I think you are right about having dreams before legal decisions. I had another major one last night – The divorce just brings everyting to the surface again. Unfortunately, I have another mo. before the waiting period is over, and then will have to be put on the docket for the hearing. Hopefully, it will go quickly.
    I never really understood the true meaning of ptsd until I went through it myself. It was always something way out there I read and had knowledge about, but when you experience it yourself, it sure puts a different perspective on it. When I tell my sister that I had a dream or something that triggers me to feel the trauma all over again, she just looks at me like I have two heads. She is also a Nurse, and Assistant Dean of Nursing at a University. Just goes to show ya that intellectualizing something and feeling it are two different things.


    PTSD doesn’t just go away. That’s why there are so many Vietnam vets living on the streets. Just because they’re out of the war zone doesn’t mean they are home free. Trauma needs to be treated.


    That’s what I’ve heard, March, and I’ve heard that very few treatments have been found to be effective with trauma. I think EMDR is the treatment of choice for soldiers, but I don’t think the medical establishment “believes ” in it. I like somatic experiencing, too. What else is supposed to help trauma?


    EMDR works for me, and it’s working for the first client I’ve practiced it on as a counselor. Writing also works for me. My two books of poetry, Karaoke Funeral and The World’s Last Bone, are the results of years of my working through childhood traumas and my traumas as a young adult. I’m working on a third manuscript, The Sex Addict’s Bride.


    March, have you published those books?


    I found them on Amazon.

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