Home discussions Sex Addiction Installing software tonight, anyone want to take bets?

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    SAH finally installed his spanking (pun intended) new computer at the office. We had Safe Eyes blocking on the old one, and he hasn’t said boo about it in the new one. Whatever. I’m going into the office tonight to work on some tax stuff, and I’ll be putting eblaster on this mo fo. Just to collect evidence, I’m not obsessing; I know he’s lying and not in any real recovery.
    I see by the description that it gives “reports” of in/outgoing emails (date, time, etc.). I may be splitting hairs here, but does anyone know if it captures the actual email? That would be important, but I don’t see anything specific about that fact. Thought I’d ask those that have used it here. Thanks 🙂


    You need to go in to the settings on eBlaster (and you can change them remotely at any time) to record all e-mail activity AND all keystrokes. That should give you everything you need.

    Good luck. ~ JoAnn


    Good luck, hope you get whatever you need to make this work for you.


    That’s what I’ve been doing – collecting evidence, he hasn’t done anything since discovery, but i went back in time and found all kinds of stuff, got pretty savvy at it actually. I have enough pics of SA and his penis that I should be good for custody. I hope. Actually i need to post in the kids section. I would like to know what i need to make sure i get full custody of my children if it comes down to that (or should i say … when).

    It’s the cell phone monitoring that is lacking and what they use for EVERYTHING. so many loopholes and ways around things with all the apps that the spyware can’t get into. I actually installed a second software and just cancelled it. i have enough, i dont want anymore. i’m tired.

    Get that evidence.


    Jenny. I sent you a pm just now


    The bigger question Jenny; What will you do with what you find?


    Kelly: thanks, I may take you up on that tomorrow!
    I’ve got it installed, but I’m a little worried about the antivirus programs. I didn’t get any warnings at all, and the firewall is on (Macafee, Windows Defender). I turned it on and off a few times, went in and out of the program, and no alerts. Maybe just paranoid.
    I could not see in the “settings” feature where you elect the report notifications. I’ll go online from my computer and try to change the settings remotely as JoAnn suggests. That makes me nervous that it will set off the antivirus, ahh! This shit is nervewracking. What am I saying, he’s the fucking sex addict. If I’m found out, so the hell what.
    As for what I will do with anything incriminating, SOT, I will get the hell away from him. Either he goes, or I go. Don’t much care. We’re at the point where he is 5 months into his treatment, says he’s “in recovery”, and knows full well what the boundaries are. If he breaks them, it’s on him. And I can have some space 🙂


    Type a porn site in and see if it shows later on the report.

    Just an idea to put your mind at ease but delete pc history afterward. Just in case


    Thats a good idea For Now.


    Thanks guys. I won’t have a chance to be alone in the office until Thursday, so I won’t do anything until I have a chance to check it out undetected.
    He told me on Friday that “if you need to get on the computer, the password is XXXX1234. So I went to sign on, and the password didn’t work! Jerkoff had it in all caps, but failed to share that little detail. There always has to be some element of secrecy or concealment going on. Unbelievable. Not *exactly* a lie, but not the truth! Jackass.


    Yeah, I get that game, too, Jenny. And then if you complain, he acts you are the problem.

    Good luck.


    Jenny – have you found anything since you put eblaster on the computer? I was just wondering.


    Hey Trish,
    Thanks for following up! And the funny thing is that there is absolutely *nothing* on eBlaster…because he has not used the computer. Seriously. It has Windows 8 installed on it, and he can’t get his brain around the interface. Has only turned it on once since it was delivered.
    Fortunately, he has his iPhone, so anything he cares to do with that can happen untracked.
    The iPhone is a non-negotiable, he needs to get rid of it if he even wants to talk about staying together. So it is NOT lost on me that he has not giotten rid of it. I see the choice loud and clear there!


    Mine lied that he had one, then was stupid enough to send me photos clearly stamped with the logo. Or maybe that was intentional.

    Yep, that would have to go.


    Hi jenny, I also installed eblaster on my H’s new Mac which he also has not yet used, but will be soon. I have a question regarding the version for the phone. I know that this software cannot be installed on iPhone (at least I think it can’t)but, does it work on other smart phones? is it possible to monitor them with eblaster, undetected. Thanks so much for any info. Janey


    I do sell eBlaster for Android and Blackberry smart phones. It’s not perfect though. It will not work on AT&T phones. It will monitor e-mail, texts, photos, etc, but not their internet use. If you want more info you can go here:


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