Home discussions Divorce Ok, so no support at all, not just less

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    Well, no support payment was made today. Go figure, right? I’m not going to hop around and chase him down. We won’t starve. If they turn off the power we’ll camp out on Mom’s floor. I refuse to be a puppet jumping around when he cuts off support at will. He knows I can’t even afford to file breach of contract for the nonpayment. But there’s a four month statute of limitations, so there’s time yet.

    How did I ever love that freak? Yeah, I know they put on masks, but didn’t the stench give him away? Ugh.

    SOOO glad my life is not with that person now.


    Ugh!!! Sorry Lynn what a MF AH POS.


    He’s never going to pay and it seems like there is no way to force him. I would just apply for every kind of gov assistance out there and continue looking for work.

    Something will break in your favor eventually. Hang in there Lynn, you have made it this far sister!


    let me know if i can help at all. i hate him.


    What a total fuckwad. Our justice system does not work. It’s like living in fucking backwards world. You shoot your abusive husband ok. You shoot AT the abusive husband you go to prison for 20 years. You make legal binding agreement with your x he can laugh in your face and not pay. Make a legal binding agreement to pay your taxes and not pay, they hunt you down and you go to jail. WTF. I am so sorry Lynng2. Something will come your way. I just know it. 🙂





    What lisak said.

    Sister, sister……..may you be catapulted into a sane reality!


    How can he NOT pay court ordered child support? Can’t his pay get garnished? Can’t he lose his driver’s licence or go to jail? I don’t get it.


    It’s not child support, it’s alimony that SJ is supposed to pay. They don’t garnish alimony. My children are from a previous marriage, they were 14 and 9 when we married.

    And believe me, LOTS of dads get away without paying child support. They just have to be a step ahead of the sluggish enforcement systems. Here in NC the first piece of paper you have to sign if you ask for help with child support enforcement is an agreement that you realize it takes a minimum of 3 months to start a claim. Then, once they’ve located the non-paying parent, allow another 60 days for the garnishments, etc. to be put into place. And that’s IF they remain in the enforcing state. If they move, all the red tape is doubled because the state on the receiving end of the file claims the same timetable for themselves. Basically, for enforcement to work, the dad has to care about staying put and keeping the same job. Not what my children’s dad cares about, part of why I left him. We moved 27 times in 10 years. Work related, yes, but still. He’s 80K+ behind now.




    He deposited support, less $300, late yesterday. Sigh. So tired. It’s a relief, but still leaves us very short. Somethings got to break. Hope it’s not me.


    Can you learn to file these motions yourself (pro bono) so you won’t have to pay an atty?

    Geez, what a jackass!!!


    Oh, I will, Kimberly. I’ll have to. But I’m pretty sure that means I’ll have to travel to TX for the court date. That cost me over $1000 last time, and at that time SJ was glad to see me and paid all the expenses once I got there. I don’t know if that will be more expensive for me than the attorney to represent me. Today, I am too mentally fried to research that.


    Did a Tx judge sign the final order or one where you live?


    It’s not a court ordered support, it’s a separation agreement, so no judge signed it. I have to file for breach of contract, and then that will create a court order, if the judge orders him to pay what he owes per the contract (which my attorney says every judge does with these things). Once SJ failes to pay the court ordered amount, THEN I can file again and he will be held in contempt if he doesn’t pay, and jailed if he doesn’t pay by the deadline the contempt hearing decides. With his first wife, when he was found in contempt, they gave him 60 days to pay the amount he was behind.

    Which means, he can not pay for one month.. and then it takes about a month or two to get a court date… and then he can have two months to make it right (not paying all this while). He can get six months behind before he is legally forced to pay the first months arrearage. Meanwhile I will have had to make three filings of once month’s support. And then I’ll have to file for the NEXT months arrearage, and they’ll give him only 30 days to come clean. And so on, sigh.

    Just so not worth the effort. I really, really just wanted to find a job. Still looking.


    But what state did the order originate in, or the petition filed in is what I mean.


    NC, he’s in Texas, where they’re not really adamant about enforcing support anyway.

    I think I get where you are going. Have him forced to come here. THat would be less expensive at the first, but I know from experience with the children’s father, if he isn’t paying a contempt amount here, they will NOT go get him and put him in jail in TX. He needs that threat to move, I know from experience.


    I think you file the breach of contract in your state then, not in Texas. You don’t file it where he lives, you file it where the court has jurisdiction, if I understand it correctly, and that sounds like NC.


    Argh, that’s good and bad. I know they won’t enforce across state lines. I’ve tried that so many times with the children’s father. They basically laugh at me and say, what do you want us to do? Go get him four states away? Not happening.



    Lynn, there is no justice with these guys- not one little bit.


    Tell him if the checks not here in 4 days you’re calling his boss and telling him the truth….


    I’m with Nap……make him pay for your silence.


    Junie …it isn’t Canada sweetie. Here…the provincial govt’s work together to make sure they pay. Of course , the losers can find ways around it BUT they will never have a drivers licence or a decent job, while they are doing it. 😉

    Lynn, I just knew he would never pay. I HATE HIM and your laws.


    Land of Milk and Honey my Ass.


    More liKe the land of shit and more shit

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