Home discussions Sex Addiction Sex Addiction Support Group

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    Sorry I haven’t been on the site for awhile. I have been so busy getting my support group set up and sending out flyers to Therapist’s and surrounding Church’s.
    I received a letter today from one of the Pastor’s. She sent me a personal letter saying “”I was divorced 30 years ago,because my husband was an unrecoverd sex addict. Anyway, I wish this group had existed back then. At that time, society was just beginning to grapple with the idea of sex addiction, so there was little help for the addict’s or their spouses. In any case, I wanted to take a moment to thank you on behalf of all of the spouses (women and men) of sex addicts. It is a terrible struggle to face these issues alone. If I run across those needing help, I will definitely refer them to your group”.
    I thought that was so nice of her to respond to me personally. I hope my support group is successful. I think it will take awhile for Therapist’s and church’s to get the word out and referrals going, but I am optimistic.
    Those of you who have been on the site for a long time and have worked through some of this stuff might think about starting a group such as mine – They are really needed out in the community. I am also referring members to o s.o.s. so they can read real stories of our struggles to heal. I will also be utilizing JoAnn for help, and using her E-Books for members to purchase or read.
    Hugs to you all. Once I finish sending my final flyers out, I will come be back to my sister’s.
    JoAnn I am praying for you.
    Hugs to you all


    Best of luck to you in your new venture, Sharron! Heaven knows you’ve survived your own trial by fire and have the first-hand experience necessary to help others facing the same situation. I’m so proud of you, girl! Love, Liza


    Oh Sharron, how special it is that the pastor wrote you that personal note. It just goes to reassure you that you are doing the right thing and are about to help a lot of women in need.
    Very, very, excited for you.
    Much love, Claire


    What a great validation of the work you are putting so much into, Sharron. I am sure she’s not the only one who feels that way, and your participants are lucky you are making this bold move. You inspire me.


    What a great idea, start a support group! Maybe one day, soon. Sending love and strength waves your way.


    Good for you Sharron! Let us know how it goes.


    I’m so proud to know you Sharron, and have shared some of your journey. Blessings on all you do.


    Sharron, That’s a wonderful thing you are doing. And how nice that the Pastor came forward to share and validate what you are doing.


    hi, what a great idea.. I wish I had a support group to go to in my area… how about an online support group?


    Sharron….that’s so nice that she wrote you. I’ll call you. Got a gastro bug after my eye surgery and then back at work. Last eye surgery dec 4th. We need to catch up on your leg. Hope it’s better.


    Thanks for all of your replies. I just finsished sending the final 250 flyers out today, so hope all this effort will have at least one show up to the first group meeting. All it takes is one.
    You guys are all so sweet. Hope to be back and chat with all of you in a couple of days. Wow this takes a lot of time and energy. JoAnn is superwoman!
    Kimberley – yes, we need to talk and catch up. Hope you are feeling okay now.


    I thought this was an online support group.


    Thats wonderful Sharron. I don’t doubt there is a need but takes a special kind of person to run a support group. Wouldn’t be me. I’m just too “NEXT” about the whole thing and don’t believe it is an addiction. It is lovely that the pastor sent you her story and that you have managed to turn a horrible experience into something positive and you are free of him and paying it forward. Always knew you were a bit of a star.

    Love Karen xx


    LOL JoAnn 😉


    Look forward to hearing how this goes. Thanks for putting the effort in to do this. I feel so spent and I am too young to feel way………blame PTSD.


    Hi Sharon

    I am so very happy for you.


    Hey Pam, it’s so good to hear from you again. How are you?


    Sharron, you are simply amazing. xoxo


    Pam, how the hell are you? Hoping that crazy tranny lover ran off to Brazil or somewhere FAR FAR away! 😉

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