I am in the middle of a Psych Eval in Wisconsin because my SA ex2B won’t change the placement schedule and so we got The Court Commissioner to agree that a Custody Study should be done. (Our case involves 4 kids, all minors, one with a medical condition and has been dragging on for 2 years now.) The rural family court system I’m in finally agreed to try to get someone (other than the lame GAL) to stud6 our case and report back to the Court which parent is saner: The Stay At Home turned School Board Member & Catholic School Teacher or The Business Executive with ADD who has testified to having a sexual addiction, an attachment disorder, and sexual health issues. (Eye roll) Anyhow – an SOS sister was helping me list some “strengths of my partner” on my intake form and we were CRACKING UP at what we could sanely write….wanted to share the laughter and also ask for feedback: My ADD SA NAR is: a good provider (when you can find the funds) a good driver (never had a speeding ticket) and has good hygiene. 😀