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    Kimberley- misery loves company! (10 posts)
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    Profile picture of Teri teri said 7 hours, 55 minutes ago:
    I’ve been thinking of you, Kimberley, and the rotten string of luck you have had lately with more and more stressors being added to your life.
    So I thought maybe you’d like some company… although our trip to Ohio went well, it was touch and go with weather and planes all the way. We ended up not getting home until 8 pm last night (after 9 hrs of traveling) and had to get up this morning and head to Rice. No food in the house.

    Tomorrow is mediation and Bat is in class almost all day today, and I have to be with him. So this morning, I am eating a breakfast bar here at Rice, and my front tooth breaks in half! So now I am trying to squeeze a dentist appointment in instead of heading to the grocery in the little time I have between classes at different campuses!
    I am way too tired for this…

    Profile picture of Kimberley Kimberley said 7 hours, 51 minutes ago:
    Omg! I’d totally sport that look at mediation to show how destitute you are!! That made my day. I shouldn’t laugh but I am. I’m picturing you talking with a lisp trying to mediate.
    Sometimes I’m so inappropriate. Bless your heart Teri.

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    Profile picture of Kimberley Kimberley said 7 hours, 50 minutes ago:
    For those who missed it, read my post in my daughter and her heart.

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    Profile picture of Teri teri said 7 hours, 46 minutes ago:
    I’m happy you get a laugh at my expense! I’m laughing, too….
    Really, powers that be? Today? But then maybe dr e will have to pay it all today whereas after omorrow, it would have to come out of my budget that makes no allowances for rainy day problems like this? So maybe it happening today is LUCKY!
    Damn, someone get me a margarita!

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    Profile picture of NAP NAP said 6 hours, 23 minutes ago:
    I think it was recently a full moon (Sat). I know it was a crazy day for me too. Don’t know if anyone else ‘feels’ the full moon?

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    Profile picture of JoAnn JoAnn said 6 hours, 22 minutes ago:

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    Profile picture of NAP NAP said 6 hours, 16 minutes ago:

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    Profile picture of Teri teri said 4 hours, 46 minutes ago:
    That’s just what I need, JoAnn!

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    Profile picture of tmp271 tmp271 said 4 hours, 8 minutes ago:
    It seems sometimes that when it rains, it pours. Hang in there Teri and Kimberley!!

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    Profile picture of LynnG lynng2 said 1 hour, 8 minutes ago:
    It was a full moon, yes, and we felt it on so many levels. A snow/ice storm and earthquake that week, too. It has to get better, it just has to. Looking for that silver lining now
    those margaritas look so good

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