Home discussions SOS Stuff WOO HOO! Best New Features In The New Forums

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  • #9401

    There are so many great things that you will love about the new forums, I’ll start a list here as I add them.

    1. You can post photos from your computer in the forums! YAY! (I posted one in the new forums.)

    2. You can add your own avatar or photo. You just have to go up to the black top menu and hover over either my sites or Sisterhood Of Support and click ‘Dashboard’. This is your own personal area that only you can see, where you can change your password or personal info and add a photo.

    I’ll list more features here as I add them. ~ JoAnn


    3. The new forums allow ‘nested’ replies. You can comment on a topic or you can reply to a comment made by someone by simply clicking the ‘reply’ tab in a comment.

    4. You can click the checkbox at the bottom of your comment and be notified via e-mail if anyone else has commented to your comment.

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