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    Has anyone read 50 shades of gray? Did you think it was awful? My H threw mine away. I didn’t really think it was that bad. Frankly, the sex got really old and I just wanted to see if the girl wound up making him fall for her.


    I tried to read it. The writing was absolutely terrible so I gave up. However, if you want to read it, read it. Your POS H is not your Dad and you are not 11. You are a grown woman and get to decide what you want to read.


    Did you think it was rated X? It wasn’t really all that to me. In all fairness I wouldn’t want him to look at porn, but it wasn’t really that to me.


    I didn’t get past page 30 – I agree with Daisy – the writing is absolutely terrible!!!!!


    I scanned them, and was in a state of awe that it actually sold so many copies. 1) the writing is almost mockingly predictable and second rate 2) the S&M is so glorified it’s like the S&M version of Pretty Woman 3) I was horrified that it was just exactly what the doctor ordered for men like SJ – innocent young things would think they were missing something and WANT to try S&M feeling it would be sexier and more sophisticated than “vanilla” sex.

    Yeah, all sadists are model millionaires who just need the right virgin’s love and understanding to uncover their wounded boyish heart.

    What a crock! Just usher a generation of young girls into the torture chamber expecting otherworldly sexual experiences. How can we excuse this?


    Lynng2, I’m with you on this. I didn’t read it, I knew it would be too triggering for me, but I read the hype about it and thought it sounded pretty toxic. This is not the sort of sex I am interested in, and I realize it is fantasy not reality, but still I wonder about the message it sends to our young sisters and daughters who are thinking this might be normative.


    Did anyone see the commercial spoof on SNL awhile back of 50 Shades??

    OMG!!!! I laughed my ASS off!!

    With my H’s issues with porn I can’t bring myself to want to read it since I hear it’s super dooper X rated.


    It didn’t help that I saw an interview with the author who (and I know this is shallow) unattractive and not very intelligent and was married to a dumpy, unattractive man and she giggled through the interview about how much fun the two of them had acting out the various scenes. It was NOT a good image! When I tried to read the book I kept picturing the two of them and not the young, attractive couple she was trying to write about. Bleh.

    In addition to the really, REALLY bad writing, I found the premise of the story – an intelligent, sophisticated college graduate with a good relationship with her father and a good support system of friends falls for a guy who wants to treat her like shit and beat the crap out of her just because he’s attractive and wealthy? I didn’t buy it. I honestly do not understand the popular appeal of this book. And what is worse, it has spawned a whole bunch of knockoff S&M “romance” books trying to cash in on the wave of popularity. Sickening and exploitive.


    I agree with you guys. It wasn’t that great, jumped around an awful lot. The sex in it was really boring to me. Maybe just because I am not into that S&M stuff. I see your point Lynn the virgin and the millionaire. Whatever!!! It may have been more of a fascination for the H cause he sure blew a cork about it. Anyway it wasn’t my book my friend loaned it to me. Can you imagine telling a friend that your husband threw her book away (he probably read it first LOL.) I offered to replace it, but she said she had it on her nook. If he had brought porn home I would have thrown it out also or locked the PC.


    Don’t make this apples to apples, SOT:) YOU are not the one with the sex addiction. He is.
    I couldn’t even pick it up, knew as jo did, that it would be too triggering.


    SOT, it’s not the same. Your H has a problem with porn so yes, a response from you would be warranted if he brought it into your home. It is VERY different that he refused to let you read a book you wanted to read. Bad literature or uninteresting sex in the book is beside the point. Telling you what you can and cannot read is not acceptable! You are a grown ass, responsible, respectable, educated woman. You make your own choices. Your H is the LAST person that should be censoring you or anyone else.


    daisy is right SOT. your H needs to censor himself, not you.


    Hell SOT, making your wife sleep on a couch without cushions qualifies as S&M treatment in my book.


    Reading is my major addiction. I would give up alcohol before I gave up books. It’s an addiction that hurts no one as long as I don’t spend all the family money buying books and don’t neglect my kids because I can’t put down the book (I MAY have done that once or twice over the years. 😉 ). I could and did tolerate some bad and/or selfish behavior from my H over the years but if he had ever DARED dictate to me what I could read? It would have been over in that instant.




    SOT, when you get your new apartment you can read any damn thing you want and watch whatever show you want on TV without that MFPOS’s permission. What’s going on with your search for a new place for you and your kids?


    I didn’t bother with this book because the entire premise is completely ridiculous. My best friend read the first 2 chapters because her daughter was raving about it….she said the writing was so poor and plot stupid. It does concern me that our young women are lapping this crap up. How unimaginative ? I was out in a restaurant last winter with my sister and my H and a group of women were at the table beside us. They were mixed ages…none really young. They spent the entire bloody meal talking about the guy…as if he were a REAL person. THEY were discussing his childhood??!! WTF is all I thought. But then I turn on North American television and am simply stunned at the brain dead garbage on every channel. I’m telling you….society must be pretty dumbed down to be watching most of what is on TV. I just go back to listening to music. Only put the TV on for Downton Abby. 🙂


    I cannot fathom living with your H SOT. He sounds worse than most of these guys and that’s going some. I wish I had some time to spend with him. I swear by all that’s holy that I would have cushions on my couch, a TV and computer wherever I wanted, and any book I chose. He may fuck around and I could not stop him. The other shit I could put a screeching halt to.

    I did not read 50 shades because of the reasons previously stated by all the sisters but you should go buy a new book to replace your friend’s copy and buy one for yourself too. If you want to finish the book then you should finish the book.

    While you’re at it , replace the couch cushions and buy you a new TV.

    What’s he going to do? Hit you? If you truly think he will then you know what you need to do.

    He’s a bully SOT. I hate bullies more than I hate SA. SA’s are bullies by definition. You are competent to decide what constitutes porn. And you are not addicted to porn so you read whatever you want. It is still a free country 🙂


    Bev can you just come take over? Or maybe I can hire Liza to come give him the round house kick. He is in the nice mode right now so It takes the steam out of my determination to get the F out. It is so much easier when he is mean. The apartment didn’t have a yard for my dog or my son to play football in. He said he wanted to stay with dad in case he changes his mind. Also there are some teenaged boys really close and I worry about my daughter. Another thing having two kids in two different counties. Can’t do for both without changing the others schedule. For example my son gets off the bus on Friday at 4:45 my daughter’s band practice starts at 5 and I work an hour away. It is so much easier to stick my head in the sand and be walked on than to make all of these tough decisions. Can’t get my head straight. I would just like to quit every thing some days.


    Counties? Are you in the uk SOT?


    The States are broken up into Counties in the US Jos. Just another form of government really….more taxes and divided police/fire/ambulance/schools etc. It actually serves no good purpose that I can see. Living in separate counties would be difficult as far as school goes for sure.

    SOT, do you see a therapist for yourself? I think it would be great for you to speak with someone one on one. If you never leave him it would still be comforting to you to have someone. Just a thought 🙂


    That does sound challenging, SOT, to try to keep two different countys’ activities and school calendars balanced with work an hour away. It would be nice if the son’s friends could help out on that side with transportation to and from.


    No Florida. My son has to go to another county because of his vision.

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