This book reminds me so much of what we speak about on here. How we are so tormented but yet can;t leave. We play games in our head tomake it work or not work. We get treated like crpa, but only focus on the good. We dismiss the poor behavior…because we want to be with them. When we first had met them, most of us felt so fortunate that they chose us.
Does anyone feel that they may be the submissive sort. I do. Part of the turn on conquest for these guys i think is just that part of the conquest to see what they can get us to do and put up with. And they know we will fold and cave, they know we will do most anything to stay. And we do.
Breaks my heart. Because there is a bigger better world out there for all of us…if we just let it happen.
I have a new pendant that says…life isn;t about waiting fot he storm to pass, its about learning to dance in the rain. And on the back of it is a post card picture of the eiffle tower. I will make there one day. I wish for all of us to live our lives and our dreams.
Love, Flora