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    I went to a BAN (Beyond Affairs Network) meeting last night in my new hometown. There were only two other women. It was interesting to hear their stories….but I had to really shudder re: one of them.

    The women’s doctor husband was thrown in jail for soliciting a hooker last year. It ended up hitting the front page of the local paper. He claimed it was only the third time he had done it and all within a two week period. He wasn’t remorseful, was indignant and blamed her.

    I almost laughed out loud but gently told her that he must be very unlucky to be caught on his third time.

    She really believes him!!! He says he is not a sex addict and that he felt justified because she was depressed (turns out that she had a big brain tumor that was diagnosed a few weeks after the incident).

    She wants a disclosure with a polygraph but wasn’t sure how to go about it.

    Anyway – it just breaks my heart that she is being lied to like this.

    I googled the newspaper article and he looks slimier than Lynn’s. The woman was so nice. Ughhhhh….. this stuff makes me sick to my stomach.

    Oh – and better yet – he’s a psychiatrist and in the newspaper article it says that he specializes in adolescents and addiction. This stuff is too crazy to make up.



    Dear God…I lose all hope for society at times…

    Help her if you can Deb.


    Help yourself, Deb.




    He can go live on SA island with my STBX.


    Sadly Teri, they would probably be thrilled if there was such an island!


    I still think that’s the real solution. They’d be out of our lives and could just writhe around and blow each other 24/7, which is all they really want anyway.


    Daisy, I think you are right about that.
    But I have to say, I would be thrilled to.


    The tribe has spoken.


    I’m sitting in my family room guffawing at my computer reading these comments. Thankfully only the dogs are around to see how weird I am. : )


    When I first brought home my big dog I adopted he kept trying to hump my little Gracie who ran around the house with her tail and her hips tucked down trying to avoid that. Part of what has me laughing so hard is picturing a lot of that same posturing going on on SA Island. All wanting to be the humpers and not the humpee’s. Just imagine the squealing when one gets caught… Bahahahahaha


    lords of the unzipped flies!


    Stop it Lisa! Now even my dogs are thinking I’m nuts. : D


    Hi Deb,
    I’m wondering how long you will be able to listen to her story, with her denial, etc., before asking her to take your hand and face some hard truths together about these guys.


    It is interesting how we progress through the knowledge of all of this. It is so hard to hear and learn of others in such pain. Knowing what they have yet to go through, is hard for all of us.

    My heart bleeds when I can see where others are and know that I used to be in that same place. It is the gift of understanding where each sister is on their individual journey with this mess we are dealing with.

    On the one hand I can see my growth which brings me both peace and sorrow. Learning to trust myself and my truth is a wonderful thing, looking back at the bumps that got me here makes me hardened. Knowing the bias that we all come against makes me frustrated and understanding that other sisters are in the early stages makes me sad.


    Lisacay, ‘lord of the unzipped flies’.. Oh my God.. Lolol… I wish my brain worked as fast as yours. 🙂


    We need Nap to start another “pillow quote” topic or something. ‘Lord of the Unzipped Flies ‘ has to be a classic….

    I sure wish you ladies lived close by…..


    Think of the parties we could have…sigh. The SOS retreat talk kind of died away. I think we need to revive it again.


    I too wish we lived closer because I think we would all have a really good time. It would likely get ‘wild’ which is just what we all need. Maybe we could get the Chippendales. Are they still alive??? We don’t want ‘old dicks’……

    Bev, yes, I think Lisa hit a pillow quote! Lisa, that was very funny and clever! I think Gracie needs a ‘backup’ plan to stay safe!!!


    LOL Nap. That was a futile effort on Mr. Buckeye’s part to establish himself as the alpha dog. Gracie nipped that one in the bud. She may be small but she is the top dog in this house! No more humping. I live in a hump free zone.

    Yes there are still Chippendales because there’s a couple of them on Amazing Race. And who knows, maybe some of the sisters are into Pappy Dicks (the equivilant of Grannys?). Oh man, I need a beer… it’s getting weird up in here! LOL


    I am laughing out loud…first time I have laughed in weeks! Thanks ladies!


    You guys are tooooo funny.

    I’d love to post the guy’s mugshot (from the police booking) but I won’t because of confidentiality. It’s really creepy.

    I did tell her last night that there is very likely more that she doesn’t know about. And encouraged her to get a poly – and told her that I thought there was a place in Atlanta (likely closest place for us – anyone know someone in Charlotte?).

    She did say that she might contact me in the future.

    This is the first and only man she has ever had sex with….(OMG) and they have been married for 25 years. It’s so sad.

    March’s comment is so right. I’m not going to focus on helping her. She knows how to reach me if she wants help. I tried to knock her over the head in the meeting but I’m not sure she was ready to face it. The group only meets once a month.



    “This is the first and only man she has ever had sex with….(OMG) and they have been married for 25 years. It’s so sad.”

    Okay, confession time….my ex was the first and only man I ever had sex with either (until my new sweetie).


    That is fabulous, so perfect that you have kept that as such a gift. I love you Goddess Diane!


    Me too Diane. That is one of the hardest aspects of this for me. My whole sexual identity is wrapped up with this one SA man and everything is so warped now that I can not begin to imagine having sex with him or anyone else for that matter. It is SO reassuring to me to hear that you came out on the other side with a new sweetie. There is hope!

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