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    Yes! there is hope.

    When you really don’t know how good sex can be, you kind of just accept what you are getting. I wish now that I had more sexual experience. Then I might have had something to compare it to. I’m not for women screwing anyone and everyone, but I am for women safely exploring their sexuality with partners before settling on one. As it turns out now, almost all my friends (in the 50’s – 60’s group) married or not, don’t get as much sex as they want, don’t get the variety they want, and don’t get the orgasms they want. I find it quite amazing. We either have men who hang up their penis after age 50, or we have men who can’t put it away while they’re eating even!

    I am happy to report that with a new partner who is actually present in love-making, the sex in these more seasoned years of my life is the absolute best I’ve ever had. Nothing to do with number of orgasms either. It’s just fun fun fun, and so wonderfully intimate and spontaneous and exciting. It’s just much fuller and the big “O” takes its place in amongst all the other really good stuff.

    Yes, it’s really possible to feel sexual again. And it can be so much better than it was. Hey, nothing’s perfect, but at least I can die now knowing that I AM sexy. I AM responsive. I AM a creative lover.

    And shame on him for treating me like I wasn’t those things!


    Sorry, I realize I hijacked this thread from its original story. My bad.


    Please don’t apologize – I can’t tell you how much I needed to read that! Thanks for being so honest and open. You have really helped me.




    I’m soooooo happy for you. You deserve it. We all deserve it.



    Thanks for sharing that, Diane.


    Thanks for sharing – your my *hero* ( heroine? )

    I feel sorry for the woman – 23? years married and having to *digest* all that. When I put everything together, I really just couldn’t believe that my husband did THAT – it was very hard to accept. Certainly, nothing that I will ever be able to understand EVER. ANd her husband being a psychiatrist – I am sure that he has the potential & knowledge to be a *Master* manipulator.
    *Lord of the unzipped Files* – hysterical!!

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