Dear Sisters,
I usually have good control of my situation, but right now I am battle weary and sick of
thinking about what my SAH has done that has affected my life so drastically. I’ve been sick in bed for 2 days, so that hasn’t helped. If any sisters out there care to give me some encouragement, I would very much appreciate it. It’s been 18 months since D Day and for financial reasons I have not filed yet on my SAH. The good news is that he does not live with me. That would be way too much for me to handle, but when I do have to see him it does trigger my PTSD. I must admit nights are the worse time for me. I miss having a 24/7 companion. I try to stay busy and keep my mind from self pity, but being sick in bed has me thinking too much and unable to do the physical things that keep me looking forward and not back. Thank you for your help.