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    I read all the pieces, Victoria posted and yes, this man is wrong.
    The woman experienced sexual harassment while she was working. Pure and simple. The policy in place backs up her experience and interpretation of it. The fact that he then rewrote parts of his article to try and cover it up also tells us he knows he got it wrong.


    I have to say I agree. Seems to me we shouldn’t have to field invitations for group sex while we are working. If the same conversation happens in a bar, well, then you have to handle it yourself.
    I still agree with his article re: sex as an addiction despite the fact that sexologists and sex therapist’s always seem to be quite strange themselves. Perhaps its because I don’t believe it is useful for human beings to be fornicating all over the place willy nilly. To each their own I guess, but I certainly would not hesitate to tell any person bringing their freedom of sex into my space.


    In his Sexual Intelligence blog, he also calls watching pornography “a victimless activity”. He sounds like our SA’s.


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