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    Stephanie, you are brave and smart and honest and beautiful and deserving of all things good! Love, Liza


    Yes, dear Stephanie, it is really happening. Welcome to your life.


    Amen and AMEN!!!!

    Some great news for a change!!!! Again, Congratulations!! XO!!!


    LS, you rock, you are my rold model too 🙂


    LS – just catching this thread now and so glad it worked out. I’m actually a Corporate Recruiter so I see this sometimes. For my company & the type of positions I hire for, unfortunately, we wouldn’t have been able to move forward w/out the degree but as a Recruiter, I would have been the one to take the fall b/c I should know to inquire about an actual degree if I only saw dates on the resume. So, I’m really happy for you that it worked out and I think if it had been a major concern for them, they would have asked you about it sooner.


    Oh and I wanted to say your instincts were spot on to “confess” – I bet they really appreciated that. When it comes to background checks and stuff, usually the actual issue isn’t a problem (say for a DUI or something), it’s when people lie about it when it is uncovered. Kind of like life with an SA…sort of but not really.


    so so so happy for you. i can drive down and hold your hand while you kick him out on his a**. it would give me a vicarious thrill 😉


    He’s so scared. He’s telling me that I will hate it, that I won’t be able to stand the commute, that I will fail, that I won’t be able to handle it because you know, I have depression and all and WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN!? I won’t be spending enough time with the children. He is playing to all of my fears. All of them. He knows my weakness. Well this time I have an army of sisters behind me that know I’m doing the right thing for myself and MY CHILDREN.
    He is going to be surprised when he finds his stuff on the lawn. That’s all I’m sayin’.


    Get your armor on, girl. Let those comments bounce right off of you. Don’t even argue. Just smile and nod and inside think of how good it is going to feel to be in your whole new life.


    Wow, LS, isn’t it nice to NOT be the frightened one in the relationship for a change?


    OMG Liza! You are so right! I just realized that! I was always begging and pleading and praying and hoping (isn’t that a song?)

    Anyway it feels fucking AWESOME. I highly recommend it.


    Of course he’s going to try to discourage and scare you. He’s feeling your STRENGTH and he’s scared shitless; you don’t need him anymore! As for your depression, he’s the cause…..this new job, new life is exactly what will cure it!


    Interestingly, your name Stephanie, means “crowned in victory”, it suits you perfectly. You will overcome your enemy and achieve success against odds and adversities
    You are Awesome!


    LS… i fucking loved reading this thread!!!!! i am so happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    congrats girl, bask in the good news. you deserve it! and don’t let anyone, him or you, tell you otherwise!


    And downplay your income to your stbxh. Make it generic and act like it will just be enough to live on.

    Tell no one how well it pays that might tell your h. It’s your turn to have a secret. Congrats!!!

    Honesty pays off.

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