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    Oh yeah, I agree with Pam…screw the checking account.



    i think we might be concerned about the bank account, just because it is another tie with him. i know that’s my thinking. i would say break all ties. cease all contact. asap.

    stay safe dear lynn


    a restraining order wb a great idea like Joannec said. it will protect you and the kids. so he just can’t show up and take the kids on a trip somewhere. i had one against ex. it was very useful and fairly simple to get. you can literally get one in a DAY.


    That’s great advice Lynn – bring that dog inside. I’m not worried about my H from a personal safety perspective but I do worry about all the dirtbags he was hanging around with in strip clubs and God knows where else. We are the only listing in the Dayton phonebook with our last name so it makes it really easy to find us. I feel so much better now that I adopted my really big dog. He can fit my little dog’s whole head in his mouth. I’m pretty sure no one is going to mess with him.

    I’m betting your POF (my new nickname for him: Piece of Filth, something nastier than shit) is off on a binge like Pam suggested but it’s horrible to think he’s lurking somewhere in your vicinity. Glad you’ve got that dog AND a gun!! Stay safe!



    Wow, I am feeling like a real part of this great sisterhood because I just this morning cleaned the crate to bring the dog inside, can it be I am catching on to this, Bev?

    I wish I could say screw the checking account, but especially with nurses who administer controlled medications, they check your credit rating along with your references before hiring you. A bad credit score means no job. It’s easy to fence meds and a bad credit rating means you are a high risk for that in the eyes of HR people.

    Of course, within 45 days of no work and not paying things, my score will be destroyed anyway. So, I guess it’s all relative.


    I’m glad that you are OK and the dog is inside. Screw the checking acct.

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