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    Hey guys… I know I’ve been scarce lately! Have a lot going on… I recently found out my teenaged daughter is not at all in a safe environment (apparent ‘grooming’ for a possible future sexual assult by her step bro) and is being pretty neglected by her father (she’s been living with him since Feb. 2012). She has also begun self-harming…
    Anyway… I’ll let you know more as soon as I can but for now… I need prayers…. lots and lots of prayers…. the ball is already rolling for my ‘rescuing’ her… but the shit will absolutely hit the fan when I do! I need strength, wisdom, courage and grace!
    Thank you all
    Love – Natale


    Oh Natale, what a terrible situation, but at least you have found out before it went any further.

    I’m sending lots of hugs and prayers your way.

    Stay strong.


    I will be Praying Natale…Stay strong.


    You gotta love a mama bear. You go girl, but be careful with yourself!



    oh sister, what a horrible situation for your daughter, and for you! i’m glad you have a plan, and seem to have a clear idea of what is coming. do you have enough support? a good counsellor to help you get through the turmoil? family or friends to lean on? don’t hesitate to ask for help!




    Please Nataleh, we need more details. This is a criminal offense and it must be stopped before your daughter is harmed any more than she already has been.

    First step is to get her out no matter how even if you have to call Child Protective Services and get her out. How old is she? How old is this boy? How far away are they?

    Second step is to call the police and tell them what you know.

    There is no time to waste. You must act NOW!

    What can we do to help? ~ joAnn


    So sorry, Natale. Please keep us posted.


    I agree with JoAnn. When you go to get your daughter you need a police escort. They will do it. You don’t even need proof that anything is happening.

    I hope it’s not this bad, but just in case it is. Be prepared. When abusers feel threatened of losing their marks they can suddenly become very violent, in ways even they are shocked at. It is a psychological threat that comes close to a death threat for the most serious abusers and they will fight it as if it were.

    Don’t do this alone!


    Oh Natale I feel so bad for you. I think the rest of the sisters are right. Let the police do the nasty work. Last week when I was talking to you, you were on the mend. How are YOU doing? Have you fully recovered yet? This is the last thing you need. I will say a prayer for you. You already have strength, wisdom, courage and grace. Please be careful.


    Prayers for you and your daughter, Natale. I agree that you must get the police involved ASAP.


    She will be 14 in November… so will her step-brother. I’m going to get her Friday (her dad and step brother will be on their way to a war hammer … whatever that is… tournament when we get there).I have the protective order ready to file, will be filing that and all other necessary legal paperwork tomorrow as well as going to the police department and department of children and families to file allegations/charges thru them. As far as I know… so far all the step bro has done (and I am not trying to downplay this by saying ‘all’) is walk in on her while she’s showering or changing and ‘conveniently’ falls asleep in her bed when my daughter, this boy and his sister (blood related) are watching movies together at nite. She told me she’d talk to her dad, but even if she does, I’m sure he’ll just blow it off as … “that’s just what brothers do”. We were told by 2 licensed psychologists (one who handles porn/sex addiction and one who handles children) that this sounds like grooming and if it is allowed to continue it will escalate. This step-brother of my daugher’s is my XH’s golden boy… football player…son he always wanted. So… even if he was made aware… I absolutely do not believe he would do anything to protect her. Hell, he knows about the self harming, she has been begging to go to counseling and I have been on his ass about taking her to counseling and he has yet to do shit about it. I cannot act or even warn her that I will be taking her back because he ‘absconded’… took off with her out of state and I didn’t hear from them for a month (there was no court order yet so it was not kidnapping and all I could do was handle it thru the courts)… He and his wife are both out of work right now so they have NO ties keeping them here and I would absolutley expect him to disappear with her again.
    But my ducks are all in a row now and she’ll be home with me very, very soon.
    Yes, I have a very good counselor who I have been seeing since May and I already have appnts set up with a very trusted psychologist for her when I get her back.


    Oh, and I did find out I still have legal custody. That makes things much easier. And If/when he tries to drive down here to force me to give her back he will be driving on a suspended or revoked license… which I will gladly (teeheehee) point out to the police!


    Thinking of you and I hope getting you daughter back goes smoothly. I’m happy you have all your ducks in a row and I’m sure she will be grateful to you for getting her out of this very bad situation. You sound like a great mom Natale.


    Thank you so much NAP….. sometimes I don’t feel like the best mom… even when I am told that I am one. All I can do is love and protect my kids…. and do my best!


    Sounds like you have your bases covered. I’m sorry thqt you have had to always fight for your family’s peace and protection. You know how to get it done. I’m praying that all will go smoothly for you and your daughter. I’m glad she’s coming home. at fourteen girls need their mother.

    Love, Debora


    Sending you strength Natale!

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