Home discussions Sex Addiction Can they get better? Let’s try to be objective here…

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    My h is more of a PA. I don’t think what he does is addiction because, from what he has told me, he was so controlled about it. It wasn’t compulsive is what I am saying (maybe the fantasy in his head was, but how would I ever know what the fuck is in his head). It would happen like twice a week, just for a release. Sounds like pure selfishness to me. He’s treated me like porn every time we have had sex. The way he stares, ogles me, obsessing about videotaping it. He had no business getting married. It certainly wasn’t for a cover because it took me 3+ years to find out and no one else in his life knew about it. Why get a cover? I think I was just another selfish desire of his. It was always what I could do for him; damn what he can do for me.

    Can he get better? Only if he wants to. His mouth may say he does, but how do you change a habit that you’ve had longer than you’ve not had it?

    If my h wants to whack off instead of be with me then I have no problem finding someone who wants to sleep with me and my h can just keep paying the bills 🙂


    That’s how I felt, too, until all the really scary stuff came to the surface. At that point, I had to get out to feel safe.

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