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    Change is hard. It always is. It does not matter who you are, where your from, married or not, married to an SA or not, but its hard. Everyone has emotional attachments to people, places and things. I am about to embark on a new job, with new people, places and things. I know perfectly well that this is a great job for me, however even though i know its the best move, i am still scared and nervous. I am even had the brilliant thought, that maybe i should just stay at my current job, and even started thinking of reasons why it would be better…to stay. But I have talked sense into myself, and no I am not staying at the present job. But I am scared for what the world of the unknown holds and the future holds.

    I guess my thoughts are change is hard. Always. Even if what we are encountering and must do is the best for us, its still tough and scarry. Nothing happens or changes easily. But we do not grow, if we do not make the changes required for us to grow. We stay stuck in our current jobs, current relationsips, current living situation and ultimately our current life.

    Truth be told the easiest thing would be to stay at my current job. However i have been here 8 years, and its been the same thing over and over for eight years. It will never change, despite my greatest hopes and efforts. The only way to make more money and get a better job, is by doing it, and making the necessary changes to see that future for myself.

    I hope the best for all as we struggle through our worlds of change. I hope we all find our way, no matter how tough, to get to a better, happier and more rewarding place and life. I hope that for each and everyone of us, that we are able to see a gift when its sent our way and take it. That we do not allow fear to run our lives, but that we embrace the change headed our way, and live our lives; SA or not.



    Powerful words flora, that sum up why many of us stay in horrible situations simply because it is familiar and change is unknown.

    Bravo to you! You get the ‘Bravery’ Medal Of The Month.


    Thank you JoAnn,
    I am now running up to the podium in my formal gown. I am now thanking eveyone for their love and support. And it would be my family, my mom, my daughters, my sisters…and then the sisters on the site. Thank You all for you made this happen for me. Love,


    Hi Flora,

    I am proud of you for not letting the fear (of the unknown) and the familiar (you are leaving) hold you back!

    I was playing tennis with my h the other night. I hit a shot down the line and it dropped into the net. I was so disappointed. My h had been hitting across the court to me, and he said, “Whenever you change directions, it is more difficult than just hitting back (crosscourt in this case) to me. When you tried to change directions and hit down the line, it is more difficult. Holds true in our lives too. Keeping things the same may be easier in a way, but not always the best choice. Honestly, I hit winners sometimes, by changing the direction the ball came from (usually crosscourt) and hitting a driving ball right down the line! Though I miss sometimes, it can work. You are changing directions Flora, and it isn’t easy, but I think it is a winning choice!

    Also, my daughter, a hair stylist, was at a salon and there were many nice co-workers. The salon was adorable, but she did not like a couple of things about it. She, out of the blue, applied and interviewed elsewhere, and she left the familiar and is overjoyed at her current place of employment. She recently got a raise and is a key-holder, able to close and open the salon. The boss is not neurotic, like her former controlling one. Yes, she misses some friends, but she made the right decision for herself.

    Even if we make brave decisions and end up not loving our chooses, we can make new choices. Remember, you wanted a change from your job, or you would not have looked, applied and interviewed. Something drove you to make those decisions.

    When I was younger, I got a job as a waitress. My mother came upstairs by my bedroom, and (though I had left for my new job) I had a tray and some dishes on my bed. I had been practicing! I was extremely nervous. So I can relate! But it all turned out; I only sent 4 people to the hospital with coffee burns! LOL Much love, B. Trayed


    Hi Flora,
    I loved what you wrote so inspirational and true. I love the award JoAnn gave you, so rightly deserved. You are making so many positive steps in your life and I’m so happy for you and your family. You are an excellent role model for your girls because you have taught them sometimes we make have to make tough choices and we survive and are better off. We are never stuck which is so helpless. You have a lot of courage and transitions in life are always scary however worth so much!

    All the best Flora, Love you, Nap


    Brava Flora! And congratulations on the very deserved award!
    We like you; we really like you!!! lol


    Happy Birthday Flora,

    Coming in here late:) and that was a very inspirational post. You are so full of hope and courage. Even if you are afraid, you do it! I am proud of you and wish you a future full of love and happiness.

    Congratulations Flora,



    Change is always tough, even when you think you are ready for it. When I was young, my family moved every 4 years due to my Dad’s job. I always had to leave good friends and schools behind and start anew. Half of me was excited for the new adventure; the other half of me was torn up inside because I didn’t want to leave my friends and school. To this day, I have few friends because I have a fear of losing them. But I do have best friends all around the United States, we’ve always kept in touch.

    Anyway, this is a positive change for you and I encourage you to take it on with all the gusto you can. I’m super jealous of this new opportunity for you and I’m so proud of you for having sought it out.

    Best of luck, though you won’t need it.

    ((HUGS)) CB


    You are gonna rock it, Flora!! Congratulations!!


    You’re amazing, and I so admire you! Congratulations on your new move forward…stay strong and confident woman, you’ve done it by gosh. Now keep it up! Wear the bravery medal proudly!!

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