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    hey girls,

    thought i would check in. things are intense. i’m working on the house 8-10 hours a day, 7 days a week – thankfully, working with my reno crush, vlad, the professional russian swimmer :). trying to stay on top of my real work (but i’m not right now). working so hard that i have very little time for everything else.

    the house should be ready for reappraisal on thursday. then i find out if i can get an adjustment to my mortgage. cross your fingers for me, because if i do, things should be ok. if not… well…

    still in the house with DW. usual shit. drives me crazy with the vagueness, attempts at manipulation, neediness. but i should be able to start moving out feb 1. my house will be beautiful.

    had a GREAT christmans with joann. she is an AMAZING and inspiring woman. i love you so much, joann (mom). really such a powerhouse of strength. we need more women like her. and it was absolutely impossible to be sad around her – she helped me get through my first xmas without my little dude (10 year old boy).

    i’m exhausted. i feel like i’ve had my sword out an swinging for almost 2 years now. i wonder when i can put it down.

    i have NO illusions about what SA is and isn’t. about who my husband is. i’m devastated by all he has stolen from me, but i know that i’ll be ok. more than ok actually. a year from now, things should be really really good.

    then next few months will be hard. i’m working like a dog. his life hasn’t changed that much. he didn’t really want initimacy with me anyway, so he doesn’t seem that broken up about the marriage being over. he has a good job, he doesn’t have to move (that’s fine with me, i don’t want the house, but he doesn’t have the stress of moving, reinventing his life like i do..). he seems to be just fine. fucker.

    but i will be too, in time. getting away from his shit will be worth all the hard work and risks i’m taking now.

    love you all, and you all help me so much.




    oh, and i fell in love with phantom. nap, we might have to fight over him.


    Nice post Lisa. You are doing what you need to be doing. Some inspiration for myself and others in the beginning stages of this nightmare. Thank you!


    ahahahahahahaha !!!

    i accidentally posted this in dating!

    that’s funny!


    Great post, Lisak
    It’s all there.
    I think you are dating yourself. And that’s just fine. After all, you’re beautiful, funny, talented, warm, and available. Go ahead, take yourself out!


    Lisa, you have it just right.

    Ladies, take notes. The only way to heal from this shit is to leave the shit. There is no cleaning up the shit. The smell always lingers. 🙂

    I know some of us stay ( myself included). But I’m not cleaning up shit anymore. I just hold my nose when I encounter it 🙂

    I’m proud of you Lisa! You are doing so well. I will pray the house works out for you .


    Great example of how to move on LisaK. Keep rocking it.


    Bev- no shit!

    Lisa- keeping my fingers crossed for you! You are doing an awesome job creating a better life for you and Caden!


    Aw Lisa, you are an inspiration. I kept waiting to get to the part where you nailed Vlad….


    Lisa, you tease – I saw dating and immediately thought VLAD! 🙂 Oh well, all in good time… Glad things are going well. I’ll keep my fingers and toes on the mortgage. Keep us posted beautiful, talented lady. We need to hear the good stuff about moving up and out of the swamp.


    Great photo of Lisa and Phantom here:


    Lisa, can you e-mail me the photos from your phone of you and me eating oysters at Boss Oysters? I know I had them, but I can’t find them. They were awesome!

    I love you too honey. ~ MOM


    Oh, and I saw photos of Vlad…not enough cold showers to get those images out of my brain!!!!


    So happy for you too sister. You’ve come such a long way and have made so much great progress in getting to your new life. I hope too you house stuff works in your favor.

    YOU SAW PHANTOM???? He looks like the cutest dog ever. Maybe we can share him like Liza and I share George, only if JoAnn will let us.

    Sounds like you had a great Holiday with JoAnn. I know she a great hostess and friend.

    Love you, Napxo


    Lisa I’m really happy for you. You are one gutsy lady. Xxx

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