Home discussions Sex Addiction ClearPlay DVD player

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    Has anyone used one of these? Opinion?


    Hi Kim,
    No sorry, Don’t even know what that is really.


    It’s a DVD player that downloads filters. You pick what movie you are gonna watch and pick what content you want filtered out (nudity, sex scenes, etc) and download the filter on to the DVR. Then you insert the DVD that you rented or bought and it will filter that content out. It’s supposed to be seemless.

    I’m just wondering how well it works. I’d love to be able to watch a movie without fearing a scene that will upset me. I can’t even watch football in peace. Damn cheerleaders!


    wow kim what a great idea! I was going to get my h the same thing he gets me every year for Christmas (nothing, hot pads every few years) But I think this would be an excellent gift!


    It’s be great for my kids too. PG13 movies don’t always stay in the guidelines of what I’d consider appropriate for a 13 year old!

    I had the name wrong. Clear Play. http://www.clearplay.com

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