Home discussions Stories Dazed’s Story sorry its a little lengthy

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    My SAH and I met in July 1990; all I can say was wow he was everything and more that I could have asked for. October 1991 we got married, he was truly my best friend we had so much in common and did everything together. In 1997 we adopted our 2 sons who are actually biological brothers. My life and family was complete I was so happy.

    My world came crashing down in 2002, when I found out that my SAH had an affair with a consultant at work (hind-sight). After much talking, crying on both parts we decided to make our marriage work and were going to put this behind us and move forward. Now grant you once that initial trust is broken it sure is hard to build that trust again (hind-sight).

    In 11/2008 we lost my father unexpected and my SAH was my rock doing and saying all the right things. Then in 1/09 we had to put our oldest son at that time he was 16 into a residential facility for behavior problems again my SAH was my rock. I started seeing a therapist for my depression and was on meds for this depression.

    In 8/2009 we were getting things together one of our family vacation to our river place and was all excited that our oldest son going to be able to join us that he was granted a home visit from the residential facility, when we got a phone call from his dad that his oldest sister (mentally challenged) had a massive heart attack and had died at 52yo. My SAH took his sister’s death very hard and at least I could do is be there for him like he had been there for me.

    Our oldest son came home permanently from residential in 12/09, and is doing great. Sometime in the middle of 2010 our youngest at 15yo who, took his grandfathers and his aunt deaths really hard started hanging around the wrong crowd of kids and started drinking and smoking pot not going to school or coming home for days at a time. (We were finally able to get him into a residential facility in 3/11.)

    Both my SAH and I were struggling in 2010, I noticed that we were fighting and bickering more and not getting along with each other because we were under so much strain. I was feeling that we were just roommates and not husband and wife any longer we barely talked ok we talked but not like we use too. The meds that I was taking for depression really decrease my sexual desires and the few times we tried to have sex he couldn’t. I tried to initiate the romance but just got excuses, to why he didn’t want to so I stopped trying. We have not been intimate since 2/10.

    One day in August of this year he had left his facebook page on, I just happened to see that he had an instant message a female friend, so I read it. WTF!!!!! He was telling her that I was asking him for a divorce blah blah and poor him what is he going to do. Then I notice he was telling her how much he loved her and her kids and that they will all live together with our sons. OK now I had to take a deep breath because I was flippin ready to explode. Now I normally I am a reactor and need to discuss it immediately. Not this time. I waited for a couple of days, started looking at the cell phone bill and notice that he had made over 3000 texts and over 1450 minutes of airtime, holy cow was the phone ever out of his hands? I checked his cell phone for text messages, hmmmm none he had erased them all, so I check his contacts for that number it belonged to a CL WTF that’s the same initials as the women he was instant messaging to.

    I confronted him about the affair he denies (of course) I explain that I know he is having an affair and that I read what he said about me wanting a divorce and that he loved her and her kids and that they were all going to live together happily ever after in my fucking house (sorry about the language). He still denied having an affair said he was only talking and they were not having sex. WTF! At this point I was so pissed, I couldn’t think. I just want to hurt him as much as he hurt me.

    My whole world was falling apart at the seams and there was nothing I can do to stop it. I was so overwhelmed. He was still living in our house but sleeping in our sons (who is away) bedroom. We are barely are talking to each other but he tells me that he wants to start seeing a therapist to find out why he is doing what he is doing to me. Now remember I still don’t know about his sex addiction yet. I was impressed with his initiative because for the last 2 years I have asked him to go talk to someone about everything that has happened in the last 3 years but he just kept saying no that he was dealing with it.

    Still angry and hurt over this whatever relationship with CL, I told him that our oldest son and I were going to go to our place at the river. I needed time away to think what I wanted to do. After being there a few days I received an email from a women telling me that she knows that I am at the river and that my SAH is out with this woman and for me to look on facebook as the pictures are posted there. WTF! So of course I get on facebook and there they are pictures of him and this women (no doubt CL) at a BBQ one day and happy hour another day. OMG, I saw red, he used my leaving for an opportunity to get closer with this CL. I let him have it! I called him and told him that he just made the worst mistake of his life and that the life that he is very fond of is NOW over and that he must be out of the house by Tuesday 9/6/11 (the day I was coming home).

    Monday he calls me begs me to give him a chance to prove to me that he ended it with CL and that he doesn’t want to lose his family and wants to make our marriage work that he will prove to me that he wants to grow old with no one but me. Still told him that he needs to be out of the house when I get home but I will think about it. Tuesday I arrive home he is there waiting for me, he said he took some clothes to his parents house but want to talk to me. I told him no I wasn’t ready to talk, he started to cry and kept saying how sorry he was for hurting me and he doesn’t know why he did it.
    During the following week he was calling me everyday, checking if I need anything acting very sincere. That Saturday he asked if he could come over to talk I said ok. We talked and he told me its over with CL and to prove it he called her right in front of me and firmly told her that its over and that he is trying to make his marriage work. He asked me to change his cell number and deactivate his facebook account. He told me that he was seeing a therapist and that he made an appointment for us to see a marriage counselor. He is still living with his parents and we are seeing the counselor, and we are having date nights. Starting to really see a change in him for the good, not so irritable towards me and that he really is giving our marriage a chance.

    Then all hell broke loose. He started becoming distance and irritable towards me the red flag was flying high. Told him that he needed to come over and we needed to talk, he came over 10/01 he explained that he is working things out with his therapist and he is having a hard with some stuff and didn’t want to tell me. I told him that he could tell me anything I wasn’t going to think any less of him. That’s when he told me that he was a sex addict and that he has been like this since high school. He admitted to sexing, porn, masturbation, multiple sexual encounters with different woman throughout our marriage and he even brought them into our bedroom when I was away. And he finally admitted to bringing that whore CL to our house while I was gone. All the wind was just knocked out of my lungs I just sat there unable to say or do anything. I think this might have been the first time I was speechless in my life. He asked what I was thinking and I told him the truth I DON’T know what I am thinking. I remember asking him to leave and crying all night long.

    Ok now I really didn’t know too much about this illness. So I started looking up every website that came up about sex addiction. So what I read is its like the other addictions alcohol, drugs, gambling, shopping all right we can get through this will just work on this together. So I let him know that I will support him through this process and we will get through this. Someone please slap me! I called my therapist to set up an appointment I need someone to talk to I couldn’t talk to my BF or my mom. I told her everything through massive waterfall of tears.

    On Sunday 10/9 I get another email from this same lady, telling me that my SAH was at CL’s 30 year class reunion with her. WTF WTF WTF!!!!!! I called him right after I got that email yelling at him how could he do that to me, what happened to trying to make our marriage work. He told me that CL makes him feel good, WTF? I asked if she knew about his SA illness? He said he told her and she is ok with it. WTF? As I think about it, for any woman go into another woman’s house and sleep with her husband (and believe me my bedroom looks like I still live there) in their bed is a HO!!!!!!!!! They DESERVE each other.

    My therapist called my on my anniversary 10/12 and asked me how I was doing, I told her not good at all and we talked for over an hour this is when she referred me to Married to a Sex Addict website, which lead me to all of you sisters. Thank you for reading this and appreciate any advice or comments. And again sorry it’s so long this process of writing my feelings down has been very therapeutic. Thanks Jac aka Dazed


    Good God Dazed… No wonder you are!

    Two words:

    Dump him.

    That’s the short explanation–

    he’s hopeless.

    (((hugs))) and so very glad that you found us!

    You are going to be okay. We are here for you!



    PS: the lady emailing you? probably CL under a pseudonym. Get the IP address.

    oh and BTW, should he hook up with her… pity her.

    she will become you, in time…


    he’s very sick and hopeless and I’m really, really sorry this has happened to you, but you have a good sense of humor between the tears, the numbness and shock of it all. I chuckled at your story, not because its funny, but because he’s such a buffoon and he does what ALL SAs do, which is to LIE, then LIE some more… LIE… minimize, blame…pretend… deny, minimize… Did I say LIE?


    I am not very computer savvy would not know the first thing about obtaining an IP address. and what good would it do me to have it?

    CL gave him an old phone of hers so I couldn’t see how many time they talk to each other. She is just feeding the fire giving him the tools he needs so he can continue to live his SA double life and lies lies lies.

    Sorry Lexie I can not feel sorry for CL, she knowing came into my home and slept with my SAH in MY bed. WTF! What type of woman would do that to another woman? Right now I say they deserve each other!

    Sorry still pretty raw and bitter. Jac XOXO


    Well… I’m not condoning her behavior, whatsoever, but remember, he put himself out there! And he probably fed her all sorts of lies, like you were getting a divorce, and you didn’t care, blah, blah, blah… Honey, that’s what they do. But, yes… its very, very painful. I keep having the urge to write my h’s long time fuckbuddy bitch, and cyber beat the life outta her… but all it does is make me look crazy…

    of course, I am… I’d be crazy if I wasn’t.

    That’s what I always say.

    But… there’s more… Before I found out that my h was a SA, I had an affair with a man I call predator…(my husband told me that I could date– YES! WTF??? indeed!) And I did have a policy of NO MARRIED MEN! At first, predator told me he was single,(a common predatory antic) then not single, (not married, but living with some one) but, by THEN, I was absolutely smitten and so unbelievably FLATTERED, and starving for any attention at all… yes, it was WRONG, but I did a great job of rationalizing it all… I was a cast of many, many… But, I was very lost… This is what happens when one stays with a sex addict. Although, at the time, I did not have the full brunt of what my husband had been doing for years and years before any of that.

    Life spins wildly out of control. And make no mistake, I am not in any way proud of what I did… It was one of my not-so-finest-hours… but honey, as soon as it was over– I found JoAnn and her first site and it really, really helped and one of the things that helped was in helping other women understand what the hell is going on, FROM THE OTHER SIDE! It has only been about 12 weeks, since I fully discovered, that my h too, is a sex addict and has been having affairs for at least the last nine years… and has left his smut laying around for me to find… and a whole lot more. But, honey… we NEVER find out all that they have been up to. Believe me, you don’t want to know… 🙁

    BTW, I caught several dangerous strains of HPV from my predatory boyfriend. I think that he’s still with his partner. When, I finally mustered the courage to dump him, I told her anonymously and she shipped him off to rehab. (I know because she had a blog– yes, wtf?) Another debacle. I found him (online– placing on Craig’s List and other places) a few weeks later.. I know his haunts. Recovery? Its all a hoax. For most of these guys… its a hoax. Not all, but most… and the ones who do recover, work their asses off and really WANT to change. Yours merely wants to keep his family together, AND have his fun, too! yeach!!!

    Honey, I understand your devastation and when I said pity… pity her because she will be in your shoes one day, if she stays with him, but of course, right now, I’m sure you want to rip her f**kin head off.

    The IP address could be used to prove harassment, if she persists in contacting you. If she does so, again— I would send her a “NO CONTACT” email and threaten to press charges, if she persists. I’m not sure if you’ll need the IP address, but you can do a search about how to find it.

    CL is a great name for her, BTW… Its the initials for Craig’s List… a favorite haunt of addicts.

    I’m so sorry for your pain.

    xo ~ Lexie


    OMG!!! Jac!!! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME???  Big breath!!! 

    That is  my standard response when I read these, uh, tales from the crypt???! 

    Your SA makes me SICK!!! Asshole!! He is such a liar!! I don’t care if he’s sick or not! Aren’t they ALL??? I prefer to go with the “fool me once” theory! And we all know our SA’s have fooled us like a million times! Dont fall for his false sincerity!! You will be mad at yourself in the future! He is a LIAR. He knows it, you know it, we know it!!! Adios Dude!! 

    I know it’s hard! Especially with the kids and all but sweetie, but about YOU?? You have a right to happiness!! You will NEVER have it with him!! Even if he never does another thing! The damage has been done!! 

    My SA has lied to me so many times I lost count YEARS ago! Ugh! I have wasted WAY too many years and I don’t want you to do the same thing now that you know!! Please!!! 

    Keep us posted! Speak often as you want and by all means, cuss too!! Sometimes it feels good to throw the F bomb out there!! Nobody minds!! Sometimes that’s ALL there is to say!!!! 

    Except: GOOD RIDDANCE!!!! 

    We will be with you every step of the way!!! XO!!!!


    Lexie – I totally get it! Maybe in time I will pity her as no female should have to go though what we are or have gone though. But she is went in their relationship knowing that he is a sex addict.

    My biggest fear is that I have contracted some sort of STD so I have an appt with my GYN. Are you really sure it was your predator and not SAH or both that gave you HPV? Just saying. xoxo

    SL – I can not wait until I get the place where so many sisters are now. I am working with my therapist for ME and taking a day at a time. I know I will get to the place where this will be just a bad nightmare that I finally woke up from. xoxo


    Jeez Jac!
    Your story makes my head spin and so angry I’d like to string the bastard up by his you-know-what! I went through the same scenario with my first husband (non-SA) and I can tell you that your H’s bimbo is not going to leave him/or you alone. After that mess, the whores whom my now SA has frequented, wouldn’t leave him alone either. Sometimes, it’s all about the almighty $$s. The bimbo wants your life with your H, the ho-bags just want his money. The world is full of nasty, selfish women who don’t give a shit about hurting other women.

    Glad you’ve found a place with us women who still have a sense of right and wrong. Hang in there hon.



    Some women are masochists, or “saviors”… or just so lost that they will take whatever they can get… but i doubt that she set out to hurt you…but who knows? she undoubtedly has her own intimacy issues and WANTS a man who’s not too available… but yeah… it sucks… but she will get hers.

    I know its difficult, but remember, if it wasn’t her, it’d be someone else. there are always these types of women prowling around… 🙁 predator, had a very long-time woman on the side… VP for a VERY prominent children’s book publishing company. wtf???

    Yes, please get tested and don’t worry, my gyney told me that she routinely runs these tests for ALL sexually active women. No one gives it a second thought.

    NOW, why do I believe that it was predator and not my h who gave me HPV?

    First of all, i have not had sex with my husband in at least TEN— yes, you heard right.

    TEN years.

    And… this is where I was even more of a dumbshit… but the very first time, predator and I were together… I got a really nasty case of BV (bacterial vaginosis) and THEN, I got it about four more times in the following year, of our refuckenship… I had NEVER ever had any problems like this, whatsoever… plus Predator smokes and I have subsequently learned that having sex with smokers increases the likelihood of HPV transmission. Its a virus that usually goes into remission. Of course, mine hasn’t, because I”m sure that that suppurating manho, has every lethal strain that exists!!!

    Everything else came out clean, but I do STILL have the HPV, which so far, my paps have been normal, but I did have to have a colposcopy… verrrrry minor procedure, where they snip some cells from the cervix, JUST to make sure!!!

    It IS a process for us all… and its not easy… but it sounds like you have a great therapist…

    I wish you much strength and healing…

    xo ~ L


    L- Hearing you loud and clear, and I thought my non existence sex life was long at almost 2 years. (btw thanks for the chuckles)

    We have to have laughter ok maybe just a chuckle every once in a while when we are going through such hell.

    Again thanks for your posts they really do help. Just trying to keep what little sanity I have left…



    Oh Jac,

    I think when we step back and look at it like its a movie,(happening to someone else) its screamingly funny. It’s because these guys are SO unreal– so absurd in their ridiculousness and attempts to pull the wool over our heads.

    But what’s really sad, is that in living with them, our OWN reality becomes so distorted, that we perceive “normal” as a fun house of mirrors… we walk out of the not-so-fun house… and we see the “normal” as being abnormal!

    That’s when we start to doubt our own sanity.

    Furthermore, to confuse things even more, most of our SA’s are known as “good guys.” The ones that you would LEAST expect to be the fucktards they are? So, when you try to tell your family or friends, what often happens is that people start treating you as if you just told them, that they have three heads, or you have three heads, but whatever… they aren’t buying it.

    OR… SAH will do something SO unbelievably disgusting, causing us to have a traumatic response… and guess what? He is cool as a cucumber because he has NO FUCKING SOUL!!!!!!!! So, WE must BE the crazy ones! This is why, we must get away from the crazy! At the very least, if we even want to TRY (and I’m done, done, done), our SAH must show that they are willing to pull out ALL of the stops, on their own, towards REAL recovery, AND MEAN IT!!!

    otherwise, unless one wants a lifetime of continuous heartbreak, the only other option is to leave.

    perhaps an exception or two, but for the most part, this is the way it is.

    This is straight from the trenches!

    So, YES!!! There’s lots and lots of deception, betrayal, confusion and all of that leads to what you are dealing with… the feeling that you must be losing your mind!


    This is what normal looks like.

    You were losing your mind, before. Here is where you will, in time, retrieve it, and heal and move forward with your life, with or without your SAH.

    Oh, and for most of us… the reality is that its without. For those that stay, life is still never going to be the same. It really can’t be.

    That old life is gone.


    We actually start to wonder if fuzzy wazzy was a bear or wazhe?


    Dear Dazed,

    I just wrote you a BIG LONG post and hen the darn wireless wnt down and I lost it in the sending. 🙁 Too tired to two finger type it out again so will have to try again later. I will say you have been put through the wringer by your husband. I know how you feel. Mine is completely bonkers and was right out of control like yours? No boundaries….they have NO boundaries and they find OTHER people to act out with who also have no boundaries. That is why you have to develop boundaries around yourself to protect yourself from him. So accept that if his lips are moving he is lying, he is going to keep this drama up..probably with the current air head, and he DOES NOT have your best interests at heart. No matter how much he tells you he loves you, that he will change, that he cannot live without you and all that drivel they spew out like the BS it is…he doesn’t mean it and it is all designed to manipulate you and for him to use you and to get whatever he wants from you? If you can accept that one fact…that he does NOT have your best interests at heart…it will take you a long way to protecting you while you figure out what to do next. I am very sorry he is hurting you this way. 🙁 Stay with us and we will help all we can. BIG HUG Karen x


    Hello Dazed,
    I’m dazed too, from reading what your SA did to you. I can’t stand it. I think this guy is self-destructing and trying to take you down the black hole with him. Please don’t go. Please don’t be fooled again. He has serious problems that you CAN’T solve, and IMO, if you are around, you are just an excuse for him to not deal with himself.

    There are different perspectives on this website, so mine is just one of them. I think staying with the SA is the kiss of death for recovery for either one of you. I don’t believe in it. I think women should leave, and the SA should do his own work without dragging the poor traumatized woman into the misogynist treatment programs that are out there. Any treatment program that requires the women be present is not a treatment for the SA. It’s a money-sucking vacuum designed for lying men and desperate women. So there’s my perspective.
    Take with all the others.


    I’m with Diane!


    Jeez Diane,



    one day, Diane… I’m gonna find you… (getting closer, but I fear I’m losing my touch–lol) 😉 and I’m gonna get on a plane… and then I’m going to check into a hotel… and then I’m gonna go to wherever it is that you do your thing… and I’m gonna sit in the front row… and drink up every beautiful word that you have to say…

    and then… if you don’t have a hot date, maybe we can go have a drink?

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