Back in my earlier, crazy ass days, a girlfriend of mine came over to visit at my apartment when there was a knock at the door. It was this guy named Pat who I used to date, but broke up with him. He was persistent about getting back together. Anyway, we all sat around talking and watching TV when we looked over on the couch to see Pat sound asleep. My girlfriend asks if I have any nailpolish. Yep, you know where this is going. She did his nails, his toenails, his face and yes even his penis a little. He left later after laughing about his toes and nails but he didn’t realize his face or weeny yet. Later that night we get a call from Pat – frantic – wanting to know how could we and how do you get it off. My friend told him “how do you get if off? well that sounds like a personal problem . . . but get some nail polish remover at the store for your nails” and she hung up.