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- This topic has 53 replies, 20 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 12 months ago by
March 21, 2013 at 10:18 am #7031
MemberCan someone please explain to me why it takes months for an SA to make a formal disclosure. Daisy will have waited months for your formal disclosure and Trish you will be waiting months for yours. Does it take this long to prepare? If so is it because it can take that long to accurately collate all the activities or is it because the SA needs to be coached so that the delivery is honest but not traumatic to the partner.
March 21, 2013 at 10:36 am #82162teri
ParticipantIt’s to make the partner stay and further invest in the relationship and then feel so grateful that she is finally getting the disclosure and guilt her into staying longer because he never would have told her all that if she hadn’t led him to believe she was staying. Or something like that… 🙂
March 21, 2013 at 12:26 pm #82163joann
Participant😉 😉 😉
Right on Teri.
March 21, 2013 at 12:30 pm #82164daisy1962
MemberThat’s a good question Catherine. I’m re-reading Barbara Steffen’s book and she also mentions that it can take months to prepare for disclosure but I can’t find anything anywhere that fully explains the reasoning behind the timeline. But I will give you my thoughts on why.
On my H’s therapist’s web site there is something about being prepared to invest time in the process – that you are spending one hour a week with the therapist so you should consider how long at that pace it takes to put in a full work week at the “job” of fixing this mess. I’m not articulating this well (haven’t finished my morning coffee so not firing on all cylinders yet), but the point is, you can’t rush the process of fixing what took months or years to create. I gave my H and his CSAT my list of questions in late November and they didn’t really start working on the disclosure until January. My H told me a few weeks ago that his CSAT told him he does not do the formal disclosure unless he is sure the H is fully committed to recovery and staying in the marriage because the process is too traumatic to the partner to go through for nothing. So perhaps some of the time is spent with the CSAT assessing the H’s commitment to recovery? He also told him that after the disclosure, he needs to be prepared because the decision whether to stay in the marriage or not rests solely with me. That I could decide to walk away from the marriage and he has to accept that as a possible consequence of his behaviors.
On the other side of the coin, the time lag has given me time to heal myself. Patience has never been one of my strongest virtues, but I have to admit, I was not ready on any level to endure the disclosure even a couple of months ago. I really needed this time to prepare my mind and body for what is coming. For the first 3 or 4 months on this site, I don’t think I was really taking much in. I was too shell shocked. When I do things now, like re-reading Barbara Steffen’s book, I’m stunned at how little I absorbed when I read it the first time. I am stronger now, more mentally alert (after coffee), and have read enough from the other sisters that I am mentally prepared for what I might hear in the disclosure. After all these months of being separated from my H, I know that I can make it on my own if I choose that road.
March 21, 2013 at 12:33 pm #82165daisy1962
MemberI want to make it clear that the comment on my H’s CSAT’s web site about taking the time to fix the mess is directed specifically at the SA, NOT the partner! There is no blame/co-dep. nonsense from this guy.
March 21, 2013 at 2:26 pm #82166lisak
Participanti think teri’s answer is hilarious.
in my case DW was so full of shit for the first 6 months, he was entirely incapable of uttering a true statement.
so waiting meant he was only partly full of shit.
i believe that i got about 80% of the truth in his disclosure, which was 6 months after d day, and after a two week intensive. the truth in the sense that he listed what he did, not in the sense that he knew what it means…
if he would have disclosed right away, i believe i would have gotten 20% of the truth.
what do i think of waiting for this crap? i don’t know. it’s hard. but i’m glad i got the disclosure, it showed how very sick DW is, and allowed me to see that his compulsive behaviour had NOTHING to do with me, even though he, and the treatment centre, were trying to tell me it was related to the intimacy in the marriage.
these guys are so fucked up. it took me a year for it to finally sink in how messed up DW is…
i guess more important for me than the list of what he did, was the slow and careful observation of his actions and his words… and listening to my gut. but that took time too.
i think no matter what happens, leave, stay, disclose, polygraph, or not this shit is so huge that it takes a great deal of time to come to terms with this level of deception and selfishness…
March 21, 2013 at 3:05 pm #82167diane
Participant“time to prepare the disclosure”
I’m with those who believe it’s part of the manipulation of the partners, as well as something they say in order to avoid saying it takes them forever to get the SA to stop lying.It also allows the SA and the dumb ass CSAT to keep control of everything on their terms. No one asks how it affects the partners. No one asks what they need most. Okay I’m winding up here again, so I’m going to stop before I explode.
March 21, 2013 at 3:14 pm #82168anniem
MemberThe only reason I can think of for why it would take months is that the alternative is the drip by drip torture method, where you find out things over time, and each time it kills you a little bit more. God, there is something just so wrong with having to decide which method of emotional torture is better. These are our husbands/partners we’re talking about here. How did we get to this point, where the word disclosure is not about real estate anymore, but the ripping out of our hearts by the men we shared our lives with. xoxo
March 21, 2013 at 3:14 pm #82169meg
ParticipantIn my phone conference with Minwalla with H on the phone he asked me whether I had ever had a formal disclosure – I said “no” – H then proceeded to say yes we did when we had our first couple intensive. What I recall is the male therapist (it was with a couple male and female) asked him to use the word prostitute and admit that he had slept with male hookers and had lied to me and our family. That was it. When I first found out about what.bhe had been doing I confronted him about what I found out on my own – he is calling that disclosure. the best part of the phone consult was when Minwalla said “if there had been a disclosure then I think she (me) would know about it. All of the information I have he has managed to filter through to me in his own way – he doesn’t know that I hacked into his email at the first discovery so I know what he continued to lie about then. I will admit that over time he has admitted 90 percent of that but that was only the previous 12 months. I want to know the rest, which I know he was doing when we were dating so goes back 30 plus years. I don’t especially want the details but I want him to own the full extent of his betrayal and understand that I am not accepting him dribbling out info according to what he thinks is appropriate. min walls called him out on that on the phone , not in a confrontational but matter of fact way – that was a first – the disclosure for me at this point will support my decision to face the reality of what I need to do based on how much he continues to withhold even in an environment where he says he is ready to be honest. I think he thinks he is going with me to Minwalla so I can get help for my trauma so we can be Ok so that part will be an eye opener. I want Minwalla to ask us both the hard questions because I want him to truly hear my answers….Meg
March 21, 2013 at 3:29 pm #82170kmf
MemberI think the reason they give for waiting so long is that the SA needs to have that much therapy and sobriety to a) remember what he did and b) have any chance of telling the truth because all they do is lie. I don’t believe they don’t remember and I agree it is designed to keep the wife hanging around while she absorbs the new normal. I also believe there is little chance of getting to the truth in the beginning but if you can hold their feet to the fire (threaten to tell their job) you can usually get enough details to know you are with one sick MF. The rest of it…I don’t know. I know alot of details about sexual acts my husband engaged in and who he did it with. I don’t know very much at all about what his mind set was or any of the emotional stuff that would go with living the way he was living. In other words, I don’t know him. Karen xx
March 21, 2013 at 3:39 pm #82171lynng2
ParticipantThe reasoning behind the wait was not explained to me, ours happened farily quickly in comparison to many here, but I think his CSAT botched the whole thing terribly, anyway. There were two, the first rescheduled after it was apparent the SA was mocking the process. Three weeks later, at the second attempt my SA completely manipulated again, Then, when I wouldn’t “snap out of it” after the second attempt, the SA threw the book at me (his 140+ page “journal” that read like playboy forum or worse) so that’s how I learned a lot. I was blamed for that because I picked the CSAT from the insurance book and his behavior was my fault. I was still relatively new to this and couldnt believe my SA blamed those ridiculously painful experiences on me and the CSAT. Not all, but a lot of the rest of what I know came in dribbles and discoveries after that. SA withheld all the really ugly and relevant stuff in all three “disclosures”.
Later, the second psychiatrist he tried said it was supposed to be held longer to have a greater potential of the SA remembering and being truthful, and that ours was really a disaster. Yep, I told them that when I walked out on the second “disclosure” six months before that. The manipulation by SA was so obvious, and the CSAT was shaking his head like it was unbelievable, but not stopping him. Basically letting me suffer, so I left.
I do believe it has a lot to do with ensuring the partners are “ready” and that’s a load of bull. Whether it’s a discovery, or a carefully scripted disclosure, no woman is ever ready for this vile betrayal. The whole process is inhumane.
March 21, 2013 at 3:46 pm #82172meg
ParticipantI want to have that confirmed for ME once and for all so that I am not vulnerable ever again to the gifts and platitudes. Like Cat has said, sometimes there is honest grief and loss but you can’t believ any of it when so much is contaminated. This will be about reaffirming my trust in me not him.
March 21, 2013 at 3:59 pm #82173daisy1962
MemberDid any of you who have gone through disclosure get a chance to give your H a list of questions beforehand? Because that is what I did, as well as discussing the level of information that I want to hear (no penthouse forum details for me, thank you very much). I honestly don’t think that in my case the delay has anything to with manipulating me. The disclosure will either be in my therapist’s office or she will be with me at my H’s therapist’s office. I was told that I can stop the disclosure and take breaks whenever I need to. There will be a polygraph afterward if I choose and I will. At least PRE disclosure, we’ll see how I feel afterward, I feel that my needs are being considered and the process is being handled carefully to make it as easy on me as possible. I had the option of saying no to the whole idea but there was no question in my mind that I need to do this either way, staying in the marriage or leaving. I have to have some sense of what was happening in my life that I was unaware of. If it takes 8 months to craft this document so that it unambiguously reflects that all the fault lies with my H, then I’m okay with that.
March 21, 2013 at 4:36 pm #82174anniem
MemberDaisy, I did give him a list of questions via email. This was after several drip-by-drip disclosures. Never had a formal disclosure in his therapist’s office, because I didn’t like the sound of his CSAT in the first place. At first SA was angry when I asked the questions (called them my ‘fucking questions). Then he answered them, and wrote up a disclosure statement with his therapist. For me, the things that show up on a disclosure statement still don’t tell the whole story. I was tortured with wanting to know other stuff like what he and his Craigslist skank talked about, where they went out to eat..stupid details that thankfully I just don’t really care about anymore, but at the time made me crazy. The one thing I would suggest when you do the disclosure is that you plan to not go home together. That either he or you, whichever you personally prefer, stay at a hotel that night or a friend’s house or wherever you’d feel most comfortable. You sound very grounded and sensible. Far more so than I was, when it came to this blithering disclosure stuff. Big hugs. xoxo
March 21, 2013 at 4:49 pm #82175lynng2
ParticipantI did have a list of questions, had the sisters help me with it. Had the CSAT go over it with both of us, and then gave SA two weeks to ‘prepare; with them. So, I guess the CSAT did try to honor them, and tried to address them at the first disclosure. BUT… he was unsuccessful, my SA had created another “format” that he thought addressed things more “succinctly” in the first disclosure. It was a table, half a page, with columns for his whores and rows for the dates he contacted them (gag) and the blocks contained his “reasons” for contacting them. Things like “update on labor dispute”, “sharing updates about his daughter’s wedding”, and other absurd statements. The CSAT got a little snide at that and said, “What, your whore friend is a wedding caterer on the side?” I asked to stop after the first four lines and told the CSAT I would not sit through that. My SA was just doing a switch to control the situation and keep things he wanted silent. The CSAT said he could uphold that opinion from his experience with my SA. He asked my SA if he could agree to that, and the response was “maybe”. I left that instant.
So they rescheduled and gave him another try three weeks later. That’s when he pulled out the 140+ page document that was his OTHER way to avoid answering the questions. Take 10-15 minutes per question and spend it making me so uncomfortable I would leave. I did after 20 mins. The CSAT suggested another attempt and I said “I won’t be treated like this ever again. No.”
From the other thread about Minwalla, he could probably handle that a lot better. BUT… seeing the level of complete self interest my SA had in deliberately smearing my nose in the 140+ pages of whore dribble so I would be so disgusted I would back off, I don’t care. Any man with that level of hatred for me, who could use whores like that, for whatever freaking FOO and childhood abuse reasons he may have, is dangerous for me and my children to live with. Especially now that I learned, months after disclosure, the level of sadism he found necessary to meet his “needs”. I don’t want to know any more, and I don’t want to stick around for the demolition/rebuild process.
I have known him a little over 3 years, 16 months of it post discovery. I’m not spending the rest of my life helping to clean up the mess he created in the 51 years prior to meeting me, and knowingly led me into like a lamb to slaughter. That’s his job.
March 21, 2013 at 5:11 pm #82176march
ParticipantTrue that.
March 21, 2013 at 5:39 pm #82177desiree-larson
MemberHave read some of the first posts here. This is all godawful. Now, let’s compare the COSA approach of our “knowing, enabling and denial” compared to the reality of this thread. I feel nauseous.
And, compare all this with the reality that our children were mes lead as well. Did they have a role in enabling SA to have a double life? Do they need to go to COSA for tots and teens? Where are the rationale thinkers?
My 3 adults sons were so misled over a 20 years period that they are shock, stunned and I believed traumatized just like Minwalla suggested during Trish’s time with him.
Nightmare material.
March 21, 2013 at 5:41 pm #82178diane
ParticipantI also think it serves the CSAT. It allows them to pursue their codependent relationship with the treatment model and the SA. Their sense of “helping” the SA tell the truth over a period a time also diminishes the impact of the truth. THEY don’t have to deal with it all at once, and conclude correctly, as Karen says, this is one sick MF. They can stretch out the gradual revealing of truth and collect money all the way along. They can coach the SA in using diminishing language, and maintain control of both the partners and the SA on their terms.
God I hate these fuckers.March 21, 2013 at 6:36 pm #82179daisy1962
MemberLynn, I’m so sorry. The wedding caterer line was pretty funny though. What a piece of work he is. Sheesh…I am left speechless.
Annie, your “fucking questions” – was he too dim to see the irony there? Probably so. Unfortunately, I already know too much about those little details you wanted to know once upon a time. I read an email that he wrote to his first “girlfriend” (and saved to his flash drive for posterity) which waxed poetic about how they met, all the good times they had laughing and talking together, how pretty she was, the cute little tank tops she sleeps in, how much fun they had together, etc. I also found the pictures they took of themselves all snuggled up on a loveseat in her apartment, on vacation together, her in a bubble bath, her on a bed wearing the lingerie he bought her, etc. So basically I know FAR more than I need to and even though he burned the pictures right in front of me, I can still see those images.
And don’t worry dear Auntie Annie, we are separated so we definitely won’t be going home together after the disclosure. The only question in my mind is whether I should be going home afterwards, since my son still lives with me. He might be traumatized seeing me come home in tears, all covered with snot. Not a good way to see your Mom. 🙁
March 21, 2013 at 7:29 pm #82180anniem
MemberOh Daisy.. I don’t even know what to say about those pictures. When was it that you saw them? God..it makes my heart hurt. I am so so sorry. xoxo
March 21, 2013 at 7:38 pm #82181daisy1962
MemberThank you Annie, mine too. 🙁 I saw the pictures back in 2008 when I discovered that he was having an affair. Back then, I thought that was all it was. Just one lousy affair that I, of course, believed was all my fault for my many failings as a wife. He had initially told me that he just met her for dinner when he was out of town, that they were friends, not lovers. Then I found the pictures. That was not a good day. I didn’t find the letter he wrote her until just before the most recent dday last August. The letter was worse in many ways because it was clear that it was an emotional affair, not just a physical one. There was also a whole long fantasy he wrote out about what they would do when they were together again. I couldn’t make it through that part at all.
March 21, 2013 at 8:04 pm #82182anniem
MemberGod, Daisy.. Are you sure you even want to bother with the disclosure at this point?
March 21, 2013 at 8:12 pm #82183allcat62
MemberIn the context of Daisy’s relationship with he husband it makes perfect sense. The time out from each other will help Daisy heal/prepare to some degree and get things in place should she decide to divorce. I think her counsellor is very sensitive to her trauma.
In other examples it almost sounds almost experimental as if they are setting the SA up to ascertain if he can be honest given the opportunity of a ‘safe environment’. Typically, when it is confirmed the SA is a liar and will continue to lie the partners suffers further trauma.
I have never had a formal disclosure. I think it is interesting that my husbands counsellor has never suggested it. We are meeting next week for joint counselling so I will ask her about this.
Daisy I agree that if the full disclosure was close to discovery it would be very damaging to the partner. Time certainly would help you prepare for it and it is true in that time you ca see if your husband is remorseful and prepared to do the work before deciding if it is really worthwhile hearing details. If there is one thing I am grateful for it is that I did not hear the extent of what my husband had done at the time I learnt about his affair or whatever it was. I honestly think I might have put myself to sleep.
Daisy I’m so sorry you saw what you did. That must have been truly awful to see that. Tank top, bubble bath, love seat? I think I’m going to vomit. And look at what your husband at at home. What a fool. Honestly where are there brains when they are misbehaving? It baffles me.
If you don’t mind me asking Daisy what is the nature of your questions. Is it about extent, length of time behaviour has gone on or about the degree of emotional involvement?March 21, 2013 at 8:13 pm #82184daisy1962
MemberI must be a masochist, but yes, I do. When I come here whining and crying about how horrible it was, you can all feel free to tell me “We told you so.” 🙂
March 21, 2013 at 9:10 pm #82185liza
ParticipantNah, Daisy, that’s not how we roll.
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