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    I have been waiting and waiting for my husband to confess or disclose. He keeps putting it off. What is the best way to have disclosure? Do they have it in writing? Are counselors there? I gave my husband a deadline to disclose which was by yesterday. He didn’t. Should I serve him papers ( which my attorney has had held for me for the last 3 months) or wait and try to get disclosure this Friday with our marriage counselor?


    Different people do this different ways. My h’s first “disclosure” was just with me alone, and it was not complete. He left out the most egregious behaviors. The second disclosure was just with me also, but this time under the threat of polygraph. I found out more. he will be getting a polygraph next month and I keep reminding him that he should review what he’s told me to be sure it includes everything, because everything is coming out one way or the other. Some people here have had counselors present for their own support. That your h is not forthcoming with his confession or disclosure is not a good sign, in my opinion, but standard operating procedures for these guys. My h put both of his disclosures in writing and I copied them for my records. He read them out loud to me, and at first left some things out in his oral recitation. Then I asked to see the list and asked about the things he left out. Then I copied them, and good thing I did, according to the lawyer I saw today.


    Robin is anything you learn going to make or break your decision to leave? Has he been unfaithful?




    D-Day disclosure was half-assed.

    A few days after D-Day last year my husband went to residential treatment at Keystone. We did disclosure with the family therapist. It was intense, long, and the most painful but needed experience.

    Then I went back home while he was still in residential treatment and looked at the hundreds of the grossest pictures of people (many I knew) instead of erasing them like the therapist recommended during disclosure. Those pictures are forever burned in my mind. They were all people he told me about during disclosure but I had to ensure that I would never forget what he did.

    My husband at residential treatment was 100% committed to changing himself and wanted to do a full disclosure. I think I got very close to 100% – based on all my months of investigations…


    Robin light my disclosure was last week. I had dribbles before that I already knew most things and it was bad. Years of seeing prostitutes and fetish for older women. I always felt that I knew enough but over time and after reading Milton Magness book I decided I wanted a full and formal disclosure. This was for my benefit mostly but i also felt that if my husband was really going to get better he had to fess up. It was hard to hear and one particular event was very devastating for me. My husband prepared in 3 weeks. I put the timeframe on it. There was no way I was going to wait months to hear it after I decided it was something I needed. The disclosure was done in the rooms of our joint therapist. He is wonderful. I asked him to keep the disclosure documents. I am 4 years on from the first d day and as I already knew there was lots if sex involved I didn’t feel I needed the support of anyone else. If this is new for you or you feel you will learn a lot from the disclosure it might be best to take a therapist or friend in with you.
    Yesterday I sent an email to our therapist apologising for the 400,000 expletives I used during the 2 hour session.


    I responded on your other thread. Can you combine the two?


    Thanks Trish. I need Joann to help me with either deleting or combining threads. This was my first post -I didn’t think the other one showed up.
    Thank you everyone for you help. It is so hard to be the one to start the divorce. My husband NOW waits on me hand & foot – (hard to leave that- I kind of like the pampering!). But when it comes down to it – no matter how many kind things he does it will not change things. He has murdered our marriage. Still hard because We’ve been married 28 years and I still care for him.


    I’m so sorry, Robin, for what you are going through.


    Robin, I can hear the resolute grief in your descriptions. I’m so sorry. About the disclosure, I think its really dreadful for the SA to have control of this event. Mine never told me everything, and I didn’t want to know everything. I knew enough. But if you know marriage is over, think about the purpose of the disclosure now. Is it about a better settlement? Curiosity? Do you know why your want this?

    And I just want to say that Jomard should win a prize for the first use of the word “egregious” on SOS. It’s like getting lexically bumped up from coach. And your posts are always interesting, vexing, thoughtful, provoking, etc. I sense you are going to be an excellent influence on me. Thank you!


    I am sorry, Robin. 28 years is a long time. Do you have children?


    Hey Diane, there’s still a kid inside me, so I love prizes. 🙂

    And by the way, I bought your ebook on spirituality and really loving reading it. Thank you for writing it.


    Egregious….fantastic word. I will use that in my therapy session this afternoon. I don’t even care if I use it out of context!


    Egregious is what Dr. Minwalla calls what our sah’s have done to us. He uses that word a lot. It is a great adjective for what has been perpetrated against us.


    There is a process if he is seeing a therapist/CSAT. You should have your therapist there to support you. Mine rubbed my back while I threw up in the bathroom. I could not have gotten though it without her. My h used the disclosure form that Dr. Minwalla uses. His therapist has been working with Minwalla ever since my h went out to CA. It is horrible or at least mine was but I think it is better to do it in a controlled environment rather then at home with no therapists to guide the process. You should also make him take a polygraph following the disclosure so that you know that you finally have the truth.


    I’m sorry for sounding stupid but is disclosure an actual part of the 12 step? My SAH has disclosed quite a bit over the past 5 months ( it’s dribbled out with threats of me going bobbit on him and the fact that he can’t out argue me). I’m sure there is more considering we’ve been married 29 years as of August 17th and he has cheated the entire time. We have been in therapy together for the past 3 months until he admitted to more and the diagnose of SA was given. That’s when the therapist decided to find him a new therapist and keep me. He starts with the new therapist this week and will dig into SA therapy. Is disclosure something formal ?



    i just scanned this, but it seems like a decent explanation…



    I spent three hours yesterday with my former therapist trying to plan out our support group. We got heavily into the disclosure event and she really asked some helpful questions. As a trauma specialist who also spend many years working with sex offenders, she believes disclosure events should not necessarily require the presence of the traumatized women. For true narcs, it becomes a secret party event celebrating a climax event for humiliating and beating up the woman. Some SA should NOT have an audience that includes people not professionally connected. The control should never be given to anyone but the woman, or those representing her.
    This is exactly how I have felt all along. I find the models of disclosure we’ve discussed on site are abusive, inappropriate, and damaging. IMO.


    diane, i would be very interested to hear what some alternatives might be. disclosure was helpful to me. maybe because it was moderated by a really good CSAT, one who has always stood up for partners. someone i trust. (BTW, she isn’t an SA)

    DW admitted to things he never would have without the formal process (he’s big on authority). and those things helped me see who he is with clarity.,. gave me courage… and ultimately led me to divorce…


    Diane I guess mine was different to most because I knew a lot anyway. The worst of the disclosure process to me is the length of time some men are given to prepare. I’m an impatient person anyway but if someone told me I would have to wit months for a disclosure I would go mental. I didn’t want an event by event detail. I did however want to know when the behaviour started, places he went, money spent and how he accessed it and explanations for things that concerned me. Nights he got home late etc, I also wanted to know who knew of his behaviour and if he was with others on any occasion.
    He gave me further ( devastating) details of a relationship he had with a filthy whore.
    If I had not known already that there was no skin on skin stuff the process would have been more devastating to me. That said I am less frightened about the truth than I am not knowing it.
    I always felt I had control. Some models do not allow for the partner to step in and say something. I was trying to work on that and I listened for the most part but I couldn’t help but let fly at the new and horrible piece of information. The therapist did not try to stop me either. I’m guessing he probably knew there was no stopping me anyway.
    I hate it that men are permitted not to answer any questions due to a promised disclosure which could be months away. This is partner abuse.


    I agree with many of your reflections on the disclosure process, Catherine. I believe that we give these men power by allowing them all that time. What’s the point? Just keeps them running the show. I think the idea that we don’t have to be there at all is an interesting one. Then, we can be told or listen to a recording in a safer setting that is prepared for caring for us. We can stop it when we’ve heard enough.
    And If we intend to remain in the relationship we listen to all of it. But we can stop it and start it as we want. I really can’t stand the audience featuring the woman. I believe the SA gets off on that.


    Never had a formal disclosure but increasingly feel this is something that should be done in a court of law under oath.

    FFS should be punishable by immediate financial recompense and judge awarding custody of children to the mother with limited, supervised no overnight visitation and the option for all property to be immediately transferred to the wife as it will no longer be required as they will be leaving immediately for the SA island for ever.


    Diane every day I think about the work that needs to be done for the partners of SA’s particularly in Australia where resources are so poor. I know that our co-therapist is attending some sort of conference soon. I’m not sure if it is all about SA as I only found out through my friend Margaret who I connected with through SOS. I emailed the therapist and said I wanted the opportunity to speak at a conference about partner trauma, treating partners etc. I have a background in education so have no trouble with public speaking. Disclosure procedures will be one of my topics! I feel so strong now. I hope he will take up my offer and organise it.


    I have totally missed a Margaret from Australia here. Is she still a member? What’s your co-therapist like? Does your husband still see the other therapist? I hope you will be able to speak too, Catherine.


    Margaret was only a member for a short period but I connected with her in that time. We have met up 3 times. The joint therapist is Brett McCann. Margaret and her husband see him and I like him a lot. My husband still sees Heidi and I have been seeing someone as well though I’m not sure how helpful she is. Omar said we both need a therapist as does the couple ship. I’m doing as I’m told!

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