Home discussions Sex Addiction Disclosure – how does this happen?

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    Daisy he must have looked like some catch getting around in your van.


    Daisy, I’m glad that you liked your doctor and have a little something to help you through.

    I think whenever they violate a different boundary, it adds a new dimension to the pain. So screwing someone at work feels different than screwing a neighbor or a family member because there is a different boundary violation in addition to “just” the cheating. And I think the more personal the boundary, the more it hurts? So, if they talk intimately with the whore like they do with you, or if they go see the whore while you are in the hospital having a baby- those things are personal and supposedly something special between the two of you and they have violated it, so it is especially painful?

    Does that make sense?


    That does make sense. My husband told his whore that I once threw a saucepan at him. It wasn’t a saucepan it was a big electric frypan thrown from great height as he was cleaning the pool. Mind you it was about 25 years ago. He had to go back that far to find fault with me. It’s a bit like Teri’s assault on the lamp.
    Anyway, I hated that he shared one of our stories with her.


    I hate it that you missed.


    That was awesome.




    Daisy – OSU tickets? Are you in Oregon, too? And if so, I would love the name of your new family doctor! I don’t have a doc right now but took the sisters’ advice here today and made an appointment with a new person. I definitely need some Xanax. But if you know a good person here..?!


    Sorry Anony, I meant Ohio State. I would so give you a name if I were in Oregon! It took me a decade or more to get a new doctor and ask for that prescription. Thank God you’re not making that mistake! I didn’t have a recommendation or anything in picking my new doc, I looked for a female who took my insurance and was close to my house. It worked out fine. She was very sympathetic. I’m glad you made your appointment too and didn’t wait as long as I did.

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