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    It is rotten that they still don’t understand the toll this takes on the women partners, and how much is at stake in these events for us.
    Personally I just hate the whole thing. I hate that its another way we get jerked around. My whole decision to divorce happened because of being jerked around about the disclosure. IMO, its just another opportunity for abuse and rarely is it more than that. It’s like we can’t even have an “arranged” traumatizing experience after which we can just start to fully grasp the hideous details of our betrayal. No, that would be too much to ask. I just hate that he and the dumb therapist get to screw with you a little longer.

    Trish, I invite you to look at your reasons for doing this, and if you still believe it’s in your best interests. If it is, then please know I’m underneath you 100%. If not, well that’s another thread, isn’t it?

    Okay that was a bit of a rant. I’m just so done with this shit, this stupid disclosure process that treats us like we are going to get a blood test for anemia and really don’t have anything else going on at all.

    I’m sorry about your dying patients, too. I understand that. It’s just really hard. They are so lucky to have you.

    Sending some strength for whatever comes next.


    Well FFS, if that isn’t just the fuck up of the week….

    I am so sorry and I hate your H too. I will stop hating him when you ask me to.

    Disclosure without the poly is worthless unless you are sure you know enough.

    Maybe cancel the whole thing and wait for the poly. Go to the beach twice 🙂

    I am truly sorry Trish.


    I never had a formal disclosure. I know enough. I just feel so awful for a wife sitting in a room full of therapists and listening to her H catalogue his sexual sins. I cannot imagine the stress that would cause.

    It’s not normal. In no way is that normal. It’s just not.

    I mean NO offense to sisters that need/want a disclosure. I just was lucky enough to find out all the shit myself ( sarcasm).


    Bev, me too. “So lucky.”
    And then when I thought I had it all, I heard even more.


    I never heard of a voice stress test. I wouldn’t need one really. My ears are really sensitive and pick up on the subtle stuff. I can always tell when someone’s sh*tting me whether it’s on the phone or in person. The voice gets higher in pitch, tighter sounding, kind of strained and over descriptive in the details like they are trying to convince you and themselves really.


    Sending you prayers of strength and wisdom as you maneuver through this next maze of disclosure. I hope it’s not as bad as it seems, what he’s done I mean.

    Huge hugs to you….


    I completely respect the need to have a disclosure and polygraph. I just don’t understand men’s willingness to do it. It inflicts so much pain on their wife. Do they get off on hurting someone who has loved them?

    I may intellectually want to know everything, but what I learned on my own was hard enough. I cannot imagine taking on more. And all I knew about was porn.

    Trish, go to the beach. For you. Look at this as a blessing. Maybe the polygraph would have destroyed any good you might experience in your little beach cottage.

    Their darkness and shit is theirs. Bathe yourself in the light of the sun dancing off the waves. Soothe your spirit by listening to the clear rhythm of the wave rolling onto the beach. Be free of his SA garbage.


    What Bev said. This just isn’t normal what we go through, with the supposed loves of our lives giving us electric shocks. Trish, I hope you can enjoy your beach getaway in any case. Sunny’s description makes me want to stow away in your bike basket and breathe in that sea air. Don’t let this schedule change get to you. It’s not worth it. He’s not worth it. Big hugs. xoxo


    Oh Boy Trish, I don’t know what you should do about the beach but I know what I would do about the disclosure. I would say No poly,no disclosure. I wouldn’t trust a scenario where he has the poly a week later…I would be too afraid it would aid him in lying to me. I KNOW you are dying to get the truth, Trish, but I wouldn’t do a single thing on their terms. Their terms gets you screwed over. Make them reschedule BOTH events, together, as is the usual procedure. I can only imagine how upset and frustrated you must feel. You have come this far Trish. Don’t cave now. This is the part that HAS to be correct because this is the part you base a HUGE decision on.

    I’m frustrated for you, Hugs, karen


    Yeah, I’ve got to agree… Time to do things on YOUR terms, Trish. Go to the beach this week and then go again after the disclosure/poly. And keep that Wilmington real estate agent’s phone number handy, just in case you need to implement Plan B. 😎


    i agree too, on YOUR terms, trish. i’m sorry. i hate him too.


    Okay, I was still thinking about this when I went to bed last night. And I ended up where Karen is. What about just saying no to the whole damn thing until they get their shit in order. I’m concerned about the staggered event, as well, and it seems that these people still don’t get the traumatizing dimension for you. Is it possible for you to say “no” and insist that it unfold as you originally planned? As Karen said, “don’t cave now”.


    For your sake Trish I agree too otherwise it’s just another twisted manipulation and we don’t tolerate that anymore. I think it should be done by YOUR terms. You’re the injured spouse, not him, IMO. Whatever you decide I support you Trish: )


    Trish, I was going to recommend you contact a polygrapher yourself, and schedule them afterward. The one who did ours works all across NC. I tried to find his name, but I’ve deleted a lot about that, it was a really miserable experience.

    My intuition say this was not an accident, and it feels like a really, really big deal that he let this break down like this. Anyone who understood your side of waiting and planning for this disclosure would kill themselves to make it as minimally painful as possible. Not screw up like this, for heaven’s sake. I can’t believe he didn’t lock it down until now. Something says that was not an accident. Especially since he didn’t pass the first. All CSATs that schedule these should have a number of polygraphers you could contact.

    I am sorry, so sorry for what this does, I want to put him through a shredder for doing this to you. It is the epitomy of heartlessness and selfishness.

    You take your beach time anyway, please. Either way.

    If you can schedule a polygrapher afterward, which I would try, and then they cancel on some other “technicality” I would walk and not look back, ever.


    Damn straight, Trish. Do what you need for you.

    I totally support a spouse’s right to the truth. Not sure the way disclosure is done is the best way for that, though. I don’t even trust them to tell the truth, even with a poly. I think the whole thing is more set up like it’s supposed to be therapeutic for them. I mean, they get a whole year-ish to carefully prepare a statement that they get to read to you while you wait on pins and needles for a year-ish to have it all dumped in your lap?

    I think for me, whatever details I got (which I got the Bev way) helped me deal with the past- figure out how to put it all together so that I had a story, I knew who I was. As far as the future, I knew he was a deviant and a liar and couldn’t be trusted. That was all I needed to know.

    This jerking you around has got me ticked, Trish. I just can’t believe the insensitivity.


    The dictionary defines the word TERM:

    1. A limited period of time. (i.e. one year spent in the seventh circle of hell.)

    2. A period of time that is assigned to a person to serve. (Again, one l-o-n-g fucking year spent waiting while one’s SAH works on his sexual PowerPoint presentation aka “Discovery”.)

    3. A point in time at which something ends. Termination. (Ummm, one fucking year wasn’t quite long enough? Bastards.)

    4. A deadline, as for making a payment. (OR TAKING A FUCKING POLYGRAPH.)

    5. A fixed period of time. (Fucktards – ONE YEAR, 12 months? They’ve got these things called calenders nowadays.)

    6. One of the elements of a proposed or concluded agreement; a condition. Often used in the plural: the terms of a divorce settlement. (Something your SAH might actually take seriously, Trish. 🙁 )


    Update **** Polygrapher has been found that can do it Friday evening about 7pm. Disclosure will still happen at 1pm. Also, I got a call from Danielle at Minwalla’s and he wants to speak with me so he is calling at 10am tomorrow. I feel like I have been traumatized yet again when I am feeling so vulnerable about the disclosure. It was the Dr. that dropped the ball with getting the Polygrapher scheduled. I am very glad he made it right today. I will see Dr. Amos at group today and I will let him know how much he upset me yesterday. So…it is tomorrow and then I run away. Thank you all for your ongoing support. It means the world to me.


    Thank you for updating that, I’m glad it’s going to be completed tomorrow, and glad you can talk to Minwalla too


    Good for you, Trish.
    Sometimes I write things down that are important to say so that I don’t forget in the moment (PTSD) or get intimidated or squashed down. You can then explain you are reading from a prepared text because you are still dealing with the effects of the botch up.
    Glad to hear Dr. M. will also be on deck in the morning.
    Okay sister. All systems go.


    Yeah Trish!!! This now will be done right, thank goodness.


    Hope he’s a good polygrapher.

    Good luck, Trish. We will all be thinking about you.


    I am so glad Doc M will be calling.

    Take the power of the sisters with you Trish. We love you and support you no matter what happens.


    Trish, I hope that the answers you receive will give you what you need. I’m glad that you have a place to go afterward to recover and heal. I will be thinking of you and saying a prayer.


    I am lighting a candle for you Trish (not the religious kind), the ‘there’s something at the end of the tunnel’ kind – drive carefully xoxo


    I declare it a red panty day tomorrow for Trish!

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